Friday, September 28, 2007

Praying for revival...

Lately, there has been lots of messages thru church, Brother GD, and even on the radio regarding how we should live passionately for God... how we should build up His church..., how we should just pray and draw close to God...

And even our cat in the morning would always just walk up to me and wanting me to pet him every morning and enjoy me running my fingers thru him... and just purrrr....

So why shouldn't I learn from my cat and start to ask God to pet me every morning... starting from today?

So, I've decided to start to get into a habit of praying to my Lord. Sister Hui-ling claimed that if we can keep something up for a month..., then it'll be very likely that we'll be able to keep the habit up forever!!! We'll see!

This morning I just pray the Lord's prayer and then expanded a bit more on that... basically I do want God to continue to equip me with more of His Word... and to basically be with me. I need to be built up more... to be more passionate for Him. I also ask to be able to build up all those who're around me more... build up each other in love... revival starts with me first.... and may the Lord our God move others in our city to want to live for Him as well.

Today's reading was about Job. I'm always a little conflicted with the story of Job. In a way, I don't want to be like him to suffer thru so much..., but then again, if I'm not like him, I probably won't be blessed as much as him too!!! Anyway, I want to be faithful like Job..., but of course, I don't really want to lose loved ones... my wealth or my health like that if possible... and if I do end up suffering from similar things as Job, may God guard my heart and my faith so that Satan cannot successfully acuse me of anything! No pain no gain I guess... not my will, but Your will be done!

(Job 1~2)

Oh, and Tigran emailed us this interesting game that's pretty cool... I can do about 21 seconds so far... ;)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rebuilding the dry cleaning store and the temple...

We drove by the almost burnt down dry cleaners last nite after brother GD's prayer meeting and saw a phone number posted on the door... so we called and finally were able to get our dresses and jacket back! Praise God that I don't have to go buy another jacket for Grandaunt's funeral!!!

Anyway, during the prayer meeting, brother GD reminded us to rebuild the temple of God... not just the local churches, but since we are God's temple now, we ought to actively build up and equip ourselves with God's word of truth and we ought to draw closer to God in prayer so that He'll draw close to us. It's critical that God's temple be built on the foundation of truth and it's critical that God is with us... for otherwise, what's the point? We also need to build one another up in love... plus we have to take care of the sheeps God has given into our hands. Yes, there will be troubles, but brother GD also reminded us that the glory of this temple in the future will surely be greater than its past. May we glorify You Lord God... for you deserve all the glory!

Today's reading is about Mordecai. The guy is kind of like Joseph. Very faithful... or in a way very stubborn... refused to bowed to Haman and consequently pissed him off to the point of putting all the Jews in danger!!! But of course in the end, God crushes the enemy and saves the day and then lift up Mordecai on to a high up place! May we all have the patience, endurance, faithfulness of Mordecai or Joseph so that we may wait trustingly in You Lord... until one day, you lift us up like a soaring eagle! :)

(Esther 3:1-15,Esther 5:9-6:14,Esther 10:1-3)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

God is good!

Last night during dinner, I found out that Robert could possibly give me some great deals with tires and rims!!! Nearly 50% in savings!!! Hopefully this is will turn out to be true. We'll see. Good thing I didn't rush to buy from Yeah, halleluyeah! ;)

And regarding Grandaunt, I've always prayed for her to be able to see me get married. Well, at least she has seen my wife... and lots of aunts were kind of worried before my wedding that she might pass away around that time so they probably won't be able to attend my wedding because they don't want to bring back luck to my wedding or something... I did tell them no matter what happens, please do come! I don't mind!!! Anyway, God has finally taken my grandaunt. May she rest in Your capable hands in peace! :)

Wife was asked to play the some hymn on the violin during the funeral and I was asked to carry the casket... I hope our dry cleaner is finally opened for business now... cause otherwise, I'd need to go buy a new black jacket!!!

Today's reading was about Esther. I've always loved the story of Esther, plus it's unusual way of writing... I think it's the only book in the Bible that never ever mentioned the word "God", but of course it is also clear that the story involved God every step of the way! However, although we have a good God, it is also necessary for us to respond to His calls in order to carry out His will. Lord God, please reshape and soften our hearts so that we may become more responsive to Your calls? Thanks!

(Esther 2:1-23,Esther 4:1-5:8,Esther 7:1-8:8)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's mid-autumn already!

