Thursday, September 6, 2007

New Bikes!!!

God seriously sometimes prepares things for us that eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard and minds havent' even thought about!!! Yep, thanks to Pastor Zo's handy work, we now have two cool bikes at our apartment. They're pretty cool 20+ speed bikes with suspensions and everything! He even delivered them to our house because our cars are just too small... Also, Jay parents also saved us couple of hundred dollars on the portable A/C we just bought. (This is compare to the cheapest available price on the internet!!!) Eventhough I'm having 2nd thoughts because the brand is so new... weather is cooling down... old A/C seemed to work again... okay, so maybe more than 2nd thoughts... it's more like 3rd thoughts... ;) But with the much cheaper price, I'm taking it much better! I just hope that this new A/C will pleasantly surprise us instead of unpleasantly surprize us in the future...

And yeah, Pavarotti has passed away. :( 71 years old is pretty good I guess. May his soul rest in peace now as his singing has stirred many people's souls in the past... Can Paul Pots really carry on the baton? We'll see I guess! ;) I really like his preliminary performace in Britain's Got Talent. Wife first showed it to me on a friend's blog. It's truly an inspirational story... with a nerdy nobody who's really quite an amazing opera singer!!!! Sure pleasantly surprised a LOT of people!

Today's scripture reading talked about Jeroboam, God had been quite good to him, but he simply didn't return the favor. I'm really getting sick of reading those bible characters..., but I suppose these characters continue to remind me to make sure I don't end up like them!!! Maybe if they had a complete Bible like us back then, then can monitor their way of living better..., Anyway, all I'm hoping for is that I better learn from HisStory and make sure I don't repeat the same mistakes!!! Nobody do great sins all of a sudden, we all tend to slip a little at a time... and then eventually disaster strikes. Vice versa is true too... our incremental improvements may not be all that noticeable on a day to day basis, but in the end, we will be ready to do our thing when the time comes!!!

The most interesting part of today's reading was that man of God from Judah..., we don't know who that guy was... or why God gave him strict orders to not eat or drink or go back the same way he came... he was obedient... and God listens to his intercession prayer..., but in the end, lion killed him because he was tricked by another "lying" prophet. Perhaps he had good intentions and just want to treat the man of God with a good meal, but that good intention still killed him. I suppose the moral of the story is, if God tells you to do something, you should just do it. If someone tells you otherwise... even if they say God told him so... don't believe him so quickly until you have received confirmation from God yourself! But why was God so harsh on that man of God, but not so with the 'lying' prophet? I guess I just don't have enough information to figure that out...

Anyway, I just think that's a weird 'side story'. But the moral is simple I guess... don't waiver from God's direct orders and don't lie in God's name!!!

(1 Kings 11:26-40,1 Kings 12:25-14:20)

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