Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oops, I did it again...

Yes, wife got upset at me again last nite...

Asking the Holy Spirit for pointers to continue to add to modify my plan... I guess 'ask and you shall receive!' ;)

Yeah, it appears that my "list" indeed wasn't comprehensive enough. So I've added a new item onto that list... still aren't 100% sure if my list is now complete or if I'm still missing anything, but Lord, you know I'm trying my best right? Also please grant me more insight so that I can have a more complete list...(hopeful the foresight to see the trouble spot before it happens!!!) and of course I also need the ability to following plan through successfully!

And thank God at least I managed to turn wife's mood around faster this time. It didn't take all night, just a few hours... ;) May God continue to work on me so that I may continue to improve myself in all the areas where I'm lacking...

Lastly, I'm looking forward to a merry Christmas and a happy new year! May God continue to be with us and guide over us.

In baby Jesus' name we pray. Amen! :)

Isaiah 58

11 The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.

(20/20, 169.4 lbs, $3.459)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Commitment Plan

I've actually gotten into fights with wife for quite a few times since Thanksgiving. Thank God we were able to patch things up every time, but still these fights can still be very annoying. Personally, I thought we're fighting over little things..., what's the big deal? But then, if they're so little, why couldn't I just do something about these little things? Shouldn't be a big deal to me too, right?

So I drafted up a list of all possible things that could tick my wife off. To be honest, some of the things are not so little to me... some of the habits I've actually tried to change in the past, but I ended up continue to let it slip. All thanks to my procrastination tendencies I guess... :(

Anyway, as hard as some of the things might be, I shall still try my best to 'walk on water' and focus more on my Lord than on anything else this time! Today's 20/20 reading talked about Peter's walk on water... Hey, if Peter could do it, so can I! Even if I do fall into the water, Jesus would still come save me and I shall dry myself up and try to walk again until my little faith grows bigger! :)

Of course besides stopping habits that might hurt my wife, I'm also trying to take more initiative on planning out the good things too. Hopefully, this commitment plan will help smooth out the rocky parts out of our marriage! ;) Now, if something is still insufficient about my plan, may God give me some pointers thru the Holy Spirit so that I may modify the plan as we go along...

(20/20, $3.379, 168.8lbs)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful for healthy choices...

During the trip back to Taiwan last month, we learned of the benefit of graphite... that can shield us from EMF and turn water more alkaline..., but I've yet to confirm for sure its effects are real or not. My cheap EMF detector couldn't tell the difference... and the pH test strips I bought also doesn't work very well...

Anyway, all of that also eventually got me looking into diets that are more alkaline. Basically all meats are acidic, all process foods such as snacks are acidic... and the medications are typically all acidic... some veggies are also acidic, but most veggies are alkaline... for sure the root type veggies are alkaline, such as garlic, ginger, onions, (sweet) potatoes, lotus roots, radish, carrots... We supposedly should have diets that consist of 20% meat and 80% fruits and veggies, but I don't think we're doing that yet.

But one other thing we're doing seems to be working well... which is to drink mineral water with lemon juice. It tastes refreshing too! I seem to be losing weight, lowering my blood pressure and I haven't had any headaches lately too!

Wife has tried to get me to stop drinking Coke for the longest time, but it never worked! (Coke is extremely acidic along with other soft drinks) I did 'fast' from drinking Coke for 6 month hoping that we'll get the house, and as soon as God granted us the house, I went back to drinking it! ;) But this time, I think God has helped me quit for good. Sodas we bought are still sitting at home untouched... of course I'd occasionally drink Coke in restaurants still, but those are indeed "rare" occasions! ;)

I think wife is claiming that it hasn't worked out as well, but perhaps that's due to the fact that she forgets about drinking it sometimes... and she didn't really stop drinking coffee... so perhaps she needs to drink MORE lemon water or be on a more stringent alkaline diet in order to offset the acidic effects of coffee?

Anyway, it's not easy to stop all of our poor health choices... coffee and snacks are wife's favorites. But at least we're stepping in the right direction. I'm just glad that Coke cannot tempt me as much as before! Hopefully we'll both be able to make more healthier choices next year.