Aunt Lichi has already brought us mooncakes from Taiwan, they were delicious! Tonite, we'll have a gathering at my parents house too..., it'd be a good break for wife so that she doesn't have to cook for me again tonite! ;)

Today's scripture reading was about Nehemiah. He cried when he learned the walls and gates of Jerusalem were burnt down... so he prayed to God and planned meticulously to make things right. In a way this reminded me of my previous church. Basically the enemy came and then scattered us and burned it down. Unfortunately, unlike Nehemiah, I have no clue on how to even help LAKKC and make things right. And it's not just LAKKC of course. Surely there are plenty of other churches around the world that might be in trouble. May God raise up more people like Nehemiah to help out the various churches in trouble and in disgrace. May God also equip all of us to become more like Nehemiah in the future so that we can be of help in matters that are related to the kingdom of God. Lord have mercy on us. May Your way be done... thru us.

(Nehemiah 1-2)

Monday, September 24, 2007

RIP Grand-aunt


The next generation!

Given all the natural disasters around the world and the fact that California is over due with a major earthquake..., we figured that we should go get ourselves prepared! So we didn't do much over the unusual rainy weekend except to prepare ourselves some emergency earthquake supplies to put in our cars so that we can survive for like 2~3 days without water, food or power. Surprisingly Target was able to fulfill most of our emergency supply needs!

And a totally unrelated story, wife is currently either sick or suffering one of her worst PMS problems... aches all over the place... and hot and cold flashes... Hope she'll get better soon. May God be with her and comfort her while she's going thru such trouble...

And Pastor Jim wasn't available this week so Taylor the youth pastor took over sunday's service. The guy is kinda like a comedian! Gave a pretty light hearted and funny sermon. But there were still important issues. Such as how we may pass on our faith to the next generation with not just words, but also with action...
1) We ought to live passionately.
2) We ought to live with integrity.
3) We ought to prioritize our lives better.

And speaking of the next generation, Star Trek the Next Generation is celebrating its 20th year anniversary!!! I remember I used to faithfully watch it every week! That Captain Jean-Luc Picard surely influenced me greatly during my high school and college years!

And here is the gorgeous starship Enterprise!

Anyway, today's reading was about Ezra. This guy gained favor in King's eyes... and God's eyes and led the Jews back to Israel to worship God at the newly rebuilt temple! And he later began a revival of the Jews and got the Jews to repent of their sins at the temple of God! He surely was a man who was passionate about the affairs of God... and passed down God's laws to the next generation.

(Ezra 7-9)

Friday, September 21, 2007


Yes, I'm kinda tired after working over-time for about a week now..., but I'm really talking about car tires... ;) I've been losing weight too. Weighing in just 178 lbs this morning. Hope I can go down to around 175 and just stay there! ;)

Anyway, back to tires... Check this out...

I'm thinking of buying a new set of cheap rims to go along with the cheap tires. The original Bridgestone Pole Position S02 tires is much softer... so it doesn't last as long... not only that, I've destroyed two of them before wearing them out!!! They are good for tracks when I push it to the limit I guess, but for daily drives, it's really a waste of high performace tires. I replaced all 4 of them for about $1000 last time, but these new set with the new rim will only cost me $850!!! These cheap tires should also be longer lasting and I can save the higher performance tires if I ever go to the track again... for now, if I were to just buy 2 rear S02 tires to replace them, it'll cost me a little over $300!!! And I'll probably run over the nails with them again!!!

Anyway, we'll see, I'm in no hurry since my Civic is doing just fine nowadays. Weather has be a lot cooler so I don't need A/C anymore... so I guess I'll think about it some more before making a final decision. For stuffs like these, it's really difficult trying to figure out WWJD? ;)

Today's scriptur reading was about Hilkiah, at last, we're not reading about some king anymore! However, he's still a priest under King Josiah who found the book of Law in the temple and after they read it and realized that they haven't been keeping the laws of Moses, they repented.... and consequently caused the entire nation to recommit themselves to the LORD. Anyway, a lot of it has to be credited to King Josiah, all Hilkiah did was finding the book. I suppose if Hilkiah didn't find it, things could've end up more disastrous!?!?!? I guess the main point is probably that we're all meant for something... and should we fail to do that particlar something we're meant to do, there can be disasterous consequences for our inaction. Of course Josiah could be unresponsive to that book, but the point is sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do. We are only responsible to do our parts. Doesn't matter how others respond to what we do. If everyone does what he or she suppose to do, then everything would be 'perfect'! ;) So anyway, Lord God, please help me know what I gotta do and please help me do it well! :)

(2 Chronicles 34:14-33)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thank you Jesus!

