Monday, March 23, 2009

Losing or out of control...

Lately, I've been pretty busy at work... and it's also cutting into my devotion time. I think this is probably the main cause for my losing it. Whether it's road rage... or just falling asleep and forget to wake up!!!

Hopefully things can change for the better now. Today, I was able to get up rather quickly without the alarm even sounding off! I was able to send our TV in for repair and then still get to work on time! Wow! ;)

Anyway, there was a guest speaker this sunday at faith. Some hippie preacher who've one day decided to pick up his cross(literally) and go around the world for/with Jesus. He had some interesting tales to tell after his 40 year journey. I think he's probably the real life Forrest Gump... except that he's not dumb, just crazy! Yeah, for sure I'm not crazed or insane enough compare to the guy! ;) Arthur Blessitt for sure is an interesting character... and he reminded me that no matter where we're at and what's going on, our Lord Jesus is indeed with us. It's also important for us to keep the faith... and our love and zeal for him!

Today's reading of Hezekiah also reminded us of this fact. No matter what happens, for sure God will help us..., but of course we shouldn't become too complacent whenever our situation gets too good and comfy either. Yes Lord, help us maintain our relationship with you at a level that is healthy I guess... and I guess there's no better way to keep that relationship healthy than to just pick up our own cross and continue to follow Jesus! ;)

(Isa 34-39, 175.2 lbs, $2.279)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Losing control...

Today is kinda of a weird losing your temper day. In the morning I ran into some stupid driver... and on my way home, I ran into some other stupid driver. I don't really mind when people drive stupid when it's obvious that they clueless. I have no problems with old ladies driving slowly or people making careless and honest mistakes... What really gets on my nerve are the people who drive annoyingly on purpose.

So today I actually raced some crazy Mexican in my 70hp 19 year old Civic! Almost cause one of them to lose control on the road... I also ended up missing my connection to another freeway... causing myself to go extra distances to get home... on the surface streets while trying to navigate home, I even saw couple of guys fighting on the street!

What a weird day... it's kinda like losing our temper day!

In retrospect, I'm kinda stupid for allowing myself to lose control like that. It's not often that I get mad like that... maybe it's the lack of sleep and the extra work load..., but still, I should've handle myself better. So what if there are other crazy drivers on the road? It's not really my job to teach them how to drive...

Anyway, may God help me control my temper better when I'm driving. Perhaps I'm just so mild mannered most of the time, sometimes these kind of things could just trigger me to snap on the road!!!! ;) Whatever, it's stupid. I pray that it won't happen again.

Pastor Jim taught us that God wants to have justice for all and live a lifestyle of love. It's really not our job to bring other people to 'justice' using our own means. We should just make sure that we act justly... as for others, we ought to just learn to love them... instead of racing them on the freeway endangering ourselves and other motorists... sigh. I sure have a long way to learn from my Lord...

(Isa 28-33, 175.6 lbs, $2.299)

Thursday, March 12, 2009


That God given chance for a breather during the end of February is still on... the stupid security issue is still left unresolved... so we're suppose to start testing a hardware soon but still can't do it until we are cleared to proceed... I hope they won't all of a sudden turn us back on just when we're ready to go back to Taiwan! Oh well...

Also found out that the program we're working on may be used by Obama as a bargining chip with the Russians. Perhaps this is the real reason for the hold up. Our program may get cancelled in the name of peace!

Well, hopefully we can win more big programs then... cancellation of this program could hurt us pretty bad.

Well, other good news is that I got a 5% raise recently and company rated me as 'highly effective!' So hopefully I won't be the first to go if there's a layoff, but then again, if the company has no money, then the company has no money... also, Daniel got a 7% raise... he must've been super duper amazingly effective! Anyway, he really needs the money to support his wife, kid and the stupid house that he bought at the peak of the market! ;)

Speaking of market, stock market seems to be steadily climbing back up. Have we hit the bottom? The stock market really rallied because Citi Bank posted profits. However, is it really all that impressive that you've shown that your paycheck can cover your grocery bills? What about the massive debts that you're carrying? The car, the student loan, the mortgage?

