Monday, March 31, 2008

Empty Jar...

Last weekend has been kinda busy... We started looking at houses! Out of the 7 or 8 Chih-lin took us to see... we only liked 2 of them, there was also another one we like, but it's way too expensive for us. $500k is a lot of money for us, but it can't buy you too big of a house unfortunately! ;) Oh well. May God help us while we shop around!

Also had a meeting with mom and dad about money... abou how tight money can be on the monthly basis. I think they understood, but the reality of the situation is that there are certain expenses that a very costly at the moment we just cannot do away with... such as the house payment and mom's medical insurance. Given dad's current level of income, it'll be hard to make ends meet. Bright side is as soon as mom reaches 65, that expense can be reduced... same with their house payments..., but that's 3 years down the road... so for these 3 years, things will be kinda tight... so I talked mom into perhaps renting out one of the rooms for extra income. Since we'll probably be doing the same too if we get a house! Anyway, so I hope everything can work out in the end.

We also went book hunting on Sunday too! I really need to alter my habit of rarely reading books! May God help me change my habits... and hopefully I can gain more wisdom as a result too! :)

Faith Community church underwent some extensive remodelling. I'm not sure if I like it too much. It's becoming more and more like a club or concert event during worship. But I still like Pastor Jim's sermons though. Yesterday he talked about beattitudes. About how radical and paradoxical Jesus' teachings can be. How can we be poor in spirit and be happy(blessed) at the same time?!?!? What did he mean we have to lose our lives to save it?

Kinda like the poor widow's oil, God can pour out His annointing forever and indefinitely, but Almight God can be limited by the number of available empty vessels. Only those who are poor in spirit can be the empty vessels God can pour in His Spirit! Those who believe that it is their power and strength that produced the wealth or success..., those people are useless in God's kingdom. Not that all weathy and successful people are useless, just those who failed to remembered that it is the LORD who gave us the ability to produce various things...(Deut 8:18)

Today's scripture reading also talked about what God would fill us with:

James 3
17 惟 獨 從 上 頭 來 的 智 慧 , 先 是 清 潔 , 後 是 和 平 , 溫 良 柔 順 , 滿 有 憐 憫 , 多 結 善 果 , 沒 有 偏 見 , 沒 有 假 冒 。
18 並 且 使 人 和 平 的 , 是 用 和 平 所 栽 種 的 義 果 。

May God continue to help me empty out what's useless in me and fill me with what's really important!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A more perfect union

People accused Obama's pastor as racist and anti-American. As a result, Obama gave quite an impressive speech to defend... that while he disagrees with his pastor's controversial remarks, but he's not going to disown his pastor. The pastor has some faults, but overall, Obama still respects his pastor. American media is blowing things way out of proportion!

In his speech, he talked about how we all are not perfect, but together we can strive to form a more perfect union. He has this audacity to hope because of his faith in God and the American people! I think this guy can do some good for our nation!

Anyway, here's Obama's 'a more perfect union' speech:

Clip of Pastor Jeremiah Wright's sermon:

I personally have nothing against this pastor's teachings. US seriously need to re-examine ourselves...

Paul in Galatians warned about false religion. How faithful to Lord Jesus are we Americans? Have we really been all that Christ-like to each other? To people of other nations?

American Christian votes for sure would be split this time if Obama wins the nomination. No longer will the Republicans have exclusive claim to Christianity! I don't care about party really..., but I think Americans need to care about God more.

For this year's US presidential election, may the most godly man wins!!! :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spiritual gifts...

Brother GD prayed over us and gave us some 'visions' again..., he saw me walking on roof tops for some reason... and said that I'll be coming down to walk on the ground.

Wonder what that means... and wonder if it's a good thing or a bad thing? ;) May God reveal more to me as time passes on.

Brother GD also talked about us asking for more spiritual gifts.... in order to become true instruments of God... to be used by Him and to preach the gospel.

Oh I've asked, but I think so far, the only 'gift' I have so far is my faith! ;) Yes, even I find it hard to believe that I actually believe in God... that I actually believe in the gospel!!!

