Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!?

Whew! Xmas is nearly over... just one more family dinner to go thru on Saturday!

Anyway, also spent some 'quality time' together just with the wife at home today...

Found out some interesting things... which is that wife has never experienced sadness prior to meeting Chuck! I know wife has rarely/never cried when she was young, but I didn't realize that she really has never been that sad before. Yeah, we were sharing happy and sad moments in our lives prior to meeting each other... that was certainly an interesting revelation. If it weren't for Chuck, PC and me, wife could possibly have gone thru life without experience sadness!!! ;)

Wife and I sure are quite different. When she was young, she's super confident and always can get to job done. I think I'm quite the opposite. I don't think I've ever gotten straight A's even once. Plus, I think there had always been plenty of things going on that can make me sad... and I think I had issues with self esteem, probably still do somewhat.

Main problem with wife is that sometimes she just doesn't want to do it when she can... as for me, it seems that I try and try and I just can't get it done. Of course sometimes in retrospect, I just wasn't doing it right!

Anyway, in the 'how people grow' book, sadness or this feeling poor in spirit is a good start I suppose. Only when we're feeling sad and broke will be look UP for help. Although I think I'm looking UP more often than wife does, but may God grant me wisdom to be able to figure how to do things properly in the real world too! ;) O Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea...

(Psalm 46-55)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa's workshop!

I've been staying home doing some xmas shopping and pillow case making... yes, I'm giving pillowcases along with ironed on pictures on them as xmas presents this year. It's economical, it's made with love and it helps me gain more experience! Right now, I can make like 7 or 8 a day, perhaps I can get faster as I become better. Can't believe I've started a pillowcase factory! ;)

Of course I still bought toys for my little nephew. Kids just love toys... perhaps next year I'll be able to make him stuffed animals/toys... ;)

Anyway, besides being productive, the psalms I've been reading along with the 'how people grow' book seemed to have coincided! In this chapter, author is saying that in order for people to grow, we have to realize our spiritual poverty. 'Blessed are the poor in spirit!' Pretty much every Psalmist I've read lately is lamenting about something... and they kept on stressing waiting on and hope in the Lord... yes, nothing in this world can help us look to God more than spiritual poverty. Of course we don't have to be like Jesus to actually 'become poor'... all we need is to simply realize that we are poor... and that is the ultimate key to spiritual growth. As King Solomon has proven, not even supreme wisdom can help him grow!

So, may we all be able to realize our spiritual poverty soon so that we may all begin our spiritual growth as soon as possible! Only when we realize how poor we really are will we stop and look up into that morning star to follow Him. Especially during this holiday season, even if economy is bad, even if we're not busy shopping, we're probably still busy doing something else. How often do we take the time to look up?

(Psalm 36-45, 172.8lbs, $1.919)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Need to get better(financially, physically and spiritually of course!)

Last nite we had another bible study with parents..., everything's cool with the bible study as we finish up with story of Jacob. However, almost without fail every time, we can eventually hear mom complaining dad is wasting too much money on investments... and dad complaining about mom wasting too much money buying stuffs! I think wife is siding with dad more since dad losing money is less within his own control... and for sure mom doesn't know how to save money... she'll only stop when there's not much left! ;) But bottomline is that I think they both have self control problems with money. Dad can get pretty greedy with 'investing' sometimes. Best way for them is to just have enough and no extra money! ;)

I'd like to think that I'm a little better..., but wife probably will disagree. ;) I can be very frugal like dad and I can spend a lot like mom only when it comes to important stuffs. The most expensive things I've ever purchased would be my car... and the diamond ring I think. Hopefully soon to be a home... given that prices and interest rates are coming down. May God Himself teach and guide me on matters of money.

