Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another Long weekend!

The dentist must have drilled and filled 3 or 4 of my teeth on Monday. It wasn't particularly painful, but very tiring. I think the corner of my lips are nearly torn opened because I had to open up so wide for so long... At least the filling that fell off was filled. As for the other little cavities, I think I'm going to take my time with those next year... ;)

I also took the time off on Monday to make another pillow case... this time with pictures on it! Avery's iron on transfer paper works pretty good! Except that this time I'm not as satisfied with my sewing job with the pillow. Plus, I had a lot of troubles along the way... such as jamming the sewing machine... and then sewing on the wrong sides.... just one problem after another. I made one for mom and hopefully the one I'm making with our cat will be better... Anyway, practice makes perfect, right? ;)

Anyway, this little project sure has taken us a lot of time. We spent most of the weekend shopping for fabrics and pillows and stuffs. We drove all over the place, trying to do our job propping up the economy I suppose. That really worn wife out. I suppose the only highlight of the weekend was the Friday night get together with Dorcas and Kitty. I guess wife really enjoy hanging out with them to be able to tolerate them for so long! Actually Dorcas didn't really say all that much... it was mostly Kitty! ;) Kitty is actually a pretty 'spiritual' gal, but still can't help but humorously complaint about marriage life! I suppose it's healthy to vent out frustrations... and her frustration also helped out wife a bit too! To help her realize that her husband ain't so bad after all! ;)

Actually I thought Kitty's husband's kinda cool. I wouldn't mind becoming more like him! It's kinda interesting that the stuffs I thought he's very cool about him, Kitty doesn't really care about those qualities. What Kitty really cares about, her husband just doesn't have much to offer. Kinda remind me of my marriage. Wives often times want the things that the husbands don't have!!! ;) Actually I think God often put people together to help us grow. Marriage for sure is tough, but if it helps us to grow, then it's worth it! Dorcas on the other hand is probably already pretty mature as it is, this is why God didn't make her suffer thru marriage! But then again, you'd never know... maybe even she can grow just a little bit when the right time has come! ;)

As pastor Jim preached, the ultimate growth is probably to be able to learn to grow strong in God! Let that joy of the Lord be our strength! Good times or bad times, it doesn't matter! Reading the psalms was also very encouraging. I wish I can really pray that nicely. My daily prayer sounded kinda lame..., but thank God that He doesn't mind. The book 'How people grow' and Pastor Jim both talked about how we should just pray in ways we normally talk. So that sure made me feel better, but still, may God help me one day be able to pray like a true Psalmist! ;)

I really like Psalm 13 a lot... the paradoxical struggle of God's love and goodness and the ugly realities we face day to day... yes, let the joy of the Lord be my strength!

1 耶 和 華 啊 , 你 忘 記 我 要 到 幾 時 呢 ? 要 到 永 遠 麼 ? 你 掩 面 不 顧 我 要 到 幾 時 呢 ?

2 我 心 裡 籌 算 , 終 日 愁 苦 , 要 到 幾 時 呢 ? 我 的 仇 敵 升 高 壓 制 我 , 要 到 幾 時 呢 ?

3 耶 和 華 ─ 我 的   神 啊 , 求 你 看 顧 我 , 應 允 我 ! 使 我 眼 目 光 明 , 免 得 我 沉 睡 至 死 ;

4 免 得 我 的 仇 敵 說 : 我 勝 了 他 ; 免 得 我 的 敵 人 在 我 搖 動 的 時 候 喜 樂 。

5 但 我 倚 靠 你 的 慈 愛 ; 我 的 心 因 你 的 救 恩 快 樂 。

6 我 要 向 耶 和 華 歌 唱 , 因 他 用 厚 恩 待 我 。

(Psalm 11-20, 172.8 lbs, $1.879)

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