And thank God that I now believe..., for sure my faith has helped me thru many difficult situations. It is just so easy to lose faith, hope and love in this world that we live in..., without God, it can really be quite scary!

Anyway, I hope I can gather more and more gifts over time... I also hope that I can bear more spiritual fruits so that I can spiritual 'feed' those around me. Yes, let those spiritual fruits fall to the ground so people can enjoy them! :D

Today's reading of Acts is fully of the miraculous stories and deeds of the Holy Spirit..., will I get to experience that too someday? May I? May I, my Lord?

Today I had an early meeting so didn't have time to do my devotional in the morning... and then during lunch, Tigran dropped by... so I didn't get a chance to spend time with God again!!! (But at least I got a free lunch! ;)) Sorry for the delays Lord God..., but I still want more stuffs from You!!! May I be able to get all of Your goodies..., without being overly proud too of course...

Anyway, I guess I'll just wait. I'm knocking on the door, it's only a matter of time for You to open the door, right? ;)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Life is weird...

Based on the personality test, I really think things would've been more ideal if I were the wife and she were the husband... or if I have her personality and she has mine... ;)

But unfortunately we don't live in that "ideal" world yet..., we are living in the real world. So given all these weirdness, or perhaps even some annoying troubles on the side too... life can really seriously be very difficult sometimes when we live with other broken fallen sinners!

What hope do we have for the future? Quite honestly we have no hope at all unless if we follow our sheperd, Jesus, and to simply do what our Lord wants us to do.

Jesus told Peter to 'feed his sheeps!" Of course sometimes this is NOT what we'd naturally want to do. Why should I feed others? Who's going to feed me?

Jesus also told Peter: 我 實 實 在 在 的 告 訴 你 , 你 年 少 的 時 候 , 自 己 束 上 帶 子 , 隨 意 往 來 ; 但 年 老 的 時 候 , 你 要 伸 出 手 來 , 別 人 要 把 你 束 上 , 帶 你 到 不 願 意 去 的 地 方 。

Yeah, disciples like Peter and Paul suffered greatly for the Lord during the end of their years..., but never once did they lose faith in God, hope for their future, and love for one another.

How are they able to do that?

This is the weird thing about life that we all should learn I think...

Lord Jesus, equipe me so that I can properly "feed" my own wife and help her to grow. Lord, please also do remember to feed me, too? Wife is already doing a great job feeding my body! ;) However, I want to spiritually grow to be more like you. Help me? Help me become a positive influence to those around me... help me live a life that can help people gain more faith, hope and love... I ask this in Christ's name!

(more of Christ's death/resurrection)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My personality test...





Pretty darn accurate... ;)

A decision to love...

During one of the restless nights over the weekend, wife and I talked about love once again...

What is love? What do you love about your dad? Do you even love me?

One thing the wife loves about her father is that he's full of cool and unusual info..., she finds men who are well read very attractive. Yes, I do have some of the qualities of my father-in-law, but this is one area where we're polar opposites.

I don't like to read. I'm not a person who'd pick up one book after another... I only read when I have to or when I find something interesting! Most of the time, I probably contracted the Solomon syndrome... where I seldom find anything interesting anyway. But I suspect that the key culprit is probably that I'm just lazy? ;)

Just like the song lyrics I wrote, the more that I know about this universe, the more I realize I don't know much of anything! And the more I know about myself, I also found that I'm increasingly unsure about myself too!

This is another area wife would complain about. Just as the scripture says, let my yes be yes and no be no. Be straight forward about my responses instead of like the Taiwan's president-elect Ma! But of course I want my yes be yes and my no be no, but the more I know about myself and other stuffs, the more I realize the difficulties of my "yes"!

After we said 'yes' to believe in Jesus or 'yes' to our spouses during wedding day, inevitably things will happen which will cause us to act like we don't mean what we said... or it might even cause us to want to change our minds!!! So does that mean we've stopped loving Jesus or our spouses? I don't know. But I do know once we made up our mind to quite following Jesus or made up our mind to file for a divorce, then we can be pretty sure that we've stopped loving.

