Monday, April 27, 2009

Bitter cup...

Speaking of better dish last weekend, interestingly pastor Jim talked about the bitter cup!

Actually this past week, wife and I both had to drink from some bitter cups..., but thanks be to God that we're able to get thru the troubles we were facing...

Yeah, often times in life we only see other people's glory... other people's good results..., but rarely do we know how much blood and sweat others have put in. We all want the glory... the nice life... sure! But are we willingly to pay the price?

If that something doesn't kill you, will it really make you stronger? Can love really conquer all?

Or are we doomed to die anyway... and can the various things of the world conquer the little love that you have?

Anyway, only we ourselves can answer these questions.

Like pastor Jim said, may we all be able to past the test so that we may have good testimonies... may we all be able to get thru the mess so that we can have good messages for those who are hopeless...

God is wonderful. God is great. God rocks! ;)

BTW, I tried out the new Kentucky Grilled Chicken today... it's not bad, but not that great either... still like it fried... I guess we should just stick to whatever we're good at and don't try to be something we're not!
(Jer 19-21, 174.6 lbs, $2.519)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Better dish...

Hmm..., my employer seemed to have stopped allowing people to log on to Blog or social networking sites... so I guess I can only blog at home now instead of at work. Oh well...

Pastor Jim's sermon last sunday was about choosing the 'better dish'... it was about how Mary chose the 'better dish' by spending more time with Jesus instead of Martha choosing to get done what needs to be done and missing out time with Jesus.

Yeah, it sure is easy to lose focus of what is really important in life. But of course the moral of the story isn't to justify our laziness... avoid doing what we're suppose to do and 'pretending' that you are busy with something else more important... For sure I have issues with being lazy or procrastinating... and I think I'm slowly improving recently, by setting myself with some to-do-list. I think my problem is that I just tend to lose focus, not only NOT doing what I'm suppose to do, but also not really doing anything important like Mary either!!!!

Anyway, this past week, I think I've managed to do what needs to be done both at work and at home pretty well, thanks for the "to-do-list", but of course I'm still missing out on important stuffs... such as paying more attention to the wife!!! The F-1 race at China last weekend was sort of the straw that broke the camel's back!!! We're already watching too much TV already..., trying to catch up to missed espisodes of recorded chinese shows..., and of Lost, and Heros, etc. At least those shows we can sorta watch together. But F-1 is really boring for the wife, plus it's just too much... and wife began to really feel like I'm not paying attention to her and the F-1 cars sounds was probably annoying her too!

And its kinda funny to find out that Pastor Jim's family suffer similar problems at his house. Pastor Jim would focus in on his sports games sometimes and forget about his wife! Of course this is definitely NOT the 'better dish', only shows that even the pastor is only human! ;)

We also talked about that movie 'Revolutionary Road' some more..., I think the troubles experienced by the characters were clearly caused by people focusing on the wrong priorities. The husband lost focus..., that's why he was unfulfilled at work and even had a stupid affair! The wife also lost focus and instead, really focused on moving the whole family to Paris... I guess often times realities will force us to lose focus of what's really important... may even shatter some dreams... like the song Susan Boyle sang on Britain's Got Talent! However, since there is a God who loves us and is with us, why should we lose hope?

May we all be able to enjoy our dish, instead of feeling that other people's dishes are better than ours! ;) Of course may God help us choose our dishes wisely too!

(Jer 4-6, 175.2 lbs, $2.519)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

This Easter Sunday we actually got to church late..., and so we couldn't even get in! Even the overflow section was filled..., so we ended up listening to Pastor Jim's sermon in the coffee shop! ;)

Yeah, pastor Jim encouraged us to bury our old selves in the cemetery with Christ... in order to be able to be really born again and rise with the resurrected Christ! That'll certainly be my prayer...