Anyway, it's also been cold and rainy lately. Wife has been sore all over pretty much everyday now... and I've discovered an interesting thing about myself thanks to regular blogging... I discovered that almost have 'periods' too! ;) Yes, it was about the 19th last month that I had a cold sore, this month I got sores on my lips again!!! And a month before that was when I developed this rash on my eyes. Maybe it's all just coincidental... according to websites, stress, illness, poor nutrition, excessive activity and even sunlight coupled with a weakened immune system can cause outbreaks. Last month for sure was stress induced, this month must be poor nutrition. I have been trying to lose weight lately, perhaps I'm trying too hard. I also really should be taking my vitamins more regularly. My immune system has been much weaker than before for some reason... What's going on? Better be more careful next month!

O LORD, you have seen this; be not silent.
Do not be far from me, O Lord.

Turn your ear to me,
come quickly to my rescue;

be my rock of refuge,
a strong fortress to save me.

Awake, and rise to my defense!
Contend for me, my God and Lord.

I wait in hope for the LORD;
he is my help and my shield.

In him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in his holy name.

May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD,
even as we put our hope in you.

(Psalm 31-35, 172.6 lbs, $1.859)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Funny GIFs!

President Bush was almost hit by the shoes of some Iraqi journalist. The journalist claimed that he did it for the widows and the orphans or Iraqis. It's understandable I suppose, but then again... can he throw his shoes like that to Saddam Hussein?

Goes to show that you can't please everyone I guess. Now, I don't believe President Bush was right to pre-emptively strike our neighbors. Jesus for sure never taught us that... and if God really divinely inspired Bush to attack, surely we would've won that war convincingly by now.

Anyway, President Bush also said that he's sorry for the war and the economic mess. Hope he's learned his lessons and became a more humble man as a result. Same goes for all of us Americans. We think we're strong and rich because we're a world superpower? Well, God is now saying... 'think again'! May the troubles of today help all of us become more humble about ourselves... and to learn to look upon God more. America surely didn't become great because Americans are great. Without God, America is nothing. May God have mercy on us and continue to bless this nation. Hopefully we'll be able to have as quick of a reflex as Bush... to be able to duck ourselves out of trouble! ;) May Americans all become more like the psalmists in the bible!!!

(Psalm 26-30, 172.6 lbs, $1.839) btw, gas prices seemed to have stabilized... thought it'd go down some more! ;)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

20 Things You Didn't Know About... Nothing

I heard about scientists discovering 'nothing' over the radio last night, it turns out, that wasn't news, according to this article from Discover Magazine, it's already been discovered long ago and the article was published last year! Anyway, here they summarized it with 20 itemized points. Pretty funny! ;)

1 There is vastly more nothing than something. Roughly 74 percent of the universe is “nothing,” or what physicists call dark energy; 22 percent is dark matter, particles we cannot see. Only 4 percent is baryonic matter, the stuff we call something.

2 And even something is mostly nothing. Atoms overwhelmingly consist of empty space. Matter’s solidity is an illusion caused by the electric fields created by subatomic particles.

3 There is more and more nothing every second. In 1998 astronomers measuring the expansion of the universe determined that dark energy is pushing apart the universe at an ever-accelerating speed. The discovery of nothing—and its ability to influence the fate of the cosmos—is considered the most important astronomical finding of the past decade.

4 But even nothing has a weight. The energy in dark matter is equivalent to a tiny mass; there is about one pound of dark energy in a cube of empty space 250,000 miles on each side.

5 In space, no one can hear you scream: Sound, a mechanical wave, cannot travel through a vacuum. Without matter to vibrate through, there is only silence.

6 So what if Kramer falls in a forest? Luckily, electromagnetic waves, including light and radio waves, need no medium to travel through, letting TV stations broadcast endless reruns of Seinfeld, the show about nothing.

7 Light can travel through a vacuum, but there is nothing to refract it. Alas for extraterrestrial romantics, stars do not twinkle in outer space.

8 Black holes are not holes or voids; they are the exact opposite of nothing, being the densest concentration of mass known in the universe.

