Sunday, April 24, 2011

Resurrection! (Day 40)!

The LONG weekend is finally over... wife had to wake up early both on saturday and sunday in order to prepare for the easter concent service at hollywood bowl. I've also been sweating with some manual labor work over the weekend...

Just glad to be able to resume to our regular sleeping schedule.

Jesus, it seems too good to be true, but it is true. Death could not hold you. You are resurrected and are alive! You have also regenerated my life! I have encountered you Lord in a new and fresh way and your resurrected life lives in me. You have blessed me and strengthened me. Lord, I worship you! You are amazing. As I venture on from here I want to follow your leading. I am your servant. Use me as a conduit of your love and grace so that others might know you in the way I have come to know you. Glorify yourself in and through me I pray. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Regenerate (day 39)

Today is supposedly the day between Christ's death and his resurrection. Of course back then, disciples didn't know about the resurrection so naturally after Jesus' death, they lost hope. But thankfully today, we know about the power of resurrection. That is why we have hope... and able to be at peace even when faced with various unpleasant things of today... Anyway, thanks God for the peace and comfort God has given me. God has also blessed me too! Today I actually did some manual labor with couple of amigos mom hired from home depot. I actually did my math wrong and ended up paying them double the wages. No wonder they seemed so happy to receive their wages! ;) Oh well, hopefully my money can also bless them a bit too during this eastern weekend. I think they're probably Christians too, but I can't really communicate with them too well because of their poor english...

Lord Jesus, you are the author of peace. You have made my life complete and I find myself fully content in you. Thank you for all you've done for me. I wait with anticipation to celebrate your resurrection tomorrow. In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 131)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Regenerate! (Day 38)

Was thinking of a song from the korean soap opera 'secret garden' in my head... and with the subtitle, knowing what the song is about... it almost felt like as if it's Jesus singing this to people of the world.

Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

But unfortunately a lot of folks don't really open their doors... even if Jesus allowed himself to be crucified for them... some people just refuse to respond no matter what God does. Or they just cannot see or hear the spiritual God I guess. Anyway, don't know who wrote the song, but I really believe it's perhaps inspired by Jesus himself... ;)

So I felt moved to respond to Jesus today by rewriting the lyrics a bit. This song really sound kinda like a worship song too... Here it is Jesus!
The lyrics I wrote go with this version of the song:

Here I am, O God, here I am
Here I am, Jesus, I am here
to sing to you with praise.

Here I am, my Lord, here I am
Here I am, Jesus, I have come
to worship you with praise.

Though I’m guilty and in shame,
you still love me as I am.
You have for-Given all my sins and set me free
I will sing to you with praise, here I am!

Here I am, Father, here I am
Here I am, Jesus, I have come
to worship you with praise.

I have come to do your will
Take my cross and follow you
You have put Your word in my heart and now I see

What you’ve done for us... who else can be like you?

I have come to do your will
Take my cross and follow you
You have put your word in my heart and now I see
I will sing to you with praise, here I am!

I will love you to the end, here I am!


Yes Lord, hope you like the lyrics I wrote? How good it is to stand at the cross and remember all that you have done for me. You paid the price for all my shame and guilt and it cost you your life. I didn’t deserve for you to do this for me. But you willingly gave yourself because you loved me. And by your grace I have been saved. I reaffirm my commitment to you. I am your servant. You are my Love/Lord! In Christ's name I pray. Amen.

(Psalm 40,130; Heb 10:7~9; Rev 3:20, 172.0 lbs, $4.399)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Regenerate (day 37)

Yes, perspective is indeed an interesting thing. What we see from the ground does look different than from the airplane. Quite often we simply cannot see what God sees.

When disciples see the storm coming while on their boat trip, they got really scared, but Jesus was sleeping.

When Christ was about to be judged for all humanity... about to be crucified on the cross, Jesus was really scared, but at that time, disciples were sound asleep. Couldn't watch and pray with Jesus...

Why can't our lousy flesh truly see what our Lord sees and truly carry out God's will...?

Last nite I was feeling sick, but today I'm feeling a lot better. Even in a healthy state, my sinful nature is probably still preventing me from seeing what's really important in life.