I've taken steps to manage my time better, with God's help may I can soon become a better time manager! I even finished my taxes before wife came home on Saturday evening! ;)

Anyway, Sunday evening, we're also lucky enough to get free Laker tickets from cousin Wesley, who works at the NBA office at Taiwan... At luckily that's not first come first served... so we actually squeeze in a pretty packed game at Staples Center! Perhaps it was because of Easter weekend, we didn't really see any Hollywood celebrities at the game..., but at least we saw Kobe Bryant!

So it has been a pretty relaxing and fun Easter Sunday...

I also did a personality/career type of a test and found out that I'm rather philosophical! Kinda interesting..., perhaps I'm in the wrong field as an engineer! ;)

(Isa 55-57, $2.479, 174.6 lbs)

分析:您的性格類型是「INFP」( 哲學家 )

理想主義者,忠於自己的價值觀及自己所重視的人。外在的生活與內在的價值觀配合,有好奇心,很快看到事情的可能與否,能夠加速對理念的實踐。試圖瞭解別 人、協助別人發展潛能。適應力強,有彈性;如果和他們的 價值觀沒有牴觸,往往能包容他人。 INFP把內在的和諧視為高於其他一切。他們敏感、理想化、忠誠,對於個人價值具有一種強烈的榮譽感。他們個人信仰堅定,有為自認為有價值的事業獻身的精 神。 INFP型的人對於已知事物之外的可能性很感興趣,精力集 中於他們的夢想和想像。他們思維開闊、有好奇心和洞察力,常常具有出色的長遠眼光。在日常事務中,他們通常靈活多變、具有忍耐力和適應性,但是他們非常堅 定地對待內心的忠誠,為自己設定了事實上幾乎是不可能 的標準。 INFP型的人具有許多使他們忙碌的理想和忠誠。他們十分堅定地完成自己所選擇的事情,他們往往承擔得太多,但不管怎樣總要完成每件事。雖然對外部世界他 們顯得冷淡緘默,但INFP型的人很關心內在。他們富 有同情心、理解力,對於別人的情感很敏感。除了他們的價值觀受到威脅外,他們總是避免衝突,沒有興趣強迫或支配別人。INFP型的人常常喜歡通過書寫而不 是口頭來表達自己的感情。當INFP型的人勸說別人相信他們的 想法的重要性時,可能是最有說服力的。 INFP很少顯露強烈的感情,常常顯得沉默而冷靜。然而,一旦他們與你認識了,就會變得熱情友好,但往往會避免浮淺的交往。他們珍視那些花費時間去思考目 標與價值的人。



  • 心理學家
  • 心理輔導和咨詢人員
  • 人力資源管理
  • 翻譯
  • 大學教師(人文學科)
  • 社會工作者
  • 圖書管理員
  • 服裝設計師
  • 編輯
  • 網站設計師
  • 團隊建設顧問
  • 藝術指導
  • 記者
  • 口筆譯人員
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  • 建築師
  • 社科類研究人員
  • 教育顧問
  • 各類藝術家
  • 插圖畫家
  • 詩人
  • 小說家

Friday, April 10, 2009

Time after time...

Feeling kinda restless lately, not able to sleep as soundly as before... maybe jetlag is finally hitting me? ;)

Also, I'm really starting to notice that I'm not a very good manager of my time... I don't effectively use the time that I have and I'd end up not having enough time to do stuffs that I'm suppose to do... I still haven't file for taxes yet! And April 15th is approaching!!! I'm such a procrastinator!

What's worse is that I noticed this problem but I can't seem to fix it. Littlest things can sometimes distract me from doing what I'm suppose to do. Whether it's the internet... or the TV... or the PS3! ;) When I first got the TV back, I turned the PS3 on to try things out and then I'd lose track of time on the virtual race track!!! So I actually haven't turned my PS3 on ever since!!! ;)

I think perhaps I need to carry a to do list with me. List out all the things that must be done for the day. Anything that's not on the list and it's not an emergency... then I better just have the discipline to NOT do it! Will this work my Lord? Hmm... May God help me able to truly change... help me shake this thing off and be able to rise up and sit enthrone next to You!!!! :)

And a bit of good news... that is I'm slowly getting rid of the fat that I gained from Taiwan! Yipee!
(Isa 52-54, 175.4 lbs, $2.549)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Economy leveling off?

