Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Life after 787...

Had been super busy with work for the past month and cousin Jen just recently went back home after visiting us during the Christmas break... so things are slowly settling back down.

Faith Community Church is starting a new devotional campaign called the 20/20. Hopefully it can really help me 'see' God more clearly. Life had been kinda hectic lately.

I was kinda annoyed at work because supposedly I was picked to do more 787 work, but somehow office politics got in the way so that somehow got derailed. Oh well. I'm not really that particularly attached to that plane, it's just that 7-8-07 was our anniversary date and has a special meaning to me that's all.

Anyway, I was working on a particular part on 787 called the 'pickle fork' and that item was actually the 7th of all the rest of the item. So anyway, regardless what happens, I still kinda see that as if God's reminding me that He's still with me no matter what!

Today's 20/20 reading, this scripture verse came to my attention:

Isaiah 65
23 They will not toil in vain
or bear children doomed to misfortune;
for they will be a people blessed by the LORD,
they and their descendants with them.

May God bless us... and cousin Jen... since she is a descendant of a blessed family! So hopefully she'll be able to have a blessed 'marriage' with some blessed guy! ;)

Monday, December 14, 2009

787 Almost Airborne

Suppose to be delivered on July 8th 2007, our anniversary date... after more than 2 years, it may be finally ready to take flight tomorrow... weather permitting... ;)

Friday, December 4, 2009


Wow, past month seemed to have passed me by in a blink of an eye! Mostly been busy with working on the Dreamliner! Some called the plane the impossible dream, but we'll just have to wait and see... expecting the worst, yet hoping for the best! At least I'm earning some overtime money! ;) The part I'm responsible for is called a 'pickle fork' and was assigned an item number of 7! I will take that as a positive sign and things will go well in the end because God is with me?

I also finished reading a book called 'Blink'. It talks about how our subconscious mind can make rapid decisions without us knowing how it was made. Sometimes the decisions are good... other times it may be bad... so it all depends. I've been reading a series of decision related books recently. "sources of power", "predictably irrational", and now "blink". I think the main issue with my slow decision making process is simply because I'm too inexperienced with life! ;) Practice does make perfect. Furthermore, I think perhaps my subconscious mind is just somewhat damaged or something... Yes, the book mentioned that there is a specific area of the brain if damaged, can cause people to be really indecisive. They can list all the pros and cons all day long, but won't be able to reach a decision in the end! I don't think I'm that bad, but for sure wife thinks that I'm bad enough.

Anyway, another interesting thing I found out with their research is that our facial muscles do not just express our emotions within. We CAN actually make ourselves happier by activating the muscles we use to smile! Interestingly I read about this when Pastor Jim was preaching about sometimes we ought to 'act' good even when we don't feel like acting good. And this brings us to another interesting thing... that is... exactly which is our true self? The one that feels sad or feel like doing bad things... or the one decided to 'act' good and happy?

Of course in the real world, such as economist, whatever we actually 'do' is considered as what's the real us. Psychologists on the other hand would have problems identifying which is the real you..., but as for God, I'm sure He can figure us out easily for He truly knows our hearts!

Anyway, past month has also been filled with some difficulties too. Such as fighting with dear wife... But everytime after we fight, I do gain new insight on who my wife is... and what kind of man I am. So it's not like our fights were all in vain..., but hopefully someday we can grow without the fights! ;) Besides our own difficulties, one of our dear friend is current going thru some difficulties of his own as well. Is God really Handpicking this Tangerine for some special purpose? I'm happy and excited and at the same time sad and worry about our friend's future.

Oh well, we'll just have to continue to expect the worst(so that we may be prepared to handle all difficulties coming our way), and hope for the best! If God is with us, why wouldn't He give us the best? :) We may not be able to predict exactly what's going to happen tomorrow... such as we can't predict how the stock market will go tomorrow, but in the long haul, surely stockmarkets had been steadily growing leaping past even the worst depressions! So YEAH! Our best is indeed yet to come!

Oh, btw, I've temporarily quit sodas for a while... I think it has been helping me to lose some weight. Sure looking fwd to another sip of Coke soon. O God O God when can I sip on Coca-Cola again? Hopefully soon? In another blink of an eye?

(Gen 1-3, 171.0 lbs, $3.05)