In this sinful fallen world, I suppose it's only natural that we feel that way at times. But whenever we feel that way, we've got to also re-examine the decisions we've made originally. Are they the right decisions? If yes, then we need to repent of that and commite and re-commite to our "idealized" good decisions day by day. This is love and for sure it ain't easy loving folks in the real world. If it's suppose to be so easy, Jesus wouldn't bother praying to the Father to please pass the cup! Today's scripture reading of death and resurrection of Jesus says all about how tough it is to love... only satan would try to convince folksing that loving should be easy and makes you feel good all the time..., but we ought to know who's the liar here.

God never promised us problem-free living, but He did promise us that He'll always be with us no matter what.

Mat 28:18-

天 上 地 下 所 有 的 權 柄 都 賜 給 我 了 。 所 以 , 你 們 要 去 , 使 萬 民 作 我 的 門 徒 , 給 他 們 施 洗 , 歸 於 父 、 子 、 聖 靈 的 名 。 凡 我 所 吩 咐 你 們 的 , 都 教 訓 他 們 遵 守 , 我 就 常 與 你 們 同 在 , 直 到 世 界 的 末 了 。

Perhaps things will get easier when we are living in the new heaven and new earth. Fingers crossed. ;)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Tough weekend...

Had a very tough, but kinda interesting weekend! It's kinda cool to see wife perform at Hollywood bowl! Very happy for her! :) However, it was really really hot! It was hard for the crowd... and it was hard for her violin too! We found some cracks on her violin now... not sure if it's from before or from the heat...

We also haven't been sleeping very well over the weekend for various reasons. I was kept awake cause I felt like I had more ideas on the lyrics and want to finish as much as possible in order to make Jay's job easier... ;)

Wife was kinda bothered by a lot of stuffs lately... partly due to her anticipation of her gig in Hollywood bowl I suppose, but also the election results and some of my "screw ups" are not helping much either...

But things are "slowly" improving of course. ;)

Today's reading of John helped alot!

John 14:1 你 們 心 裡 不 要 憂 愁 ; 你 們 信 神 , 也 當 信 我

and John 15:
7 你 們 若 常 在 我 裡 面 , 我 的 話 也 常 在 你 們 裡 面 , 凡 你 們 所 願 意 的 , 祈 求 , 就 給 你 們 成 就 。
8 你 們 多 結 果 子 , 我 父 就 因 此 得 榮 耀 , 你 們 也 就 是 我 的 門 徒 了 。
9 我 愛 你 們 , 正 如 父 愛 我 一 樣 ; 你 們 要 常 在 我 的 愛 裡 。
10 你 們 若 遵 守 我 的 命 令 , 就 常 在 我 的 愛 裡 , 正 如 我 遵 守 了 我 父 的 命 令 , 常 在 他 的 愛 裡 。
11 這 些 事 我 已 經 對 你 們 說 了 , 是 要 叫 我 的 喜 樂 存 在 你 們 心 裡 , 並 叫 你 們 的 喜 樂 可 以 滿 足 。
12 你 們 要 彼 此 相 愛 , 像 我 愛 你 們 一 樣 ; 這 就 是 我 的 命 令 。
13 人 為 朋 友 捨 命 , 人 的 愛 心 沒 有 比 這 個 大 的 。
14 你 們 若 遵 行 我 所 吩 咐 的 , 就 是 我 的 朋 友 了 。
(John 13-17)

I think it's good that we've managed maintained praying Regularly lately... so we could manage to steer out of our trouble a bit better... of course we also need to obey more in order to live a more trouble free life...

God help us! Thanks! ;)

This is the Easter service from Hollywood Bowl during offering... wife is not really visible, but she's in there somewhere... ;)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

When You Are With Me

Finally got sufficient inspiration to finish this song..., gonna let Jay fix it up tomorrow..., okay, going to sleep now. Just felt a sudden surge of excitment and couldn't sleep until I get this done... well, now it's done!!! Yeah!

(Verse 1)
Once upon a time I was joyful
As time went on it turned to sorrow
The more that I know, the more I don't know
Why am I here? Where will I go?