Stock market really surged again thanks to Wells Fargo. However, is the economy really getting better? The Baltic Dry Index, is still going down..., granted at much slower pace than before... down .2% at $1,463. So perhaps things are leveling off...

But suffice to say that people are really getting ahead of themselves..., feeling hopeful when there still not much international trade of the basic goods going on... People are acting a bit irrationally..., first they panic and sell off everything..., and now they all want back in again because of the slightest bit of good news... Investing in the stock market sure is annoying. I'm not sure what to do now...

Some say best thing to do is to go against the herd. When everyone wants in, that's when you should get out. Of course if you get out too early, you'll lose out on opportunities for more gain..., but then again, if you get out too late, then you'll be left holding an empty bag! ;) And reverse is true too. The best time to get into the stock market is when eveyone else are too scared to get it!

Anyway, I guess the best stretagy is to slowly get back into the market... no point just having my retirement money just sitting around not making a whole lot of interests... Tomorrow is Good Friday, so market's closed... so I don't have to worry about the unpredictable market ups and downs! Whew! ;)

I cashed out one of the 401k account from my previous employer near the end of the last year to stop the bleeding... and transferred to an IRA account in etrade... just to gain some control of my money I guess. I'm slowly starting to get back into the market since February..., surprisingly I've generated roughly 12% return just within the past couple months!!! Can I keep it up? Hope so..., this is money I can't touch until I retire anyway... may God give me the wisdom to be able to generate huge returns so that I can retire early! ;)

(Isa 49-51, 176.2 lbs, $2.519)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thank God for Costco!

We bought our TV from Costco because they automatically upgrade the one year warranty to two. Sure enough, as 2 year limit is approaching, our Sceptre HDTV developed a "line" on the screen. So I sent it in for warranty repair, good thing they are close by so that I can save shipping charges...

Anyway, after couple of weeks, I finally had my TV back... they replaced the entire LCD panel. Things are looking good now! It certainly is nice to have a big TV again... So hopefully we're good for another 2 years? Of course preferrably more than 2 years... Hope they won't let us down again... or else we won't buy another Sceptre product again!

And wife, if you're reading from Taiwan, I just found out that we haven't recorded any show on the computer... because I think Sherry turned off our cable converter box. I just saw plenty of shows recorded on the PC that showed hours and hours of blank screen...

Oh well, too much TV isn't that good for us anyway. The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. No matter what happens, His name is to be praised! ;)

(Isa 46~48, 176.2 lbs, $2.519)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How can we change to stay the same?

The book I'm reading recently..., thought I'd be done by now after flying to and from Taiwan... anyway, the book talked about something interesting... author was saying that often times in life, we don't really have a well defined problem. Main piece of the work is actually problem definition! Unlike in school..., we are used to dealing with well defined problems to solve... now in the real world can we even properly define the problems?

This is where experience and wisdom come in I guess. Experienced leaders will usually face the problem... and then just do whatever it takes to solve that problem. As he become more aware of the details, then he may decide to use different tactics. They don't really think and analyse all the options that he can do and then make a decision by picking what he thinks is the best... whether it's fire fighter or army commander. Experienced leaders will always instinctively know what to do in any given situation. (The instinct is developed thru experience of course) Only the less experience would actually take the time to think of what to do... and weighing all the different options! ;)

Of course as they face whatever 'problems' head on, they will be able to get to know the problem more. As more information is gather, the problem will become more clearly defined... If we don't clearly figure out what's the problem, what hope do we have trying to solve it?