Lord, help me to keep the big picture in mind as I make my way on this journey. I don’t want to get distracted by what appears to be the prosperity of the wicked. Today, I recognize two truths. First, the only sure way is your way. Second, when I live my life for you it is not lived in vain. So I will not grow weary in doing good. I will press on! Also, please be with us while we're studying your Word tonite with my parents. Help my parents to be able to see who you really are. In Christ's name. Amen!

(Psalm 73, 171.8 lbs, $4.379)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Regenerate! (Day 36)

Today the Regenerate manual warned us about fatigue... ha... it turned out I really had to wake up early for work and ended up really 'fatigued'! I even ended up with some headaches later on in the evening... and I felt like throwing up again!

We actually had some unexpected guests in the evening, Dorcas, Kitty and Jay, just catching up on old times... Anyway, it would've been bad to throw up in front of them, so what can I do? Just PRAY! So I didn't throw up! Whew! ;)

Father, you are the good shepherd. You are the one who provides for my needs and in your compassion you bring me rest. It is so encouraging to know that your goodness and unfailing love pursue me. I can’t get away from them! Thank you for refreshing me today. In Christ's name.

(Psalm 23, 172.0lbs, $4.379)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Regenerate! (Day 35)

Perhaps I put too much soy sauce in sukiyaki, after eating it last night, I think I'm now bloated... or perhaps I'm just getting fat! ;)

Anyway, one good thing at least, I think I've figured out how to solve my problem at work. Thank God! I guess He does hear my prayers! :)

Besides work, we've been watching quite a bit of soap operas lately. The Taiwanese show called 'the fierce wife' was interesting for a while. I suppose it teaches wives not to 'worship' husbands as God and completely forget about living for themselves and enriching themselves too. Who wants the worship of a boring wife? Hmm... I wonder if God finds boring people's worships pleasant? Probably not either..., hence Jesus said he'll spit out lukewarm people... Anyway, the ending of the show was really disappointing. If it's going to be opened ended, it really should've been MORE opened ended. Otherwise, it should've been more clear with it's ending. We were also watching another Korean drama called the 'secret garden'. That one was more interesting to watch I thought. But the ending was kinda stupid. It would've been much better love story without that stupid ending. Anyway, I guess nothing beats the love story in the gospel... you also have this character who's willing to lay down his life to save somebody he loves... and its ending isn't stupid nor does it disappoint! Leave it to God to write a beautiful and hopeful love story! :)

Lord, you are such an amazing God. You are so good to me. I choose to put my trust in you for you are faithful and will accomplish all you have promised. By faith I receive your blessings today and expect more tomorrow! But blessings or no blessings, I wish that we can just stay close to one another no matter what! In Jesus' name. Amen.

(Psalm 20, 172.8 lbs, $4.379)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Regenerate! (Day 34)

Probably ate too much over the weekend. Gained back the weight that I lost doing all the house work! ;)

Anyway, today is about often times we're stuck in the wilderness somewhere. Well, I'm kinda stuck with a problem at work and still haven't been able to solve it. Kinda lost in this 'spiritual' wilderness in that sense I guess. I hope God will lead a way and help me out soon!!! But in the mean time, hopefully I can take the opportunity to learn something new while trying to figure out my problem...

Of course while in wilderness, we also need to be careful about wild beasts! Yes, this morning on my way to work, I nearly got caught by a wild beast(police), but luckily(thru God's grace), there was another guy behind me so the police stopped that person instead! Anyway, I guess, I shouldn't just rely on luck or waste God's grace on stupid things like that too often. Better just try to drive more carefully and 'legally'!

Lord, I can hear the wild things which stalk me in the wilderness of life but I am not afraid for you are with me. I know you have sent your angels to protect me. I know that you have given me the victory. So I choose to praise you in the midst of the wilderness. I choose to be faithful and to walk on the righteous path regardless of my circumstance. If I do go slightly off the path, please help me get back on my nudging me back on or something. Either that or please empower me to be able to overcome the weakness of my flesh. Strengthen me with your Spirit! In Christ's name. Amen!

(Psalm 91, 171.0 lbs, $4.379)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Regenerate (Day 33)

This weekend had been a very homely weekend. I finally finished the bathroom vent, that's one thing off the to do list for fixing up the house! ;) We also got a new electric mower so we won't have to transport the gas mower from my house to parent's house all the time. The electric mower worked pretty well, but hopefully it'll be as durable as the Honda gas mower... we'll see.