Then you came into my life
And life became full of delight
The more I deny, the more I can't hide...
That I'm falling in love with you deep inside!!!

Your love piercing through my soul...
your smile can melt the heart of stone...
your every word sound like music to my dry bone
you've changed me from the inside and more!

Cause you're with me, I gladly face tomorrow
I'm not afraid of unknown anymore
When you are with me, you fill my life to the full!

(Chrous Ending 1)Your make my life... meaningful...
(Ending2)Being with you, you made life meaningful!

(Verse 2)
Fairy tale, can it be real?
Happy ending, is it possible?
The more that I doubt, the more that I know
You are right here. You'd never let go!

This world may be rather hurtful
Your love can always lift up my soul
The more difficult, the more I can boast!
for you're love for me is enough to make me soar!

Friday, March 21, 2008


感覺上,好像上一代的人都很緊張,除了紹恩之外... 這小孩會因此突然變大人!!! ;) 大家都超級擔心自己喜歡的候選人會落選..., 就連我老爸也會擔心馬英九會落選...

我只是覺得政治家通常都會讓人失望的. 真的有哪幾位領導者是愛人民的呢? 還是到頭來他們愛的都是自己? 中國共產黨很濫, 國民黨也很濫, 民進黨當家後也證明了大家一起濫. 當然也不能說這些黨通通沒做過好事,不過濫事一堆也都是事實. 美國其實也是一樣濫.我是比較喜歡Obama,因為我覺得他比較會搞和一,不會搞分裂..., 不過我真的跟他也不熟,誰曉得等他真的當選後,他會變的怎樣?說不定他就是Anti-Christ! ;)

今天讀了一些耶穌的教導, 要是候選人都會乖乖聽耶穌的話就好了! ;)

我的禱告是,願最愛人民的候選人當選,我不介意當選的謝還是馬... 我也不介意美國總統會是哪位,因為我知道都是神在掌權! :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Obama is behind Clinton!!!

Unbelievable! How can Clinton surge ahead of Obama?

Anyway, it's already amazing that Obama had been doing so well. I pray that God will simply let the best man or woman win.

I don't really have much to 'blog' lately. Probably the same mental block which caused me to unable finish the lyrics... ;)

After reading some Teaching of Jesus, I wish that Jesus would heal me of my mental block?!?!? ;)

Let me try again:

When I was young I was joyful
As time went on it turned to sorrow
The more that I know, the more I don't know
Why am I here? Where will I go?

Then you came into my life
And life became full of delight
The more I deny, the more I can't hide...
That I'm falling in love with you deep inside!!!

Your eyes piercing through my soul...
your smile can melt the heart of stone...


Cause you're with me, I gladly face tomorrow

dadadada... do dada....

Okay... enough for the day I guess... ;)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The more things stay the same, the more things change!

Obama's lead over Clinton has narrowed... thanks to the revelation of Obama's pastor's racially charged sermons. Obama disagrees with the particular sermon, but refuse to disown his pastor. So as of now, Obama has lost all the lead he had over Clinton... and poll shows that in a match up against McCain, he would lose now... whereas he used to be able to beat him!

Things sure changed in politics very quickly. Anyway, may God allows only the most suitable candidate to win whether if it's in US or Taiwan...

At work, I recent got an opportunity to get involved in a small project in a real early phase..., I just hope I can do a good job 'growing' it. May God help me and be with me on this...

Today's reading was about Jesus' early ministry... Christ our Lord certainly also started out small too, but I sure hope I can do just as well... ;)

And yes Lord, I still need inspiration for the lyrics, please, please please...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

La Vida LA

Still sort of re-adjusting our normal day to day lives back in LA.

Wife is probably very jealous that I'm losing weight and she can't... ;) I'm below 180 lbs now! I need to get down to 174 in order to reach the 'healthy' range... she can get up to as much as 160 lbs and still be in the healthy range... so that BMI thing is probably messed up, but anyway. All I know is that I can lose some weight I suppose. ;)

I'm also trying desperately to write some lyrics, guess I'm just not that gifted. Not sure if I can handle the time pressure and be creative at the same time..., but of course anything is possible if Lord God inspires me! Well, Lord, will You help me? This is still what I got so far...