9 “Zero” was first seen in cuneiform tablets written around 300 B.C. by Babylonians who used it as a placeholder (to distinguish 36 from 306 or 360, for example). The concept of zero in its mathematical sense was developed in India in the fifth century.

10 Any number divided by zero is . . . nothing, not even zero. The equation is mathematically impossible.

11 It is said that Abdülhamid II, sultan of the Ottoman Empire in the early 1900s, had censors expunge references to H2O from chemistry books because he was sure it stood for “Hamid the Second is nothing.”

12 Medieval art was mostly flat and two-dimensional until the 15th century, when the Florentine architect Filippo Brunelleschi conceived of the vanishing point, the place where parallel lines converge into nothingness. This allowed for the development of perspective in art.

13 Aristotle once wrote, “Nature abhors a vacuum,” and so did he. His complete rejection of vacuums and voids and his subsequent influence on centuries of learning prevented the adoption of the concept of zero in the Western world until around the 13th century, when Italian bankers found it to be extraordinarily useful in financial transactions.

14 Vacuums do not suck things. They create spaces into which the surrounding atmosphere pushes matter.

15 Creatio ex nihilo, the belief that the world was created out of nothing, is one of the most common themes in ancient myths and religions.

16 Current theories suggest that the universe was created out of a state of vacuum energy, that is, nothing.

17 But to a physicist there is no such thing as nothing. Empty space is instead filled with pairs of particles and antiparticles, called virtual particles, that quickly form and then, in accordance with the law of energy conservation, annihilate each other in about 10-25 second.

18 So Aristotle was right all along.

19 These virtual particles popping in and out of existence create energy. In fact, according to quantum mechanics, the energy contained in all the power plants and nuclear weapons in the world doesn’t equal the theoretical energy contained in the empty spaces between these words.

20 In other words, nothing could be the key to the theory of everything.

Anyway, so apparently the scripture is true! Dark energy/dark matter is very much like the work of satan. It divides and pushes things apart and turns everything back into nothing. But of course God is a God who's capable of making something out of nothing! Although most of the universe is occupied by this dark energy and dark matter, but God is still holding it together!

Who is he, this King of glory?
The LORD Almighty—
he is the King of glory.
Selah :)

(Psalm 25-31, 173.2 lbs, $1.859)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another Long weekend!

The dentist must have drilled and filled 3 or 4 of my teeth on Monday. It wasn't particularly painful, but very tiring. I think the corner of my lips are nearly torn opened because I had to open up so wide for so long... At least the filling that fell off was filled. As for the other little cavities, I think I'm going to take my time with those next year... ;)

I also took the time off on Monday to make another pillow case... this time with pictures on it! Avery's iron on transfer paper works pretty good! Except that this time I'm not as satisfied with my sewing job with the pillow. Plus, I had a lot of troubles along the way... such as jamming the sewing machine... and then sewing on the wrong sides.... just one problem after another. I made one for mom and hopefully the one I'm making with our cat will be better... Anyway, practice makes perfect, right? ;)

Anyway, this little project sure has taken us a lot of time. We spent most of the weekend shopping for fabrics and pillows and stuffs. We drove all over the place, trying to do our job propping up the economy I suppose. That really worn wife out. I suppose the only highlight of the weekend was the Friday night get together with Dorcas and Kitty. I guess wife really enjoy hanging out with them to be able to tolerate them for so long! Actually Dorcas didn't really say all that much... it was mostly Kitty! ;) Kitty is actually a pretty 'spiritual' gal, but still can't help but humorously complaint about marriage life! I suppose it's healthy to vent out frustrations... and her frustration also helped out wife a bit too! To help her realize that her husband ain't so bad after all! ;)

Actually I thought Kitty's husband's kinda cool. I wouldn't mind becoming more like him! It's kinda interesting that the stuffs I thought he's very cool about him, Kitty doesn't really care about those qualities. What Kitty really cares about, her husband just doesn't have much to offer. Kinda remind me of my marriage. Wives often times want the things that the husbands don't have!!! ;) Actually I think God often put people together to help us grow. Marriage for sure is tough, but if it helps us to grow, then it's worth it! Dorcas on the other hand is probably already pretty mature as it is, this is why God didn't make her suffer thru marriage! But then again, you'd never know... maybe even she can grow just a little bit when the right time has come! ;)