Wife had also spend most of the weekend gardening... or farming! Really looking forward to be able to eat food that's growing by ourselves! But of course we're only planting and watering them... it is God who makes them actually grow... Pastor Jim also talked about sowing seeds in good soil in his sermon. Now it sounds like some thing we can relate more because we think our yard has pretty poor soil! ;)

Father, I am excited to go to your house to worship you today! I prepare my heart to proclaim your rulership in my life. My desire is to honor and glorify you. Build up my faith today and use me to build up the faith of others. Strengthen me today for the journey which lies before me. Plant your Word into our hearts and help us grow and be more fruitful with our lives so that we may be able to bless others more..., in Christ's name. Amen

(Psalm 122, 169.0lbs,$4.379)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Regenerate (Day 32)

Tonite I got to meet a bunch of old brothers and sisters who brought me to the Lord. It's aunt Josephine's grand-daughter's "full month" banquet. Thank God for the opportunity to see some of them who I really haven't seen for a while. It was really nice to have such a reunion to be able to see them again. Although some of them I haven't even talked to much... But anyway... ;)

Father you have rewritten my life and I am so very grateful for the brothers and sisters you've placed in my life! When I look back over my journey I am amazed at what you have brought me through. Your transforming power has done such a work that sometimes I don’t recognize myself. You have made me strong and given me confidence. And as if that wasn’t enough, you are still at work in my life taking me to new places. May you continue to be with us, to guide us, to guard us and to bless us regardless of where we all are.All praise to Christ's name. Amen

(Psalm 18, 169.8 lbs, $4.379)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Regenerate (Day 31)

In the darkest hours, when I'm really scared, I wonder if I'd act like Peter before Christ's crucifixion or after? Don't really know for sure... I could brag like Peter did, claiming that I'd never..., but in reality did!

Anyway, will worry about that when the time comes, in the mean time, may God protect me from such a fall when that dark hour hits.

Lord, may the night be no longer a time of fear, but rather a time to meditate upon you. You have dispelled my anxieties. I will be at peace. Thank you for your presence which sustains me. In Christ's name. Amen.
(Psalm 119:54-64, 171.0 lbs, $4.379)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Regenerate! (Day 30)

The engineering work that we do is really kinda stupid and meaningless in my humble opinion, but it does pay the bill. So might as well continue to do it to hopefully bring glory to God? It is suppose to be a defensive weapon so hopefully it'll actually be able to save some lives...

Today actually had been a busy day at work. Ran into some weird issue yesterday so this morning I woke up early to work on it..., and thank God we had it resolved and was actually able to spend some time to prepare for bible study with mom and dad..., but unfortunately on my way home... I learned that they had to cancel the bible study... sigh... haven't had bible study for a while... hope we can at least do one while little uncle is around. Hope to be able to at least get a little bit of the Word into him too...

Anyway, compared to people suffering in Japan or other disaster or war zones, my busy day is probably pretty easy.

Lord, how reassuring to know that you will not allow me to stumble and fall no matter what. You keep me from evil and preserve my life. You know the situations I currently face. I look to you for you are my help for I know that nothing is too difficult for you. Guide my steps, and watch over me I pray. In Jesus' name. Amen!

(Psalm 121, 171.0 lbs, $4.379)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Regenerate! (Day 29)

It's so funny how I somehow accidentally got mixed up with a small group of folks called 'Christians' nearly 10 years ago and now, just like them, I'm also climbing or on a journey to Jerusalem to seek God too! ;)

I really hated Christians before... well not as much as Apostle Paul of course, but just think it's kinda funny in retrospect that I'd become a Christian too. God is indeed amazing. Of course I'm thankful for my wife too. Knowing how 'passive' I am, God really knows how and who to put into my life in order to change me for the better. Need to be more active to seek Him now from this time forward!

Lord, I am grateful that you have given me companions—that I am not alone on this journey. These friendships have enriched my life. As we move forward in this journey may we harmonize with one another, may we be able to live in unity and in love. While I thank you for blessing me with their friendships I ask that you would help me to be a blessing to them too. As for the family and friends who do not know you yet, may you also help them see the Light just as you've shown me. In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 133, 170.6 lbs, $4.359)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Regenerate (day 28)

The path we follow is a path where we delight in doing God's will. It is a path that is not well traveled because such a path is probably very difficult to travel on... without such a 'delight' most folk probably just won't walk on it. So yeah, may God continue to put that 'delightfulness' in me so that I'm not just forcing myself to walk on such a narrow and hard path... so that I won't just mindlessly drift onto the wide and easy path which eventually will lead to destruction.