Acidic foods can just taste so great but so bad for us. I wonder if satan is acidic? All things fried do become acidic. Potatoes maybe alkaline, but french fries are acidic. So I can only assume that satan/evil/wickness are probably acidic!

Psalm 140

1 Rescue me, LORD, from evildoers;
protect me from the violent,
2 who devise evil plans in their hearts
and stir up war every day.
3 They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent’s;
the poison of vipers is on their lips.

4 Keep me safe, LORD, from the hands of the wicked;
protect me from the violent,
who devise ways to trip my feet.
5 The arrogant have hidden a snare for me;
they have spread out the cords of their net
and have set traps for me along my path.

6 I say to the LORD, “You are my God.”
Hear, LORD, my cry for mercy.
7 Sovereign LORD, my strong deliverer,
you shield my head in the day of battle.
8 Do not grant the wicked their desires, LORD;
do not let their plans succeed.

(20/20, 172.6 lbs, $3.319)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Feeling musical lately...

Feeling lucky and blessed too!

Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
2 Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.
3 Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
4 Look to the LORD and his strength;
seek his face always.

Perhaps this is the joy of the Lord? Of course, whether good times or bad, hope I will continue to depend on Him.

Still need to figure out which new health insurance plans to sign up for..., our traveling/driving details, and of course to finish working on the house!!!

I can do all those things in Your name I suppose, but what have I really done for You lately? What can we DO for You?

Anyway, in the mean time, I will just try to love You and love those around me for now I suppose... ;)

(20/20, 174.4 lbs, $3.279)

Lecrae-Background Ft. C-Lite Video

I don't usually like rap music, but I really liked this one! Kinda cool to hear rap music intended on glorifying God! :)

Opera Company of Philadelphia "Hallelujah!" Random Act of Culture

Very cool idea for the Opera Company of Philadelphia! People can shop while praising God! ;)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

300,000 miles!

Yes, my 20 year old Honda Civic has just reached the 300,000 miles mark! Can't believe this car is still running since my high school days! It has been lost(stolen) and found again! And it just won't die! How awesome is that?

When I was in High School, I actually dreamed of having a VW Rabbit convertible. I actually wanted a brown color car. I knew it wasn't possible because mom and dad were going thru financial trouble, but I dreamed it anyways. Amazingly Honda sold this cheap car that we can afford, it's gold on the outside, but happens to be brown on the inside. It was one of these rare love at first sight kinda thing. It wasn't a convertible, but oh well. For sure it's a better handling and longer lasting car than the VW. And few years down the road, I do end up owning a convertible that is much much better! ;)

I wasn't really a Christian back in High School, but Somebody up there must've really love me in order to help my dream come true in a better way! Praise the Lord!!! :)

Anyway, besides the good story, one disturbing piece of news is that using the EMF detector I recently bought, it turns out that our house can feel some effect the EMF field generated by the powerlines a block away!!! Actual health risks are still unknown, some are saying it's BAD BAD BAD, but others are saying it's perfectly safe. So everything's pretty inconclusive...not sure which side to believe... I'm currently reading a book called 'cross currents' in order to have a better understanding of effects of EMF on human bodies...

We also have to own this house for 3 years or else we have to pay the government back the tax credit we receive...

Oh well, we did pray to God about this house... if it's really that bad for us, He should've just not let us get it! Right God? I have to believe that God is reserving the best for us, but I have to admit that doubts are creeping in...

But today's reading, God said thru Isa 27:3

"I, the LORD, watch over it;
I water it continually.
I guard it day and night
so that no one may harm it. "

Okay. Whatever You say LORD! ;)

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever!

(20/20, 176.0 lbs, $3.299)

Baby worship extended !!!!! This shocked me honestly.

Wonder if she's really worshiping God or just mimicking some of the adults in the congregation. Regardless, it's pretty cute! ;)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Back to America!

Just came back from a 2 week Taiwanese vacation. It had been very restful and relaxing, but sure gained a lot of weight!!!! 10 lbs to be exact! I usually eat only 2 meals a day, but in Taiwan, we do nothing and yet eat 3 big meals a day, I suppose it's only natural to get fat! :D Thank God that I'm steadily dropping my weight day by day...