Have been working overtime for about a week now..., and I think I'm finally able to take a breather now... whew! However, I hope things won't go the other extreme though..., heard thru the grapevine that our current program is experiencing some financial/budgetory troubles... so it might get cancelled I guess. Aerospace business is like that..., there's no sense of job security for more than 6 months at a time... and it's often feast or famine. Well, actually a lot of business are probably like that... sometimes overwhelmed by work... and at other times, bored as hell with not much to do. Anyway, we're counting on You, Lord God Almighty, to help us thru whatever kind of storms that we're going thru... whether it's to learn lessons from our experiences, or simply learn to rest in peace in the midst of a storm... and help us not to have a grumbling attitude as we go thru our spiritual wilderness as the Israelites. Of course we know that we're not meant to be stucked in the wilderness, You meant for us to be in the promiseland..., please give us the strength, courage, and faith to be able to enter into Your promiseland. Please? Thank you Jesus! :)

Today's scriptural reading was about Manasseh. This king's kinda cool I guess. He did evil in the eye of God for a long time..., but after being thru some hard times after getting captured by the enemy... he ended up humbling his heart and began to seek God. And of course the infinitely graceful and merciful God helped him out after his repentance... and then this king had an 180 degree turn around... and began to lead the nation back to God. Hmm..., I like happy endings. I'm a sucker for that! ;) How great is our God? How durable is His love? God is good and His love endures forever!

(2 Chronicles 33:1-20)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Last night, wife has forgotten that she was in the middle of doing laundry! Thank God the manager has removed the time limit on doing laundries so we could finally get it done by 10:30ish PM... ;)

And this morning, my mind wasn't functioning properly too. I found out that I have absent mindedly put on my polo shirt inside out!!! Thank God I found out by myself soon enough... so I quickly went to the rest room to change it back! I guess today's clothing design does have a lot of 'inside out' looks so I'm sure nobody noticed... ;)

Today's scripture reading was about Uzziah. This king of Judah had been very faithful to the LORD, prosperous land... strong army... and even has developed some amazing defense related weaponaries...

And as soon as they get too successful, they tend to forget about God... Anyway, even King David had memory lapse, but at least David recalled God once more and repented. When he's wrong, he knows it and he make amends. Uzziah somehow got very stubborn in the end..., it's not like he was totally forgetful of God, but he just likes to do things his OWN way... such as burning inscense for God himself instead of relying on the priests... Yeah, doesn't seem like a serious sin..., but the bottomline is that he's just too full of himself to think properly anymore. If that kind of disrespectful attitude continues, committing other 'serious sins' for sure will soon follow...

So, yeah, I guess the moral of the story is that it's okay to forget about things. It happens, we're only human after all..., but the important thing is that once we remembered again, we better just get at it and make amends instead of just forgetting about it all together and insisting going on that wrong path!!! Yes Lord, help us remember..., and in case we do forget, help remind us! And give us hearts that is not too proud to repent of our forgetfulness... We don't usually "choose" to forget things, but as soon as we remember again, help us to 'choose' to do the right things. You are our Great Shepherd... and we love You so very very much! :)

(2 Chronicles 26)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Unraveling of 787?

787 may be in trouble becaues a former fired employee of Boeing claims that the new 'plastic' composite 787 is unsafe compared to the conventional metallic planes. He's saying FAA shouldn't even certify the new 787 or at least take more time to flight test it..., but Boeing is working on a very compressed schedule to meet deadlines! Tonite, Dan Rather will air his interview with the guy... and fingers crossed on how that's gonna go... Boeing is banking a lot of the new 787. If this guy's claim is true, for sure it'll hurt Boeing... or at least Boeing's stocks quite a bit...

Today's scrpture reading was about Jehoshaphat, this guy is a good guy in the eyes of the Lord, but he sometimes can get into trouble by allying himself with the wrong persons..., namely people who disrespects and hates God... consequently getting himself stucked in losing battles or failed business deals. So I guess the moral of the story is that we have to be careful who we associate ourselves with. If a person hates God or disrespects God, then we simply shouldn't joined up with them in doing whatever. May there be a lot of God fearing people within Boeing..., but of course if 787 is indeed unsafe..., then let it be grounded forever.