So in school, the emphasis is more on solution. But we really need practice more on defining the problems in the first place! Once that is accomplished, finding the solution should be a easy part! Of course wife often times would like me to identify problems even before problems surface! That is clearly not possible. My problem is that I often don't see the problem when it sometimes is staring at me in the face! ;)

Of course life shouldn't be all about fighting fires or fixing problems. We can also act justly, love mercy and humbly follow God whenever there's no troubles whatsoever too! ;) I meant besides being so spiritual, I think our life goals also perhaps need to change as our lives become more clearly defined. I used to wanted to be a scientist as a kid..., then a race car driver..., then a car designer..., but I finally had to settle for an aerospace engineer.

I think Kate Winslet's character in Revolutionary Road simply all of a sudden become too rigid... and naturally when stuffs happen that caused her life goal to shatter, she was unable to cope with it. Anyway, the only thing that shouldn't change in our lives should be the love we have for God and for one another. As for all those other things in life... they're all subject to change at any given moment!

Did I get this right God? ;)
(Isa 43-45, 177.2 lbs, $2.519)

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm waiting on the Lord...

Been quite busy at work a week earlier... and having just return from a week worth of vacation in Taiwan was actually very relaxing. I even adjusted to the different time zones very well. I just basically forced myself to stay awake on the planes... and the just goes right to sleep at the destinations! ;) I slept well last night after arriving LAX late last evening. Perhaps my jetlag is effecting me a bit, because I'm still not that sleepy! ;)

Anyway, during my busy work week and during my vacation, I haven't even done my devotions that much. I read a few chapters here and there... trying to keep up with that daily plan, but distractions is always around to foil the plans... and I also haven't blogged for about 2 weeks!!! I don't even remember where I was with regard to may reading plan!!!

Oh well, so I'm just going to start over where I left off 2 weeks ago! Today at lunch, Tigran showed up to buy us lunch again. So once again, not enough time to finish my devotional blog... So I think I'm just going to try to wake up early and read my bible early in the morning where there can't be any distractions!!! Unless if I over sleep... ;) Anyway, may God help me! Isaiah 40 talked about God promising strength to the weary... so may it be true!!! ;)

Tonite, I had dinner at parents' home. My nephew Daniel is there because he's on break or something... anyway, over dinner, mom started to complain about dad again... and then giving dad a warning... wanting me and Daniel to know that if someday grandma were to disappear, it'd be because grandpa annoyed her to leave! She was actualy kinda kind by saying that she won't divorce..., she'll just take off.

So I tried to be the mediator... I think I'm an improved mediator now because I 'know' what she's talking about... and I know what dad is feeling... because I've been on the same boat with my own wife!!!! ;) Hopefully I helped diffuse the situation a bit... and then I diverted our conversation to Dan. Talk about what he likes in school... what his friends are like... any girlfriends... no girlfriends? then is he gay? Hopefully a little humor also help defuse the situation further! ;)

On the plane, I saw plenty of movies, and one that stuck in mind is Revolutionary Road. The Titanic stars showed us how to fall in love earlier, now they showed us what real life is really like! I think my personality is well suited for boring life style, but don't get me wrong, even I want a little excitement from time to time. God also don't want us to just settle for a boring life, but a godly life. If eternal life in heaven is just going to be boring, why bother going to heaven, right? But on the other hand, is life all about having exciting adventures? Without exciting adventures, life's just not worth living? Solomon seeked and had plenty of adventures in his life. In the end, the world's wisest guy finally realize what is most important about making life meaningful is 'love', or God. Life can be boring... and exciting at times..., but life without love for sure would be hell.

May God help all of us to be able to be filled with love like the eagle is lifted by the wind. I didn't watch any TV tonite. All I did was take care of the cats, chat with wife in TW and sang this strength will rise when we wait upon the Lord song! My fingers were weary and hurting playing the guitar because I haven't done that for a while..., but I think my heart feels better now! :)

(Isa 40~42, 178.2 lbs, $2.499)