Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful for healthy choices...

During the trip back to Taiwan last month, we learned of the benefit of graphite... that can shield us from EMF and turn water more alkaline..., but I've yet to confirm for sure its effects are real or not. My cheap EMF detector couldn't tell the difference... and the pH test strips I bought also doesn't work very well...

Anyway, all of that also eventually got me looking into diets that are more alkaline. Basically all meats are acidic, all process foods such as snacks are acidic... and the medications are typically all acidic... some veggies are also acidic, but most veggies are alkaline... for sure the root type veggies are alkaline, such as garlic, ginger, onions, (sweet) potatoes, lotus roots, radish, carrots... We supposedly should have diets that consist of 20% meat and 80% fruits and veggies, but I don't think we're doing that yet.

But one other thing we're doing seems to be working well... which is to drink mineral water with lemon juice. It tastes refreshing too! I seem to be losing weight, lowering my blood pressure and I haven't had any headaches lately too!

Wife has tried to get me to stop drinking Coke for the longest time, but it never worked! (Coke is extremely acidic along with other soft drinks) I did 'fast' from drinking Coke for 6 month hoping that we'll get the house, and as soon as God granted us the house, I went back to drinking it! ;) But this time, I think God has helped me quit for good. Sodas we bought are still sitting at home untouched... of course I'd occasionally drink Coke in restaurants still, but those are indeed "rare" occasions! ;)

I think wife is claiming that it hasn't worked out as well, but perhaps that's due to the fact that she forgets about drinking it sometimes... and she didn't really stop drinking coffee... so perhaps she needs to drink MORE lemon water or be on a more stringent alkaline diet in order to offset the acidic effects of coffee?

Anyway, it's not easy to stop all of our poor health choices... coffee and snacks are wife's favorites. But at least we're stepping in the right direction. I'm just glad that Coke cannot tempt me as much as before! Hopefully we'll both be able to make more healthier choices next year.

Acidic foods can just taste so great but so bad for us. I wonder if satan is acidic? All things fried do become acidic. Potatoes maybe alkaline, but french fries are acidic. So I can only assume that satan/evil/wickness are probably acidic!

Psalm 140

1 Rescue me, LORD, from evildoers;
protect me from the violent,
2 who devise evil plans in their hearts
and stir up war every day.
3 They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent’s;
the poison of vipers is on their lips.

4 Keep me safe, LORD, from the hands of the wicked;
protect me from the violent,
who devise ways to trip my feet.
5 The arrogant have hidden a snare for me;
they have spread out the cords of their net
and have set traps for me along my path.

6 I say to the LORD, “You are my God.”
Hear, LORD, my cry for mercy.
7 Sovereign LORD, my strong deliverer,
you shield my head in the day of battle.
8 Do not grant the wicked their desires, LORD;
do not let their plans succeed.

(20/20, 172.6 lbs, $3.319)

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