What is more important is that God is with us..., and we are walking with our God. :)

BTW, the smiley face has now turned 25 yrs old. How can that be? ;-)

Monday, September 17, 2007


Last weekend's only highlight was seeing Abraham Laboriel at Bake Potato. If the stage at Bake Potato were big enough, perhaps he'd do some more outrageous dancing while playing his bass! ;) The guy made me want to pick up the bass and just slap it around!!! ;)

Anyway, other than that, I had a horrible weekend. With quite a bit of work still need to be done... and the additional class certainly didn't come at a very good time... so I ended up working a little later on Friday to make up work... and while on my way home, I found out that my driver side rear tire was flat... so I had to pull over and switch out the tires on the side of the FWY. It was kinda scary changing tires on the side of the road while traffic going 70 mph is only couple of feet away... Anyway, I did notice one of my tires has a slow leak, so I usually pay attention to them before driving off... and I just pumped air in them few days ago when I filled up for gas... and just because I left work late on Friday and it was dark and I was tired... so I didn't really see that my tire was flat...

I had similar problems before with my S2000... it's funny that my cheap Civic with cheap tires never had this kind of problems..., but with expensive tires... I have now experienced it twice... for not knowing why my tire became flat!!! Haven't really got the time to examine my messed up tire yet... this weekend, I basically did a lot of overtime work still... and the money I made with the overtime will probably go down the drain because of this...

A lot of other things went on too... such as mom got into another fender bender again. I've asked her to please be more alert... and to cut down on driving... especially giving other people rides!!!

The past sunday, Pastor Jim continued on the topic of nocternal faith... about getting rest. I'm sensing the storm coming... and last nite I finally got insomnia now... May the Lord my God be with me while I'm going thru the storm... Pastor Jim also talked about being the David kind of Christians(passionate) or being the Solomon kind of Christian(indifferent... damned if you do and damned if you don't...) For sure I'm a person who lacked passion. I'm also not a super wise, powerful, rich king like Solomon, but at least I'm more optimistic than Solomon! ;)

Today's scripture reading was about King Asa..., this guy was very cool before..., but for some reason later on in his old age... he didn't seem quite as humble and stopped seeking the Lord for whatever reasons... Well, I'm no David, I'm no Solomon, I'm also no King Asa, all I have is You Lord God. I trust in You... and I wait upon You as the storm passes thru. Thank You Lord! :)

(2 Chronicles 14-16)

Ron Kenoly Sing Out - Abram Laboriel

Friday, September 14, 2007

McLaren fined $100,000,000 for stealing Ferrari info

Ferrari will now be the default manufacturer's champion! It doesn't pay to steal info... whether intentional or unintentional, huh? Boeing has experienced problems before too... for such unethical behavior. Result is that we all end up with mandatory annual ethics training. McLaren employees will probably end up like us for a while! ;)

McLaren is now at the top of its game with the best drivers. Hope they learned their lessons.

Anyway, other than boring racing news, a lot of other things has happened too. Not sure why Indonesia kept on having big earthquakes. The end is really near I guess... we should be prepared too... Los Angeles is not free from earthquakes for sure.

Mom also called and left a message... saying that we probably should cancel bible study for now since aunt is still going to be around. Sigh... Lord have mercy!

Good news is Daniel and Alta are expecting a baby I think. I wonder how will the little Frenchican... or Mexiench will look like... ;)

Today's scriptural reading was super short. It's about Jabez, that's why!

Anyway, I will pray the same:
“Father, please bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” in Jesus' name!

(1 Chronicles 4:9-10)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Passion for God!

Last night from brother GD's prayer meeting, he talked about how we need to put God first in our hearts, in our lives... that if we continue on living our lives for Christ and introduce Christ to others, God promised to be with us always. Yeah, quite often, it's the hypocritical Christians, the ones who'd say one thing, but do another, that caused many people to fall. In a way, I'm a hypocrite too..., as brother GD asked us one interesting question... What are the things that I haven't done when I know Christ has told me to do?

Well, I think I've pretty much done it all, but of course I haven't done everything fully to the best of my abilities. I think my main problem is just laziness. I like to procrastinate. Even waking up in the mornings... I just like to sleep in a little bit... may the Lord help me find passion... help me to be motivated to just get up and go and get things done!!!