When I was young I was joyful
As I grew up it turned to sorrow
The more that I know, the more I don't know
Why am I here? Where will I go?

Then you came into my life
And life became full of delight
The more I deny, the more I can't hide...
That I'm falling in love with you deep inside!!!

With you...

'Cause you are with me...

Todays I'm reading the birth of Jesus, perhaps I should continue with these chapters in the bible study with my parents...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Washington DC

Walked all over Washington DC, it was very tiring... perhaps God is training us to become better walkers as we walk with Him in the future! ;)
DC is kinda cool. Finally has a chance to visit the nation's capital. Thanks for the good deal with Virgin America..., it's a pretty nice airline too. They sure make their planes hip looking... almost as if flying in a night club...
Anyway, I really like the FREE museums in DC. This has to be one of the cheapest vacations ever! I was really shocked to see pretty much everything is FREE! It'd be nice if we have more time I suppose... then we wouldn't have to rush ourselves so much...
Another reason why we rushed ourselves was because of weather. Supposedly it was going to rain for 2 days out of the 3 days we're there... so on the 1st day, I really want to get done most of the sightseeing from the outside.
But God was good to us and heard our prayers I guess, it never really rained much whenever we were out walking around...
We got home on early Sunday morning... we even made it to church!!! Not really sure exactly what pastor Jim was talking about, but sure hoped Jack understood a bit better about the grace of God. ;) As for the rest of the Sunday, we just chilled infront of the TV most of the time... watching F1 race, singing contest... and making another new dish... cole slaw! It wasn't that great, but wife said it ain't bad either. Things are going pretty WELL(Worship, Evanglize, Learning, Loving) I suppose! ;)
Today's reading was about Malachi-last Old Testament prophecies. I hope I won't ever cause God to be mad at me like that... may God help me!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This morning I went to get my old car ready to go... haven't driven it for weeks, probably months... put in some air... add some oil... and it's still running good as before! ;) Tires are really getting bald. Should I replace... or should I just let it go? Renewal for the registration is in May, needs a smog check, which it probably won't pass... hmm...

Was reading about Nehemiah Rebuilding the wall. May God give us sufficient money to rebuild my old car, otherwise I suppose I'll just have to junk it. :(

Speaking of rebuilding walls, we Christians often succumb to satan's attacks or whatever attacks still. Although we are God's temple, but sometimes we still have broken down walls... or weaknesses. How can we rebuild that?

For me, after becoming a Christian, other than my faith being transformed, I'm not really sure if my 'personality' has transformed all that much. Day to day life, I am still the same person. I still shrug my shoulders after supposedly being 'born again'... I also shared with wife about my possible weakness... about how I admire Joseph's character and self control. Honestly, if a super gorgeous girl(I'm assuming Potiphar's wife is super gorgeous) were to beg me to have sex with her, I'm not sure if I have the strength to say 'NO'! Of course if she's ugly, then the decision would be easy! ;)

My wife of course was understandably upset about me sharing such a 'weakness' of mine to her. How can I not know right from wrong? It's wrong to commit adultery, how can you even have struggles about that?

Well, surely people do know what's right and what's wrong, but we often are not motivated enough to do what's right. Our hearts will always go for whatever we truly love to do. Our flesh may pull us to the left, Holy Spirit pulling us to the right... our hearts will go wherever it wants to go!

So how can I overcome such weakness of mine? Being moral is not the solution..., but to truly love my wife is the solution. If I love my wife, surely I know having sex with a super gorgeous lady would hurt her feelings... so I'd say "no" to the super hot chick because of the love I have for my wife.

For Joseph, the guy was single. However, his "love" is God. He didn't do sin because he loves God. God is love. In order for us to rebuild our broken down walls is to try to learn to love God with ALL of our hearts, minds and strengths. Because anything short of that, if we love anything else more than God... chances are the enemy will be able to successfully defeat us in those areas. My chinese name is "will be a righteous person", may I live up to my own name!