Anyway, we were also very lucky during our visit. It's nice that we missed the typhoons. There was a big one before we arrived and another big one hitting Taiwan after we left. The heat we experienced was kinda unbearable while we were there, but I suppose it's better than spending our vacation with a typhoon! Anyway, may God have mercy on Taiwan. Feel really bad for the people suffering because of these huge typhoons!!!

Another thing to be thankful for was that we prayed for healing of grandma and hopefully she can be well enough to eat out with us... well, she didn't get well enough to eat out with us, but we were able to see grandma walking about around the house! So that was pretty cool! Hope she'll be her full 100% next time we go back!

Anyway, for the sake of fun, I guess I'll rank the top 3 food that I enjoyed the most from this trip:

1) The stinky tofu!

2) The pig feet!

3)This meal purchased from the side of the freeway was pretty tasty too!

The other honorable mentions are mom's minced pork sauce that goes on top of the rice! Hmm... amazingly delicious. China airline tried to do the same but failed miserably! ;)

The other honorable mention is this NT$25 egg cake with cabbages we found by accident!

Not sure what's up, but it seems I enjoy these relative cheap 'little eats' more than some of the more expensive stuffs. These are what makes Taiwan great I think! ;)

Finally, on a more serious note... I'm hoping that I can introduce the gospel to my uncle. Trying to have email exchanges thru my cousin, may God help us make this endeavor successful! Hopefully my cousin can be converted too! Fingers cross! ;)

Isa 12:4
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done,
and proclaim that his name is exalted.

(20/20, 176.6 lbs, $3.299)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My latest creation...

Company potluck yesterday and we had a lot of left over eggs in the frige so I've decided to try to make a frittata. First tasted one from Europane Bakery. Been wanting to try to make one but never got around to it. I planned on making fried rice for potluck but turned out couple of other co-workers have decided to make fry rice... so I guess I'll finally make a frittata! ;)

It looks prettier than the crab cake I made, but it didn't quite taste as good as the ones from Europane though... needs more seasonings I think. Regardless, at least it also tasted better than the crab cake too! ;)

Pot luck organizer also handed out awards to encourage us too... my friend Daniel has been winning twice in a row!!! Oh well, if God is willing and if I practice and improve, surely someday I'll win that certificate and the wooden spoon award! ;)

Oh, and wife's friend A-kiang is staying with us... perfect timing so that she can take care of the cats while we're visiting Taiwan! She had stayed with us nearly 3 years ago and was kinda suffering from depression... hopefully she's feeling better now...

Yesterday devotion was psalm 88. It's an amazingly depressing psalm... King David's Psalms could have horrible or hopeless beginnings, but they'll usually end with something uplifting..., but nope, not Psalm 88! What would be the purpose of Psalm 88?

Well, hopefully when the entire congregation back in the time of Israel sing that Psalm, they'll be able to sympathize with people who are suffering from depression better?

Anyway, hopefully we can give A-kiang some positive impacts while she's here with us...

(20/20, 172.4 lbs, $3.099)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So much to do with so little time...


Work is getting a bit crazy lately. But it's still good to be able to make some extra money in such lousy economy I guess. Today I actually totally over slept... was really sleeping like a baby this morning until wife woke me up! ;) Guess it's because of the sudden cold weather recently... just doesn't feel warm enough to wake up yet. I do love sleep, but sometimes wish that we don't have to sleep. That way we can have ourselves some extra time!!!

What would I do with the extra time though? Probably playing video games! ;)

Anyway, may God help me manage my time wisely... and help me practice to be good enough to work thru whatever I need to get done efficiently... and of course, after I become just so amazingly good, may God also help me not to forget about Him. Don't want to be like King Asa, faithful initially and then prideful later on in his years...

I also need to learn to be more focus and not spread myself too thin on whatever it is that I do. Over the weekend, I think I was a bit over ambitious with cooking. Watching too much Korean cooking drama I guess... really need to just focus on doing one thing well at a time... over ambitious or pride, like the Bible said, will usually come before a fall.