Father, thank you for directing me to the narrow path. There is such joy being led by you along this journey. Show me the direction I need to take today and everyday forward. May my conversations and interactions with others be reflective of your path! May my actions be in accordance to your will and be reflective of your glory! Also, if possible, please heal Barrett's mom and be with their family. Please also help Daniel's in-laws to be able to work out their differences and save their marriage. In Christ's name I pray. Amen.

(Psalm 1, 170.6lbs, $4.359)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Regenerate (day 27)

Hmm... it's been one month since the big earthquake in Japan. The nuclear disaster is now listed as bad as the Chernobyl disasters. Poor Japan.

But interestingly that today I saw a documentary about life after Chernobyl. It seems mother nature has a way of dealing with radioactive fallouts. Without the humans around, wild life around Chernobyl seemed to have flourished! Plus, there didn't seem to be any weird mutated life forms. Most mutated life forms were probably eaten or died off by themselves... So I guess we don't have to worry about Godzilla appearing in Japan! ;)

Anyway, today we're suppose to set our hearts on a pilgrimage to God. Yes, the spirit is willing... and may God also continue to strengthen my weak flesh so that I can actually make the pilgrimage...

Heavenly Father, my heart is set on pilgrimage! I am excited to climb up to a new level in my walk with you. I am excited to come into your presence and reconfirm my commitment to you. If my flesh were to weaken, please strengthen me so that at least continue to return to you. If I should fall asleep, please wake me! Lord you have done so much in my life already during this process of regeneration, but I know you have more to do. So I surrender to your process. May I be regenerated to become somebody who you'd not only love but also be well pleased! In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 84, 170.0 lbs, $4.359)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Regenerate (day 26)

Today we are to meditate on discipline. If Psalm 15 listed most of the things we need to exercise regarding discipline, that I think I've done most of those things other than being 'blameless' or totally 'righteous'. But if God has justified me righteous by my faith, then I guess that's taken care of too! So I guess I'm a pretty disciplined person! But surely my wife would disagree! ;)

Anyway, today I overcame my lazy butt and actually worked on the house a bit. Wife also took some time to do some gardening. Anyway, may God watch over what we do for otherwise we'd do these things in vain. Wife planted a catnip plant in the backyard a while back, but somebody, we're not sure who, completely destroyed it. We don't think it's one our cats who did it... could be some other animal perhaps... Anyway, whatever. We're just gonna keep on planting and building. Not getting discouraged and easily giving up is part of the discipline. But hopefully whatever we do are in accordance with what God wills too. No need to keep on trying to do things that God doesn't really want us doing either.

Lord, I have seen that when I live in an undisciplined manner, my life gets messy and it does not honor you. In fact, I find myself in more bondage. But with discipline comes freedom. So today, I commit myself to discipline. Help me to be disciplined in my words, thoughts and actions. Help me know your will so that I won't be disciplining myself in the wrong areas! ;) In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 15, 169.8lbs, $4.319)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Regenerate (day 25)

Today we finally found a nice Italian restaurant in LA that's tasty, reasonably priced and with a nice decor! Too bad it's not located at a very convenient location, otherwise I think I wouldn't mind going there every week! ;)

Anyway, today's suppose to be about patience. With my lazy and laid back personality, I think I often see myself as a pretty patient guy... or it's very easy for me to look like I'm patient. ;) But am I really? Hmm... not really sure.

I often feel like I have a split personality. I think it shows more while I'm driving. I don't mind driving slow at times nor will I get mad when stuck in traffic, but then again sometimes I also do feel the urge to pedal to the metal and speed... and getting mad when other drivers do something stupid. I think my passive-aggressive behavior makes it hard for me to determine whether I'm really patient or not. Anyway, if I'm not that sure, then I guess I'm really NOT that patient then!

Point is I hope God can help me know when to quickly get something done... and when to wait to do it. Especially not to do stuffs that's against God's will.