As pastor Jim preached, the ultimate growth is probably to be able to learn to grow strong in God! Let that joy of the Lord be our strength! Good times or bad times, it doesn't matter! Reading the psalms was also very encouraging. I wish I can really pray that nicely. My daily prayer sounded kinda lame..., but thank God that He doesn't mind. The book 'How people grow' and Pastor Jim both talked about how we should just pray in ways we normally talk. So that sure made me feel better, but still, may God help me one day be able to pray like a true Psalmist! ;)

I really like Psalm 13 a lot... the paradoxical struggle of God's love and goodness and the ugly realities we face day to day... yes, let the joy of the Lord be my strength!

1 耶 和 華 啊 , 你 忘 記 我 要 到 幾 時 呢 ? 要 到 永 遠 麼 ? 你 掩 面 不 顧 我 要 到 幾 時 呢 ?

2 我 心 裡 籌 算 , 終 日 愁 苦 , 要 到 幾 時 呢 ? 我 的 仇 敵 升 高 壓 制 我 , 要 到 幾 時 呢 ?

3 耶 和 華 ─ 我 的   神 啊 , 求 你 看 顧 我 , 應 允 我 ! 使 我 眼 目 光 明 , 免 得 我 沉 睡 至 死 ;

4 免 得 我 的 仇 敵 說 : 我 勝 了 他 ; 免 得 我 的 敵 人 在 我 搖 動 的 時 候 喜 樂 。

5 但 我 倚 靠 你 的 慈 愛 ; 我 的 心 因 你 的 救 恩 快 樂 。

6 我 要 向 耶 和 華 歌 唱 , 因 他 用 厚 恩 待 我 。

(Psalm 11-20, 172.8 lbs, $1.879)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas party!

Yeah, can't believe 2008 is almost done. Had our company Christmas luncheon today. Didn't win an raffle drawings..., they actually gave away couple of ipods. Impressive. Didn't think the department's that rich... of course most raffle awards are pretty cheap, but still. Anyway, although I didn't win anything, at least there was a free lunch. It's actually pretty good.

But has this year been good career-wise? It's not bad, it's not great either though. I'm certainly grateful for the money and occasionally the new experiences learned, but I just don't find it rewarding enough. It felt more rewarding to make a stupid pillow case! ;) Wife has often complained that her ex-bosses often failed allow her to do what she wants to do... well, I've been waiting for years too. After more than 10 years in the industry, I still haven't really started and finished the same project. I still haven't felt like I've 'created' anything yet. It's always been pulled to work on this part... and work on that part... an often times what we work on is in vain anyway.

Today's reading of the psalms felt exactly like wife's latest vision. From

' How long, O LORD, how long?'

all the way to

' The LORD is King for ever and ever;
the nations will perish from his land.

You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted;
you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,

defending the fatherless and the oppressed,
in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.'

May You give us the patience and endurance necessary. May You also give us the strength to be able to change ourselves for the better too! We need You especially in times like these. Yes, Lord, we need you to bail us out... for You are better than any government on earth. But of course at the same time, we better wise up and stop doing business as usual too.

(Psalm 6-10, 174.8 lbs, $1.879)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Last vision from bro GD!

We have our very last prayer meeting last night. Brother GD has finally decided to turn us lose after about 2 years. Initially, he only agreed to do this for a few months... and amazingly it has lasted for years!!! I had been single and now I'm married! Although I was in Seattle at the time, Brother GD and Sister Prophet had been instrumental at getting me married! If it weren't for them, surely I'd still be single now! ;) Of course luckily I wasn't around during those times... and I didn't even really know them that well... for otherwise, wife probably would suspect that perhaps I've conspired with them to trick her into marrying me! ;)

Last nite's very last message was about preparing and watching out for our hearts. Prepare our hearts so that it's not rocky... nor should it be too shallow... nor should there be too many thorns around... prepare our hearts to be fertile grounds for the seeds of God. Yes, easier said than done..., but regardless, it has to be done! We gotta be fruitful!