The main 'fall' was the crab cake I was trying to make. I suppose it tasted okay, but it just looks weird. One of them actual broke in half... and they looks like some sort of Chinese food actually. ;)

(20/20, 171.0 lbs, $3.119)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ferrari Virtual Academy - Official Trailer (

Woohoo, on September 9th, I can attend the Ferrari virtual racing school!!!

Kinda looking forward to this... 5 top finalists can win a trip to Italy and visit Ferrari!

Oh my God! Do You think I can go? ;)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sharing the love...

Tonite, I'll be sharing and discussing about 'love' to some young Art Center students thanks to Howard! I'll be sharing pretty much all I know about love... all the stuffs that I wish somebody had told me about love when I was in their age...

I think the info I'll be providing is right..., as for my personal experiences, they're just my experiences, cannot really be right or wrong, at least so far I think my marriage is as good as it could be..., but of course there's always room for better than just 'good'...

Anyway, may God anoint me with sufficient amount of His wisdom during tonite's sharing. Here are the outline of my sharing session... Everything I know about romantic love condensed down to 6 pages! ;)

This Truth Triangle shown on the last page really doesn't have to be restricted to male and female kinda love only. It can be applicable to father/son, boss/employee... basically in any sort of relationships including Jesus to us! These ingredients are crucial in order to maintain a longterm loving relationship... Anyway, hope my info will be helpful to them. ;)

(20/20, 171.0 lbs, $3.179)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

3 years!!!

Today is our 3 year anniversary!!!

Wow! Hard to believe time flew by so quickly! And I haven't blogged for over a month!!!

I got a model 787 plane with our names on it as anniversary gift this year. Yeah, it took a while for 787 to take flight, but at least it eventually made it!


Also took a day off to chill and relax with wife at home... and we prepared our first ever prime rib dinner... trying to emulate Lawry's prime ribs! Everything tasted pretty good I suppose, but there are still room for improvement for sure. ;)


I've never noticed the awesome aroma of the roast meat at Lawry's, but that roast smelled wonderful while it was in the oven. It even drove our cat Hades nuts... he couldn't wait to get a taste of the meat...


I guess perhaps this is why God also like the aroma of the meaty sacrifices... we had our dinner at our home made 'tabernacle' in the backyard too... well, besides the nice smelling meat, I hope God finds our marriage pleasing as well! :)


(20/20, 170.2 lbs, $3.239)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our cats are pissed off for some reason...

Yeah, we thought our cats are getting used to the house, but then a new cat, Chap, moved it..., then all hell broke lose! Hades went on a hunger strike and started spraying all over... finally had to temporary remove Chap for a few weeks...

Now, we're letting Hades run around in the backyard more, we think that is helping him somehow... there are now less spraying inside the house (because he's doing it more outside)... we believe besides Chap, there probably were other cats living in the house before..., plus there is a stray cat who like to hang around our house... perhaps Hades is just going nuts because of all the different cat scent...

Chap is moving back in this weekend... we can only hope that things won't go crazy like before... it's just this time, we'll be more careful and make sure we separate Chap in a room until they're really used to each other's scent.

Poor wife had been wiping off cat piss pretty much on a daily basis..., we can only hope that situation continues to improve! As bad as the situation is, one can see the power of love at work in our house... wife is cleaning up the messes the cats were making just like God cleans up our messes!

Dad's latest sermon said it well:

Anyway, there's still a lot more work to be done around the house, but we are steadily making progress! May God continue to help us build our new home... I feel like I'm rebuilding our own little Eden... we're still a long ways off, but steady as we go...

(20/20, 171.6 lbs, $3.239)

Monday, April 26, 2010

We're finally MOVED IN!


Yeah! After countless visits of Home Depot and countless hours spent sanding and painting and waiting for our handyman Peter to finish fixing up our house... we've finally moved in to our new home!

Interestingly the house is both bigger and smaller at the same time... how paradoxical... ;)

Yes, each of the rooms are smaller compared to our old apartment... whether it's the living room or the bedrooms, but of course overall, the house does have more area than the apartment.