Lord, there are times in life when I admit I do not understand your timing. Patience is something that I sometimes struggle with. Yet, in hindsight I have found that waiting on you is far better than taking matters into my own hands and trying to force things. Your timing is divine timing. I choose to wait on you, patiently trusting your faithfulness. In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 40, 169.0 lbs, $4.339)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Regenerate (day 24)

Today is suppose to reflect on obedience. Yeah, I think I've been pretty obedient to God most of the time, but then upon further reflecting, exactly how many % of the time am I really actively obeying God and actually 'doing' His will? Hmm..., probably only a very small % of time...

Anyway, perhaps I shouldn't discourage myself too much... have faith, hope and remember to actively LOVE God and one another!!!

Lord, I do not want to live passively by responding to life as it happens. Instead, I make a declaration that my decisions and actions will be reflection of your word. I choose to obey you, anchoring myself to your commands! In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 119:57-64, 169.8lbs, $4.299)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Regenerate (day 23)

I think I've been following the Lord for 8 years now. It's really kinda amazing how one thing led to another and then to where I am today. Yeah, I've never always gotten what I wanted in life, but in the end, I do believe God always knows what's really good for me and consequently prepared the best for me. Take my marriage for example..., yeah, wife isn't my first love, but for sure she's my best lover now! Not only that, she's also very good for me... making me a better man as result.

Wife doesn't always like to hear that... feel like God is just "using" her to help me and while I get all the benefits, she's getting a rotten deal out of it! ;) Well, may God also use me to help and love my wife for the rest of our lives. I'm not sure what the future holds, but I trust in You Lord and I'm looking forward to it!

Father, when I look at who you have revealed yourself to be in your word and in my daily life, why would I ever consider putting my confidence in anyone or anything else? You alone are worthy. You alone are able. You alone are good. I choose to trust you with all of my heart. In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 146, 170.2 lbs, $4.299)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Regenerate (day 22)

Just when we were talking about pruning, interestingly this morning some guys from the city came to prune the trees in our yard today. We have 2 big trees and both are kind of growing into the utility lines, I wonder why they only pruned one and not the other... perhaps they'll be back to prune the other one?

Anyway, today is actually more about taking a stand for God. I can't really say that I'm like the psalmist..., that I've led a blameless life..., but I have tried my best! ;) I do hope that I can try and better in that regard. However, my faith in God hasn't faltered. But of course I also wouldn't mind to have even more faith!

Lord, you are the foundation of my life upon which I stand. And you are a sure and solid foundation. I declare today that I will live my life openly as a Christian doing my best to obey your commands. May you test my heart so that my faith can be further strengthened. May your Spirit fill me so that I also lead a more blameless life! In Christ's name!

(Psalm 26, 168.2lbs, $4.279)

Regenerate (day 21)

Today, it's about how God prunes us... or how we prune ourselves such as fasting...

But I guess because I didn't do any fasting, so God decided to cause me to throw up pretty badly in order to cleanse myself of anything dirty inside? Hope so.

Not sure what happened. After dinner, I started to feel real bad... and then finally I threw up. Anyway, after a night's sleep, I'm feeling much better now. Wife said it's probably food poisoning, but we both pretty much ate the same thing and she's fine... Anyway...

Lord, you have pruned me. You have cut me back and I am in a vulnerable place completely dependent on you. I know that this pruning was not done in vain. You have a purpose for my life and I humbly wait upon you. Because of this process, I will be stronger and ready for a fruitful season. In Christ's name. Amen

(Psalm 86)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Regenerate! (Day 20)

Today is about the cost of following Jesus.

Hmm... so far in my life, I think I've only been 'persecuted' somewhat by my parents and by a group of internet video game forum friends due to my new 'faith'. But in retrospect, I think I'm somewhat at fault too. I could've handled the situation better and perhaps there would've been a better outcome? But oh well. There's no 'controlZ' or do over in life. ;) BTW, I do kinda like that Taiwanese TV drama. A fictional story of a guy that was able to have some do overs in life because God some how gave him the opportunity so that he can learn to truly love..., the guy finally learned to love... anyway, it's an interesting concept for a TV show. I liked it, but wife didn't... because she didn't like the fact that those do overs were not real..., but I thought as long as the guy learned, that's the more important aspect!

Anyway, back to my own life... fact is that God doesn't allow us to go back in time to change anything... and I didn't know better back then... so oh well. I just hope that I didn't disgrace Christ's name with my mistakes... and didn't cause my parents to hate Jesus more because of me...

