Thursday, December 11, 2008

Last vision from bro GD!

We have our very last prayer meeting last night. Brother GD has finally decided to turn us lose after about 2 years. Initially, he only agreed to do this for a few months... and amazingly it has lasted for years!!! I had been single and now I'm married! Although I was in Seattle at the time, Brother GD and Sister Prophet had been instrumental at getting me married! If it weren't for them, surely I'd still be single now! ;) Of course luckily I wasn't around during those times... and I didn't even really know them that well... for otherwise, wife probably would suspect that perhaps I've conspired with them to trick her into marrying me! ;)

Last nite's very last message was about preparing and watching out for our hearts. Prepare our hearts so that it's not rocky... nor should it be too shallow... nor should there be too many thorns around... prepare our hearts to be fertile grounds for the seeds of God. Yes, easier said than done..., but regardless, it has to be done! We gotta be fruitful!

Anyway, brother GD also prayed for all of us with visions... he saw wife sitting at a table with a light yellowish color table cloth and chatting with a bunch of people... I think he also saw her standing at some high up place possibly looking down on an old city or something... screaming or sighing... asking 'how long do I have to wait?' Yeah, for sure wife waited quite a bit. A lot of waiting during her ministry work. A lot of waiting for her green card. Even today, she has to wait for me on various things because sometimes I'm just very slow... But eventually brother GD said he saw a bunch of old buildings/structures will be cleared away for new ones.

As for me, he saw me walking around in some japanese style garden. A place I'm very familiar with, yet I can't get out of for whatever reason. I think this kinda showcased the difference between wife's personality and mine... When she feels trapped, she'd be frustrated. Whenever I feel trapped, I still try to enjoy this japanese garden while I can! ;) Anyway, regardless of our personality differences, in the end, Bro GD saw that place will be tear down and new buildings will be built in its place.

I've had similar visions before. Like I'm in some sort of messy market, but then it'll be torn down and a twin tower will be constructed. Hmm..., what will be built, Lord? Can You be more specific? ;)

Anyway, I don't mind the waiting, but may God give wife sufficient patience to be able to endure thru her waiting period. Finally, please continue to bless brother GD and sis prophet so that many many more souls can be bless thru them. Thank You Lord! :)

(Psalm 1-5, 173.8 lbs, $1.879)

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