Another thing that takes getting used too is the hardwood floors and the tile floors of the kitchen and bathrooms... we now only have carpeting in the bedrooms. Not sure if it's water retention due to fatigue or what..., but the colder and harder floor can be really hard for my feet!!! Should've carpeted the whole house!!! But the looks of the hardwood floor is not that bad now that it's finished...

Whatever, the house is still in a big mess after the weekend move. Probably will take us a while to organize everything... clean everything... and the finally finish painting everything! But nevertheless, thank God that we now have a place of our own and we love it!

I think our kitty cats are getting use to the new place too!

I'm so tired for the past couple months though... probably won't be able to rest and relax much because there are still so much to be done... cool thing about all this hard work is that I have lost quite a bit of weight and even with all the hard work and stress, we do look so very happy together, huh? ;)

(20/20, $3.199, 170.6 lbs)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's official! Our 1st home!

Wanted to post something about it earlier, but didn't want to jinx it. But Yes! I just got a call from aunt Jean a minute ago... we are now the official owners of this house!!!

After an exhaustingly long search, we finally bought a house! We've been asking God for a best possible house that our money can buy... don't let us buy anything that's just not that good!

So we've made plenty of offers, and then all those deals either fell thru because of weird credit problems or because some other crazy buyers would out bid us in such a depressing market.

Anyway, as things turned out, this house probably is the best deal out of all the offers that we've made in the past! Plus, we now can actually qualify for the tax credit whereas previously we couldn't qualify for...

So yeah, the journey was long and frustrating, we were even close on giving up(giving up buying a house in the San Gabriel Valley area at least), but God certainly remained faithful and helped us out. Things for sure couldn't possibly worked out if we weren't 'lucky'. But of course, we know there's no such thing as 'luck'! ;)

Plus, we were also shopping for new appliances and tiles for the past week..., it's rather amazing that after we've done our research and thought have found ourselves the best deals in town... then all of a sudden, 'angel' salesmen would appear and give us even better deals that what we were happy with!!! God, You are amazing. Thank You so very very much! :)

Romans 11
33Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!
34"Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?"
35"Who has ever given to God,
that God should repay him?"
36For from him and through him and to him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen.

For the sake of our future house, I've even "fasted" for the past 6 months..., not food, but my favorite drinks- soda pops! So I guess it is licit for me to drink up tonite!!! Yipee! ;)

(20/20, $3.199, 172.6 lbs)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy birthday to US!

Can't believe I'm freaking 38 years old already. I think I'm really getting old... can't really stay awake much... getting really tired at around 12-ish... and I can't really make up the lost sleep in the morning because I'd wake up in the morning!

Anyway, we didn't take advantage of Disneyland again this year... don't want to bankrupt Disneyland with 2 free b-day tickets again..., plus, wife doesn't really want to visit Disneyland again anyway! ;) So this year, since our b-day is in the middle of the week, we decided to just chill out and take it easy!

787 work had really burned me out a little... actually lost quite a bit of sleep over that! Burning the midnight oil try to meet deadlines... so I'm glad that is over. Plus, wife and I had not been fighting much lately! (Fighting usually means lost sleep too!) So hallelujah! ;) Today's scripture was particularly encouraging to me!

10 The LORD sits enthroned over the flood;
the LORD is enthroned as King forever.

11 The LORD gives strength to his people;
the LORD blesses his people with peace.

But of course God only helps those who wants help! Since one of our main problem is that my inability to carry out meaningful and interesting conversations, I have been trying to read up some more stuffs in order to generate more conversation topics that can help bring us closer together... Honest to God, I have never read more books in my life... all this I have my wife to thank too! I never really had the hunger for more knowledge... very complacent personality... So I think for sure God give me my wife to kick my lazy butt on the right path and try and work hard in order to prevent us from turning our marriage into a yellow-dog marriage!

I think God has probably sent Little K to remind me to exercise my brain some more by memorizing more new vocabularies! Today's word of the day happens to be 'yellow dog', that's weird... is that really a word? Or merriam webster dictionary is crazier than I am? ;)

Anyway, we enjoyed a nice little new restaraunt we found on Yelp. Pretty good food and reasonably priced. Not only that, we had a soup, appitizer, 2 entrees, and then 2 desserts and we didn't even get fat!!! WHOA, that was like too good to be true! Wife and I recently started a plan to lose weight together because we are steadily gaining weight for some reason, we've been making steady progress so far... and I was like expecting to completely mess the plan up, but instead, we continue to lose weight! Amzing! ;) Afterwards, I gave her a LUSH bomb bath! That really help relaxed her and put her into a good mood I think.