Lord, whatever the cost I will follow you. When I am under attack of treated poorly because of my faith, I will remember that at times you yourself were treated this way. I will trust you to vindicate me rather than trying to accomplish that with my own hands. But of course I'd like to have the wisdom to be able to know how to treat other properly too, sometimes others react badly toward me not just because of my faith, but because I really had done something stupid, right? So please direct me to be able to do the right things with others. Help me to be MORE Christ like... and to be sure that I AM really blameless myself! While I know that I walk with your favor on my life, when life requires that I pay a price for my faith, if I really have to pay it after being blameless, then sure, I will pay it. I just hope that in the end, my life can really lift up Christ's name. Help lead more people to Christ than turning them away... In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

(Psalm 109:1-5, 21-31, 171.8 lbs, $4.269)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Regenerate (day 19)

Today should be about devoting ourselves to God.

It's funny how I just bumped into Pastor Zo in my front yard when he drove by..., we also talked for a while about his recent 'sufferings'... Sigh... I really like Pastor Zo. And by the fact that he's probably the only pastor I know personally(other than my very own parents-in-law) who actually has a very good relationship with his wife and kid. As for most other pastor's family, I'm not sure if they have a family life which I find very enviable...

Anyway, I just think it's such a shame that pastor Zo has to struggle so much. But at least he has set a good example of never lose sight of Jesus during these difficult times. I hope I will be able to do the same if I'm ever in such circumstances too.

Father regardless of what others say or think, regardless of the shallowness of the times in which I live when people give their word and then break it, I am devoted to you and nothing will ever change that. I commit myself completely and fully to you. I am determined to walk according to your Word. I also like to pray for Pastor Zo and his family. Lord, I'm not sure why he's struggling so much. I'm sure you have your reasons and perhaps you even are preparing something even better for him... Whatever happens, may you be with him and his family. May you also bless his family like you have never blessed another family before! In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 119:105-112, 170.2 lbs, $4.269)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Regenerate (day 18)

Today is about sacrifice. Psalmists said:

Offer the sacrifices of the righteous
and trust in the LORD.

“Sacrifice thank offerings to God,
fulfill your vows to the Most High,
and call on me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”

Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me,
and to the blameless[a] I will show my salvation.”

Make vows to the LORD your God and fulfill them;
let all the neighboring lands
bring gifts to the One to be feared.

Sounds good. But I think I seem to have a problem offering "real" sacrifices nowadays. For example 'tithe' is simply a contribution. Not really some sort of sacrifice that "hurts". So basically I've been trying to think of sacrificing for God that'd hurt me, but not my wife, but haven't really been able to come up with much of anything other than rising up earlier to do devotions..., but then again, today I even failed that and almost forgot to do my devotions today because I was more focused on mowing the grass and fixing the house... lame.

Father, I acknowledge that all that I have, my strength, time, talent, resources, etc. belongs to you. Forgive me for it seems I haven't really done much for your kingdom. During this season, please strengthen me to be able to bring more of my sacrifices to you. Use what I bring to you to honor your name and to build your kingdom. Thank you for accepting my sacrifice. In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 4:5, 50:14-15, 50:23, 76:11, 170.2 lbs, $4.259)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Regenerate (day 17)

Interestingly I lost couple of pounds of weight just by eating less and not completely fasting... Gee, I guess I can probably lose a lot of weight if I were to go on a full fast... and focus on God more too! Yeah, today is suppose to be a focusing on God day. I actually drove Akiang's car to work today and her car stereo is filled with chinese worship songs! So I worshipped God on my way to work and on my way home too!!! ;)

But of course that's not real 'worship', just listening to Christian music. I also got a copy of Great uncle Andrew's sermon today. He used scripture to illustrate how 'once saved always saved' doctrine is false. If we don't commit ourselves to follow Jesus and stay faithful, of course we can lose our salvation! God may love us unconditionally, but His salvation for us is certainly conditional upon our faith. What's kind of scare is that the little things in life can really distract us from walking with Jesus... little by little... after a while maybe we're walking further and further away from our Lord! Anyway, thank God for using great uncle's sermon to remind me a bit...

Lord, how good it is to focus in on you. As I worship, I have come to find that nothing compares to you. Help me let the cares and concerns of this world fade away. Protect me to not get distracted and help me give my full attention to you. Lord, show me your way. Teach me your Word. I want to know you more and live my life completely for you! In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 119:9-24, 169.6 lbs, $4.259)