It remains to be seen I suppose..., and it seems mom's going to be in the market to buy another car... I guess she's doing her part at stimulating the economy! ;)

I wonder what God's planning for the world. Is this economic crisis just a warning to get us to not be so greedy... or is God perhaps really trying to drive us to the ground for being disobedient.

It sure would be nice to be Isaiah..., to be able to know things ahead of the time... so he can plan properly. Anyway, I don't think the Americans are really as bad as the Israelites at the time..., so my guess is that things won't go too badly... things are already bad enough... and may God deliver us soon. And may more and more folks repent soon so that God can begin His deliverance soon... instead of having to wait until we're totally devestated...

Anyway, whatever happens, whether God gives or takes, opens or close, we should just shout Halleluja anyways!!! :D

(Isa 22-27, 175.6 lbs, $2.319)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Just when I was watching 'Heros' last night, mom called and said that she was in an accident! It turned out she was in a pretty serious accident... a big semi truck hit her and she spun out of control. It's amazing that the semi-truck didn't bother stopping at all. With an impact like that he should be able to feel it. Anyway, thank God she didn't hit other cars on the freeway. A guy behind her saw what happened when she spun across the freeway and stopped to help her call the police. He didn't have to do that but I guess there are everyday heros too. Thanks God for those people too!

The car's damage is estimated to be about how much it is worth... so insurance company is still thinking about what to do... whether to fix or total it.

Don't know why we keep on having car troubles. Good thing we fixed the Ford... but now the Toyota is seriously injured...

Anyway, besides the bad things that happen, at least we had a good weekend whale watching! I wasn't expecting to see any whales actually because I went once and saw nothing! However, I guess it's always good to have low expectations and then be pleasantly surprised! ;) They're probably more hi-tech nowadays... capable of using sonar or something to track the whale movements... wife was actually able to capture a few photos. Very impressive! ;)

(Isaiah 16-21, 174.6 lbs, $2.319)

Friday, March 6, 2009

The next big thing...

I read it from some investment email newsletter, Motley fools, saying that the next big thing would be 'cloud computing'. Buying those company's stocks now would be like buying Microsoft, AOL, Amazon, Yahoo, etc right at the beginning!!! They're going to revolutionize the industry again! Supposedly cloud computing will help companies or whatever users minimize IT expenses. Instead of buying software and install it on your PC, we can simply use whatever software we need remotely. Similar to surfing and browsing the net... essentially it'll be like doing everything over the net... all we'll be needing is just a browser! No need to buy additional hardware or software... basically we use this virtual services as if we're using electricity... as needed basis. Pay as we go.

Hmm, I wonder if it's really going to take off though. Wouldn't security become an issue? Even today, who knows what google or yahoo's checking up on us... keeping a tab on what we're doing? Even on this blogger site, even if we lock it up so that nobody else can read it..., surely admins will still be able to read it, right? ;)

Anyway, I guess it won't hurt to buy some of those company's stocks. My 401k money can't be withdrawn anyway..., plus retirement is still a long ways away. Betting a few thousand shouldn't be too big of a deal. If Motley Fools were right, I should be reaping large rewards later on! ;)

Well, Lord, what will really be the next big thing? How can I make wise investments instead of just burying my money in the ground? Given today's falling market, one really feel like we ought to do just that..., but may God give us insight on various opportunities...

(Isa 13-15, 174.6 lbs, $2.359)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Final prop 8 drama?

California supreme court will make a final ruling on what 'marriage' is really suppose to be...

This proposition is really tearing a lot of things apart. Should voters have a right to change constitutions? Or should judges make sure the law is really just and fair and disregard the will of the people? And by which standard are the judges to decide whether or not if they are really fair and just?

CA justices have allowed gay marriage for a while before... prop 8 turned that around. Will the justices turn it back again?