May God continue to give me the wisdom to know how put push wife's right buttons instead of the wrong buttons! ;)

(20/20, 175.2 lbs, $3.179)

Sunday, January 17, 2010


787 work seems to continue to drag on for whatever reasons. Thought I'd be done by the end of the year, but then it kept on going and going..., after this week, maybe it'll be done for sure..., but then again, Lord knows. ;) It kept me busy and lost a few nights sleep too, but at least I was able to make a few bucks out of that. At least I appreciate that part, just hope that the extended work hours won't just drag on indefinitely though. Wife was also making extra income this month. Besides teaching, she had to work extra recording some score for movies. Very tiring work actually, but I think she likes it better because she doesn't have to deal with some of the lazy and untalented students! That is just so unbearable for a 'Perfectionist'! ;)

Yeah, we've recently discovered our types of personality thru facebook. Wife is a perfectionist(Reformer) and I'm a peacemaker. Thru the website, I also managed to learn the good things and the bad things about such a combination. It was shocking for me to learn how accurate of a description they had for us whether the good or the bad! Actually Pastor Su had already done something similar for us during our pre-marriage counciling. He was pretty good too... he had already warned us of the potential problems we might face, but we weren't really there back then, so the impact wasn't as great I guess. Now after the fact, I was just amazed how psychologists already knew about people like us! It took wife and I years to get to know one another, but psycologists already know what we're like... what's even more shocking to me that there are only roughly 9 types of people.

So if I truly learned about all 9 types of folks, and how to properly deal with them... then I guess I will be awesome in all kinds of social situations... perhaps also stratigically spread the gospel differently with different personality types?

Anyway, first things first, I need to learn to deal with perfectionists better! ;)

I also signed up to have that website send me words of encouragement/improvement every day. Today, it says:

Remember, you will grow by moving toward those things that are symbolized by Type Three. Can you acknowledge your potential and recognize your own value today?

Type III's are 'Achievers'. I do score kinda low at the 'Achiever' category. Low self confidence? Dunno. But yeah, today I'm going to acknowledge my potential and recognize my own value! ;)

Today's 20/20 reading actually was about how Abraham asked his servant to find Isaac a wife back home... That's actually the part I was reading when I was about to find my wife... I used the same tactic as the servant used... asked for 3 signs to be sure I'm finding the right one. (Wife also had her own 'signs'!)

So anyway, no marriage is going to be perfect and problem free. Although a perfectionist may disagree with that, at last God will help us thru our troubles and imperfectons and the move both of us more toward that perfection. We just need to have faith like Abraham to hang in there I guess. God can't possibly lead us wrong, right? Right. ;)

(20/20, 172.6 lbs, $3.179)

Monday, January 4, 2010

New year New hope!

The year actually began wonderfully..., I've never celebrated the new year that way before!!! Not the most exciting new year, but definitely the most wonderous! But 'good scene don't last long' unfortunately... things turned out really bad because wife and I end up having a really huge fight thanks to the stupid movie Avatar! It was a decent movie I guess, besides the predictable story, it is actually not too bad overall. It's just too bad that it end up causing us to have a huge fight... So interestingly that 2010 began with a new height... and then fell into a new low... what an emotional roller coaster!

But fear not! Today's 20/20 devotion, God told me this:

Psalm 4:5 Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD.

Just do what I'm suppose to do and then trust God... and voila! God was able to lead us out of the valley of shadow of death! ;) I think God used this bad situation to further help wife and I get to know each other even more! 'no fight no know each other!' Tonite I was able to have decent enough of a discussion with the wife, developed based on the fights we had, and I think it helped her feel a bit better and offer her new hope!

Anyway, tomorrow is another day... more sacrfices will be in order and I will continue to trust in my God! :)

(20/20, 174.6 lbs, $3.159)