Anyway, brother GD also prayed for all of us with visions... he saw wife sitting at a table with a light yellowish color table cloth and chatting with a bunch of people... I think he also saw her standing at some high up place possibly looking down on an old city or something... screaming or sighing... asking 'how long do I have to wait?' Yeah, for sure wife waited quite a bit. A lot of waiting during her ministry work. A lot of waiting for her green card. Even today, she has to wait for me on various things because sometimes I'm just very slow... But eventually brother GD said he saw a bunch of old buildings/structures will be cleared away for new ones.

As for me, he saw me walking around in some japanese style garden. A place I'm very familiar with, yet I can't get out of for whatever reason. I think this kinda showcased the difference between wife's personality and mine... When she feels trapped, she'd be frustrated. Whenever I feel trapped, I still try to enjoy this japanese garden while I can! ;) Anyway, regardless of our personality differences, in the end, Bro GD saw that place will be tear down and new buildings will be built in its place.

I've had similar visions before. Like I'm in some sort of messy market, but then it'll be torn down and a twin tower will be constructed. Hmm..., what will be built, Lord? Can You be more specific? ;)

Anyway, I don't mind the waiting, but may God give wife sufficient patience to be able to endure thru her waiting period. Finally, please continue to bless brother GD and sis prophet so that many many more souls can be bless thru them. Thank You Lord! :)

(Psalm 1-5, 173.8 lbs, $1.879)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Random thoughts...

The corrupt Illinois governor was trying to sell Obama's vacant senate seat to the highest bidder. Didn't realize this but it seems Illinois governors had a tradition of going to jail on corruption charges. Hopefully Obama's not as corrupted as his state's former colleagues...

US auto bailout package is almost ready... if I have the money, I'd buy the abandoned Honda F-1 team! ;) Honda is only selling the advance facilities for a dollar and all the debts will be assumed by Honda too! Basically the buyer just need to come up with money to keep the team running in the future... oh boy, I wish I can win the Lotto now!!!

Speaking of money, state of California is ready to run out of it too. If something isn't done soon, all the public road works can be halted as early as next week. The the state would grind to a complete halt by next Feb/Mar. Yeah, perhaps I do need to buy more Lotto tickets to help out California schools at least! ;)

Been reading the last portion of the Job today..., I've already enjoyed reading part of the bible whenever God speaks! Furthermore, the talks of Behemoth and fire breathing leviathan always peaked my interests too! Did dinosaurs really roamed the earth with mankind? Sounds like yes to me! Not only that... there were fire breathing dragons!!! Hmm... so what happened to them? Oh well, anyway, I'll just have to ask God about that later. ;) For now, we'll just have to learn the good examples that Job has done... and stay committed to follow Christ with our day to day lives. :)

(Job 40-42, 175.0 lbs, $1.879)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Long weekend!

One of my old fillings fell off, so I went to the dentist to get it fixed on Monday morning. As it turned out, the dentist told me that I have a lot of little cavities all over... thanks for not taking good care of my teeth... such as regular flossing. So I may have to pay the dentist a visit 5 more times to get it all fixed. Not looking forward to that at all.

So on the rest of my "sick day", I ended up getting my first sewing project done! Yes, after much practicing, I've finally finished my first pillow! Got many more pillows lying around, I'll be making some more trying to add buttons and zippers... I'll probably be ready to make cloths pretty soon! ;) But of course mainly I just want to do furniture re-upholstering or perhaps new curtains for our new home! Anyway, we'll see how it goes.

