Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm waiting on the Lord...

Been quite busy at work a week earlier... and having just return from a week worth of vacation in Taiwan was actually very relaxing. I even adjusted to the different time zones very well. I just basically forced myself to stay awake on the planes... and the just goes right to sleep at the destinations! ;) I slept well last night after arriving LAX late last evening. Perhaps my jetlag is effecting me a bit, because I'm still not that sleepy! ;)

Anyway, during my busy work week and during my vacation, I haven't even done my devotions that much. I read a few chapters here and there... trying to keep up with that daily plan, but distractions is always around to foil the plans... and I also haven't blogged for about 2 weeks!!! I don't even remember where I was with regard to may reading plan!!!

Oh well, so I'm just going to start over where I left off 2 weeks ago! Today at lunch, Tigran showed up to buy us lunch again. So once again, not enough time to finish my devotional blog... So I think I'm just going to try to wake up early and read my bible early in the morning where there can't be any distractions!!! Unless if I over sleep... ;) Anyway, may God help me! Isaiah 40 talked about God promising strength to the weary... so may it be true!!! ;)

Tonite, I had dinner at parents' home. My nephew Daniel is there because he's on break or something... anyway, over dinner, mom started to complain about dad again... and then giving dad a warning... wanting me and Daniel to know that if someday grandma were to disappear, it'd be because grandpa annoyed her to leave! She was actualy kinda kind by saying that she won't divorce..., she'll just take off.

So I tried to be the mediator... I think I'm an improved mediator now because I 'know' what she's talking about... and I know what dad is feeling... because I've been on the same boat with my own wife!!!! ;) Hopefully I helped diffuse the situation a bit... and then I diverted our conversation to Dan. Talk about what he likes in school... what his friends are like... any girlfriends... no girlfriends? then is he gay? Hopefully a little humor also help defuse the situation further! ;)

On the plane, I saw plenty of movies, and one that stuck in mind is Revolutionary Road. The Titanic stars showed us how to fall in love earlier, now they showed us what real life is really like! I think my personality is well suited for boring life style, but don't get me wrong, even I want a little excitement from time to time. God also don't want us to just settle for a boring life, but a godly life. If eternal life in heaven is just going to be boring, why bother going to heaven, right? But on the other hand, is life all about having exciting adventures? Without exciting adventures, life's just not worth living? Solomon seeked and had plenty of adventures in his life. In the end, the world's wisest guy finally realize what is most important about making life meaningful is 'love', or God. Life can be boring... and exciting at times..., but life without love for sure would be hell.

May God help all of us to be able to be filled with love like the eagle is lifted by the wind. I didn't watch any TV tonite. All I did was take care of the cats, chat with wife in TW and sang this strength will rise when we wait upon the Lord song! My fingers were weary and hurting playing the guitar because I haven't done that for a while..., but I think my heart feels better now! :)

(Isa 40~42, 178.2 lbs, $2.499)

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