May God help us rebuild our broken walls. May God help us to love Him more than anything else in this world.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Blankedie blank!

I was getting late for work after reading Esther..., plus, just not sure what to say on today's blog.

My mind is pretty blanked today..., just as my attempt to write lyrics. ;)

So far, this is all I have...

When I was young I was joyful
As I grew up it turned to sorrow
The more that I know, the more I don't know
Why am I here? Where will I go?

Then you came into my life
And life became full of delight
The more I deny, the more I can't hide...

about the way I feel ... towards you... deep inside!!!

With you...

'Cause you are with me...

Monday, March 10, 2008

雅 比 斯, WELL...

This weekend wife finished recording her 3rd song..., hopefully we can finish the 4th and last song before Jacob leaves the US for good... well, will Jacob leave the US for good? Hope not. May God open doors for him... and may God help us finish the lyrics for thise 4th song in time...

Pastor Jim also talked about Jabez's prayer(1 Chronicles 4:10):
甚 願 你 賜 福 與 我 , 擴 張 我 的 境 界 , 常 與 我 同 在 , 保 佑 我 不 遭 患 難 , 不 受 艱 苦 。

Jabez's birth caused a lot of pain for his mom. Jabez means pain. Pastor Jim said that often we can get stupid nicknams... based on what other expect of us. But we certainly don't have to live based on other people's expectations... or even our low expectations of ourselves. God can certainly help us out if we really want to. Jabez is the guy who really wanted it... and so God paid special attention on him. (God paused and specifically mentioned him in more detail in the middle of the genealogy section!!!)

Well, last night, we expanded our horizons by making sushi for the first time! It wasn't too bad! Wife gained a bit more weight last nite cause she had probably never eaten so much rice in her life! ;) Yes, with God's help, I Rebuilt the Temple (wife's body) with my sushis! ;)

I also wanted to put something I heard over the radio in the blog, but I kept on forgetting... that's something I heard over the radio from Pastor Greg... about how we can tell if we are well...

3) Are we LEARNING?
4) Are we LOVING?

Are we WELL? Just ask ourselves these 4 questions. Now that I've learned how to make sushi, guess I have to go learn something else new... ;)

Friday, March 7, 2008

I praise and thank You again!

Yeah, this morning I wrote a blog praising and thanking God for allowing us to have another successful bible study with my parents. Unfortunately when I pressed the post button, Windows Explorer went under attack by satan and crashed on me!!!

But no worries, I'm here prasing and thanking God again! Halleluja!!! :D

Yes, last nite's bible study wasn't as dramatic as our previous one. Nobody cried or anything like that, but my parents also debated with me less, they were at least asking genuine questions instead of just arguing!

Anyway, as great as it was, these kind of sessions have always been hard on the wife. She couldn't sleep well the nite before, not sure if it was entirely due to our late nite discussion or perhaps the anxiety of our up coming bible study meeting with my parents. She probably felt like Daniel getting ready to be thrown into the lion's den!!! When she's out of the "lion's den" last nite, she even lost a couple of pounds afterwards!!! Not because the lion bit off a couple of pounds, but her anxiety caused her to lose weight!

But God is gracious and He planned everything in advance!!! Wife was complaining about her weight gain earlier. She just couldn't understand how she gained a couple of pounds of weight when she hasn't been eating that much...

And now, I guess she's even. God knew she'd lose weigh, so He allowed her to gain some weigh earlier. In the end, it all works out wonderfully!

Like I said, thanks, my Lord! :D

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Integrity and flexibility

Last night wife and I had a pretty long discussion of the differences between integrity and flexibility and how they are different. Being flexible, doesn't mean one has to compromise one's integrity... and having integrity, doens't mean one must be inflexible.

A person with integrity problem is a person who generally cannot be trusted. If you know a person who has acted fraudulently against others, chances are, this person will probably act fraudulently against you someday. A person with integrity problem will cause others to have a hard time of trusting him because others would know that this fraudulent person just might do anything for personal gain... I see integrity as essentially something that keeps us from sinning against God.