I do have some passions though... for example I love to just pedal to the metal and go on the limit driving around a race track... whether it's in real life or in a video game..., I like to go around and around... trying to get that perfect lap down!!! I also like to sing stupid songs like that too..., with a simple chorus, I can sing over and over again... trying to improve myself... same with debating with various cults or atheists on theological debates! Similar topics over and over again... and often, other people can just get sick of me. Just as my wife can get sick of me singing the same song over and over again!!! Anyway, so for sure I can be stubbornly passionate at things... just depend on what things I guess. ;)

Today's reading is about Josiah. That special 'man of Judah' prophesied about him. He is pretty passionate about God... and God is very pleased with him..., but even with Josiah, he can be disobedient at times... which caused his untimely death. Well, maybe it was a timely death in God's eyes because God wanted to punish Israel, but promised to not do it until after Josiah dies... Anyway, if only we could all have passion for God, this world would be... perfect! Why are we so foolish? Help us, LORD, to not end up as fools.

(2 Kings 23)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thank You LORD!

Just finished all the thank-you cards for the relatives in Taiwan last nite, but it turned out aunt is delaying her trip back to taiwan again!!! This is primarily because a decision has been made for our sick grand-aunt to pull the tubes on her... so doctor said she probably only has a couple of weeks to live... so aunt is basically sticking around for the funeral I guess... Grand-aunt has been sick with various forms of cancer for a long time now... may God allow our dear grand-aunt to go in peace...

Today's reading is about Gehazi, Elisha's greedy assistant. If he were more greedy about the things of God instead of the things of this world, he could've inherited quadruple of Elijah's annointing, or perhaps even MORE if he's really THAT greedy!!! Oh well..., instead he got leprosy... not only for him, but also his descendants!!!

That sucks! I hope I didn't inherit any of those generational curses from my ancestors. LORD God, you promised that you'll bless those who love You for a thousand generations! Please help me love You more and more each day... and please make sure that all of the generational curses will end within me... and please bless me and my future generations! May the blood of Christ cleanse me of my dirty past and may my future generations prosper by the power of Christ's resurrection! Halleluyeah!!! I pray in Jesus' name! :)

(2 Kings 5)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Feeling sick...

Not quite sure why that I began to feel sick in the afternoon in class... and even on my way home, I felt like throwing up, getting the chills... and some headache. I actually went home a little earlier than usual and wife wasn't even home yet! So I just felt asleep on the bed... and the next thing I know is that wife's already prepared dinner for me to eat!!! :)

Anyway, the stupid headache just refuse to go away. Really want to get done with the thank you cards for relatives at taiwan... and the photo DVD for wife's grandma, but I just couldn't do it physically... so wife just ordered me to bed... and of course I'm all better in the morning.

Not sure what's wrong with me. Probably just lack of sleep due to the early classes... and the lack of sleep usually will cause pimples... and yeah, my theory had always been pimples pinching on some nerve, but who knows...

Was reading wife's blog a minute ago and glad to know that some peace and quiet(of not watch TV) is actually soothing for her. Or maybe it's just God's way of wanting me to demostrate nocternal faith to wife... ;)

Anyway, today, I was reading about Elisha. The guys is pretty sure of what he wants... and he wants double of it! I wish I have that kind of determination... or clarity with my own life. There's no Elijah in my life. However people have introduced to me this guy named Jesus... so I'm just trying to follow him the best I can. I've told the love of my life that perhaps the best way to figure out God's will is to figure out what other people don't usually want to do... and then just do that!!! ;) Of course this is probably a good way of doing God's work for people don't have any special talents like myself. Just do whatever needs to get done. All God wants is people with faith and willingness to answer His calls. Elisha doesn't have much, but he has the faith and willingness. He was able to feed hundreds with little bread. Same with that widow with little bit of oil. I don't have much, but may I be able to use whatever I have faithfully and willingly and never get sick of doing that.

(2 Kings 2,4,6,7)

Monday, September 10, 2007


Last night I had a long chat with the love of my life regarding legalism(ignorant of grace) and licentiousness(abusive of grace). This all came about because of the LV incident. L is a good friend of both myself and wife..., but things have developed in ways that's really upsetting the wife... wife said she's washing her hand clean of the LV incident, which is indeed the right thing to do... just as the prodigal son's father did wash his hands clean of his lost son. He gave the son all that he can give... and if the son continue to wish to go his own way, then go.