Over the weekend, wife for the first time saw the B-2 stealth bomber flying low around our neighborhood. Not sure what the military is doing, probably just practicing for the Rose Parade. Still, it was a bit uncomfortable though... and on Monday, an F-18 jet fell off the sky above San Diego and crashed into a few homes. A poor Korean business man lost his wife and kids just like that. The guy is a Christian..., probably a modern day Job I guess. How sad is that?

Anyway, Pastor Jim preached about 'faith' on Sunday. Saying that regardless of how 'little', God gave all of us a measure of faith. And the Word of God can help us grow that faith, but nothing beats actually practicing it! And often times, we'll be tested thru sufferings. It is times like that which will help us find out how much faith we really have! May that Korean man be able to pass the test just like Job did. May he has friends that are better than Job's friends... capable of actually comforting him.

As for us, yeah, just like God gave me a measure of desire for sewing..., and I grow that desire by reading books on sewing..., and now I practice and practice to actually sew something... and after the pillow case survived the washer and dryer test, then I know everything's good! ;) Besides sewing, may we all be prepared to put our faith to the test!

(Job 34-39, 174.0 lbs, $1.899)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wow, game over for Honda F-1!

Last year the satellite team Super Aguri fell off the F-1 grid... now, it seems the parent factory Honda team is ready to abandon F-1 racing due to the global auto sales slow down... Staffs just got the news last nite and are now frantically trying to look for jobs in other teams... One would think Honda is in it for the long haul... aiming to win championships! But now, decided to all of a sudden to pack things up and leave! Wow.

Also considering a bunch of bank sponsorships, perhaps other F-1 teams will be in trouble too?

No wonder GM and Ford are near bankruptcy if even Toyota and Honda are struggling financially...

Scary times indeed.

(Job 31-33, 175.0 lbs, $1.999)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sad face/happy face...

The moon and the special alignment of Jupiter and Venus caused these rare happy and sad faces! ;)

Yesterday my airheaded-ness caused wife to be super upset again. The morning after, somehow something caused me to decide to just work from home that day.

All I can say is that thank God I made that decision!

I'll take a sad and happy day over a sad sad day any day! :)

(Job 25-30, 173.8 lbs, $2.099)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Relaxing long weekend for me!

Other than the crazy terrorism thing going on at India, it has been a very relaxing weekend for me.

Wife, on the other hand, had to deal with family gatherings and teaching during the long weekend, so she probably wasn't all that relaxing... Since grand-aunt's passing, I think our family's other relatives will probably be spending the actual holidays with the other side of the family first... and then we'll have a get together of our own on the next day or somethings... They used to alternate every year... So does this mean wife needs to have double the family fun? One with mom and dad on the actual holiday... and the other with the rest of the relatives? Or should we just forget about the other relatives? Or should we not spend holidays with mom and dad and just go to the big get together a day later?

Sigh. Thinking about it is stressing me out too! ;) It's really suppose to be fun... hopefully I can just make things more fun for the wife so that she can be less stressed out.

Anyway, we also did a bit of shopping too, trying to help get the economy moving... our biggest ticket item was actually a $65 sewing machine! Yeah, I just have this urge to sew. Pretty weird. I wonder what I'll be making! Perhaps I can be making Xmas presents, but then, our economy will really tank now!!! ;)

Yeah, I'm experiencing the urge to create. My last creation was just the TV stand. What new things will I be creating next? Hmm...

Pastor Jim talked about how we all need to have a new walk, new talk, new mentality and a new look. Are we really the new creations in Christ or are we just the same old creations of the messed up world? Interestingly we also bumped into Chin this Sunday at Faith. Chin has been an instrumental person who got me to know Christ. In a way I'm kinda sadden that today, both Chin and I are now just a Sunday service attendee. No longer really plugged in to the Body of Christ due to past bad experiences.

Help us plug ourselves into You Lord! So that we may truly be renewed and become the new creations that we're meant to be!

(Job 22-24, 174.2 lbs, $2.139)