While flexibility is just being flexible. Main purpose of being flexible is probably to please others. But of course it's important for people who tend to be more flexible to have some integrity. We most certainly don't have to rob a bank for someone we love! ;) I simply believe that as long as something is legal, or something that is not sinful in God's eye, then I can be flexible about it. As long as the job is done... as long as we get to our destination, I don't really care how it's done... or how we get there. We don't have to be so structured, so inflexible to insist doing things in my own way.

I do have a very flexible personality, and sometimes wife can end up seeing me as having no integrity, of course I disagree with that, but I suppose I can see how she sees it that way. We all have our reasons and ways of doing things... who's right and who's wrong? God knows. ;)

Today's reading was about fall of Jerusalem, in it, it did talk about how wicked man will die for his sins, but if he repents(regains his integrity), then he'll be saved. It also talked about how a righteous man somehow end up doing wicked things... and if he doesn't not repent(losing his integrity), then he'll surely die. Flexibility is more of a sign of love..., if you love somebody, you will tend to be more flexible. Some might even go to the extreme of doing evil for the ones that they love. But of course we need to make sure we don't become too flexible to the point of compromising our integrity. God had actually been pretty 'flexible' when it comes to treating the stubborn Jews, God didn't judge them right away, God was hoping that people would soon turn from their evil..., but inevitably, Jews continual integrity problem led to their own destruction.

May God help us maintain our integrity for Him, and help us have more flexibility to tolerate other people in love.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


共和黨已經決定了總統候選人,共和黨的基督徒輸了... 民主黨到現在還搞不定... 我是比較喜歡"黑人",因為他是基督徒... 不過願神的旨意成全! 願最適合美國的候選人當選! 願神也眷顧台灣的選舉...

今天有讀到了好多神的警告/預言... 不過神也很清楚的說祂也是位施行拯救的神!

我們的生命短暫,很多時後當下得卻是看不到惡人受逞罰,甚至更看不到神施行拯救... 不過當我們回頭看歷史,真的就可看出神的作為真的是奇妙可畏. 我們回頭看自己的過去想必也是一樣... 當下覺得沒什麼,甚至可能還會想生氣,可是回想起來,真的就是有很多可以感謝祂的事情...

是的,願人們都能過回頭看見神,這也是祂老人家所希望的看到的! ;)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008



今天有讀到約西亞(Josiah),裡面又提到神要怎樣處罰以色列... LOST裡面也有提到Josiah的故事... LOST 也還提過詩篇23... 不曉得寫LOST的作家是不是基督徒...


Monday, March 3, 2008


週末的時候還看了超多LOST的... 目前跟老婆的共同喜好大概就是看這個電視節目了吧! ;)

再來大概就是品嘗新口味,我會喜歡亂做些東西吃... 因該做的還可以吧... 所以害的老婆肥了2磅!!! ;)

Pastor Jim 這禮拜講到我們該如何等候神... 如何能夠有多一點的遠見! 犯罪當然有好處,只不過好處通常沒有想像的那麼好,而且到後來一定是禍患無窮!

這禮拜我們又拉到了Jack來教會.老婆很訝異他會願意跟我們來教會連續兩個禮拜... 我是覺得沒設麼大不了的... 反正愛來就來,不愛來拉到! ;) 他跟Nancy也是一樣,反正我們能做的就是帶他認識耶穌跟Nancy,再進一步的交往就得看他自己的意願了...


Isaiah 55
1 你 們 一 切 乾 渴 的 都 當 就 近 水 來 ; 沒 有 銀 錢 的 也 可 以 來 。 你 們 都 來 , 買 了 吃 ; 不 用 銀 錢 , 不 用 價 值 , 也 來 買 酒 和 奶 。
2 你 們 為 何 花 錢 ( 原 文 是 平 銀 ) 買 那 不 足 為 食 物 的 ? 用 勞 碌 得 來 的 買 那 不 使 人 飽 足 的 呢 ? 你 們 要 留 意 聽 我 的 話 就 能 吃 那 美 物 , 得 享 肥 甘 , 心 中 喜 樂 。

願Jack能夠做個聰明的投資... ;)