However, father still loves the son. We can tell this by father's reaction when the prodigal son returns!!! I can only hope the love of my life can try to continue to love even when others disagree with her... I also hope the LV situation will turn out good for everyone involved too!

Anyway, pastor Jim talked about a new kind of faith last Sunday... the nocternal faith! Jesus can sleep on a rocking boat during a heavy storm!!! Do we have that kind of faith? Worrying is indeed wastful thing to do. If I can't change anything, why worry about it? If I CAN change something, there's also no need to worry... I should be doing something to change it!!! Need to learn a lesson from that man from Judah. If God wants us to reach a certain destination, don't allow distractions to distract us!!!

Read about Elijah today..., Even Elijah have experienced bitter discouragement. So much so that he wish to just die and get it over with. But after some snacks and naps, he's back on the road again!!! ;) Anyway, so I'm not going to feel that discouraged no matter what happens. As the LORD had reserved 7000 back then in Israel, may I also be counted as one of God's reserves today!!! Halleluja! Yeah!!!
(1 Kings 17:1-19:18)

Friday, September 7, 2007

New class

Companies making us taking a training class for a new software tool... the class is 48hrs or 6 days long. Not sure if I have time to do my devotionals at lunch... so I guess I better do them in the mornings! ;)

Last night was suppose to be our 2nd bible study at my parents house, but something last minute came up and mom decided to skip it. Oh well, I wasn't that fully prepared for it anyway. But consider we're only trying to do this twice a week, hopefully she won't skip too many of them...

Today's scripture reading involved King Ahab. More of these deliberate doer of evil in God's eyes... and its really interesting that God likes humbleness that much... just by the sudden meekness of Ahab due to impending punishment... God was willing to delay His punishments for later... Imagine if Ahab had remained humble and didn't do evil in God's eyes... everybody probably could've lived happily ever after!!!! But what's wrong with us O God?

May I remain humble and meek and free from evil for the rest of my life.
(1 Kings 16:29-34,1 Kings 20:1-21:29)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

New Bikes!!!

God seriously sometimes prepares things for us that eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard and minds havent' even thought about!!! Yep, thanks to Pastor Zo's handy work, we now have two cool bikes at our apartment. They're pretty cool 20+ speed bikes with suspensions and everything! He even delivered them to our house because our cars are just too small... Also, Jay parents also saved us couple of hundred dollars on the portable A/C we just bought. (This is compare to the cheapest available price on the internet!!!) Eventhough I'm having 2nd thoughts because the brand is so new... weather is cooling down... old A/C seemed to work again... okay, so maybe more than 2nd thoughts... it's more like 3rd thoughts... ;) But with the much cheaper price, I'm taking it much better! I just hope that this new A/C will pleasantly surprise us instead of unpleasantly surprize us in the future...

And yeah, Pavarotti has passed away. :( 71 years old is pretty good I guess. May his soul rest in peace now as his singing has stirred many people's souls in the past... Can Paul Pots really carry on the baton? We'll see I guess! ;) I really like his preliminary performace in Britain's Got Talent. Wife first showed it to me on a friend's blog. It's truly an inspirational story... with a nerdy nobody who's really quite an amazing opera singer!!!! Sure pleasantly surprised a LOT of people!

Today's scripture reading talked about Jeroboam, God had been quite good to him, but he simply didn't return the favor. I'm really getting sick of reading those bible characters..., but I suppose these characters continue to remind me to make sure I don't end up like them!!! Maybe if they had a complete Bible like us back then, then can monitor their way of living better..., Anyway, all I'm hoping for is that I better learn from HisStory and make sure I don't repeat the same mistakes!!! Nobody do great sins all of a sudden, we all tend to slip a little at a time... and then eventually disaster strikes. Vice versa is true too... our incremental improvements may not be all that noticeable on a day to day basis, but in the end, we will be ready to do our thing when the time comes!!!

The most interesting part of today's reading was that man of God from Judah..., we don't know who that guy was... or why God gave him strict orders to not eat or drink or go back the same way he came... he was obedient... and God listens to his intercession prayer..., but in the end, lion killed him because he was tricked by another "lying" prophet. Perhaps he had good intentions and just want to treat the man of God with a good meal, but that good intention still killed him. I suppose the moral of the story is, if God tells you to do something, you should just do it. If someone tells you otherwise... even if they say God told him so... don't believe him so quickly until you have received confirmation from God yourself! But why was God so harsh on that man of God, but not so with the 'lying' prophet? I guess I just don't have enough information to figure that out...