I think it's likely. But then again, I didn't think the CA liberal voters would really pass prop 8... and I was proven wrong! ;) So maybe the judges will respect people's will this time?

Anyway, personally, I think homosexuality is obviously a sin according to scripture. However, scripture is also clear that love can cover up all sins. If we're just having 'sex' with one another, for sure God doesn't like that. However, if we are making love... if the love is true... will God really be upset by that? I don't know.

Human sexuality is pretty messed up that's for sure. All I know is that people should just focus less on sex or whatever physical of this world... and focus more on love. Instead of trying to judge sins committed by others... we ought to spend more time examining our own sins.

May we all be able to choose wisely.

(Isaiah 10-12, 174.0 lbs, $2.379)


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can't believe they got my name wrong...

We could've won so overwhelmingly..., but I guess it just wasn't meant to be... What's worse is that they even got my name wrong in the photo caption!!!

Oh well, what's in a name... as long as God's name is glorified, right? ;)

Since nobody was glorified after our competition... who cares...

Wikipedia has some cool info regarding all the X-planes in past history. X-20 actually never flew... and given that our Eggs Plane has 20 eggs... maybe that was a bad omen. Next time we better pick a number that was a huge success! ;)

Market was up sharply today..., but still very low. Isaiah also mentioned a lot of doom and gloom that's about to come. Anyway, how else can we face the defeat and failures of today? Instead of feeling depressed, might as well face tomorrow with hope! Of course not just to hope in vain, but hope in the LORD!

(Isaiah 7-9, 174.6 lbs, $2.379)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Today is square root day. Next square root day will be April 4th 2016! ;)

Hopefully by then the economic crisis will be over with.

I also heard over the radio today that bee keepers and tangerine farmers are having their problems getting along... the bees are causing the undesirable cross pollination which caused the seedless tangerines to create seeds!!! Consequently causing their tangerines to drop in price.

So we all have our various problems to deal with.

I think it would certainly be nice to be able to actually witness the return of our King Jesus before the next square root day!!! That way, all of our problems will go away!!! ;)

Anyway, considering all the problems that I have experienced so far in my life... sometimes I feel like my problem is nothing compared to other people's...

We all have our own problems to deal with. God's grace is indeed sufficient for us to deal with our problems properly. May God's perfect power indeed can be shown thru our weaknesses. One day, God is going to hand pick the tangerines and enjoy it whether if it has seeds or not! Only us humans are that picky about those kind of stupid issues I guess. ;)

(Isaiah 4-6, 175.2 lbs, $2.379)

Monday, March 2, 2009

More slides of the stock market...

The problem with the insurance company AIG caused the market to REALLY slide today. I guess there's really no end in sight so far... Americans have really over-spent themselves this time. Our debt to Gross-Domestic-Poduct ratio is now at 100%. It means we can produce just enough to pay back our debts. The last time the ratio was at 100% is right before the Great Depression.

I did a rough estimate of how much I've put into my 401k plan since the beginning of my career... and I guess I'm pretty lucky that I'm about even now. It's as if my money is just sitting in the bank with 0% interests for the past 13 years!

Anyway, I'm glad that I rolled out one of my plan from a previous employer earlier this year so that I stopped the bleeding a bit. So now I'm slowly getting back into the market again. It's cool to be able to buy stocks so cheap, but it's also scary to see the stocks that I've already bought continue to slide... well, I'll probably be working for 2 more decades... surely things have to climb back up, right?

Right Lord? ;)

Pastor Jim is talking about the series 'justice for all' again. Kinda similar mood is also present in Isaiah... Have we really been 'just' lately? Financial greed..., war in Iraq..., torturing terrorists... I guess although no financial analysts saw this fiasco coming, this really shouldn't come as a big surprise for us believers.

Here's hoping that people will learn their lessons... repent... and THEN we'll be able to once again enjoy God's infinite grace and mercy once again! :)

(Isaiah 1-3, 175.2 lbs, $2.379)