Anyway, I just think that's a weird 'side story'. But the moral is simple I guess... don't waiver from God's direct orders and don't lie in God's name!!!

(1 Kings 11:26-40,1 Kings 12:25-14:20)


paul pots

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New A/C

Got a new portable A/C for my parents..., I hope I won't regret it!!! Their window A/C seems to be working again..., perhaps the extreme high temperature really was the reason why it stopped working... as long as it's not too hot, it still works! ;) Plus, the company who made the new portable A/C: Soleus... is relatively new. I can find no reviews for the model I've purchased... and based on the reviews from other model, it's all pretty bad!!! You can't return to the store... and you pretty much have to destroy the box in order to open it... so people have no way of shipping problem units back... Hmm... Hope we won't run into the same problem. Jay's parents certainly helped out alot to help us get one quickly and cheaply though... so I'm thankful of that! I just hope Soleus has improved their quality!!!

And another worrisome bad news, Pavarotti is sick with cancer..., pretty serious too! :( We can only hope Paul Pots can fill the void. ;)

At least some good news, that is iphone is dropping it's price!!! Yeah!!!

Today's scripture reading was about Rehoboam, son of Solomon. The dude also couldn't think straight and doesn't know how to treat people right. Why is it we have these problems Lord God? It's always easy to spot other people's problem, but often times we just cannot see our own problems and continue on the wrong path... world's full of problems, help us fix our own problems first? We want to be free from defects! We want to last forever... and not crap out prematurely... we want to be functional regardless of how severe our environment has become. We want our lives to please You! Yeah!

(1 Kings 12:1-20,1 Kings 14:21-31)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weekend sure was HOT!

Labor day weekend sure was amazingly Hot... felt like Las Vegas hot... well over 100 Degrees!!! I was mowing the lawn around 9 in the morning and it was already over 90 degress I think... A/C at my parent's house also busted at the most inopportune time..., I tried to find new A/Cs and most places were completely sold out... Interestingly A/C's working again this morning. Maybe it was just too damn hot yesterday! According to forcast, it should get cooler in the future..., sure hope so.

Anyway, interestingly that during this labor day weekend, I found out that doing some labor actually made me felt good!!! I can actually sleep better(wife probably will be amazed by my comment... how can I sleep any better than before?!?!?!), but anyway, yeah, I did feel really refreshed this morning! Hard work under the sun can help save weight too! Amazing.

Another interesting discovery is that I've found out that I'm like a camel. I can just eat and eat and store things up even if I'm not hungry!!! I think over the weekend I've reach my personal peak of 187 lbs on Sunday!!! But then after my extreme work out under the sun and eating only 1 meal a day... my weight is back down to like 180 lbs again. Not sure why my weight can fluctuate that much, but I really think I ought to keep my weight at around 175 ish...

Anywho, overall, although the weekend is kinda 'boring', the only special thing that went on was actually seeing wife recording a song with Cindy. That was kinda cool, but I think the love of my life really need to learn to not do things in extremes... She's either ON or OFF! ;) They recorded 5 hours straight... well other than the numerous bathroom breaks Cindy has to take every hour or so... ;)

Anyway, I'm really quite easily entertained... I can just play guitar or sing a song(I think I finally figured out how to play and sing Everlasting God now...) or I can listen to others sing... Or I can watch TV or play games...Or I can do chores such as mowing the lawn or fixing stuffs... or I even can just take a nap!!! Well, I hope God can teach me how to entertain the wife sometimes. I'm okay with my boring life, but I'm not single anymore!!!! How can I be more adventurous God? Not adventurous to the point of 'driving' my wife dizzy in a car of course... ;) If I can truly passionately live my life to the full, surely that can be adventurous enough! How can I get rid of my 'mellow' attitude?

Pastor Jim gave us homework assignments this weekend regarding Zerubabbel, in Zechariah 4:7, that we should learn from him... and shout 'grace! grace to it!!!" For it is God's grace that saves us... and it is God's grace that'll eventually lead us home. Ain't no problem high enough!!!!

And today's scripture reading is about David's other son. Absalom. For sure this son is better than Amnon, but the dude is still not quite right in the head I think. What is most mind boggling is how David is always so nice to his sons. I guess this is very similar to prodigal son's dad... God is just amazingly graceful to His children too!!! I just hope I won't waste away the grace of God...

(2 Samuel 15,17-18)