Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Unraveling of 787?

787 may be in trouble becaues a former fired employee of Boeing claims that the new 'plastic' composite 787 is unsafe compared to the conventional metallic planes. He's saying FAA shouldn't even certify the new 787 or at least take more time to flight test it..., but Boeing is working on a very compressed schedule to meet deadlines! Tonite, Dan Rather will air his interview with the guy... and fingers crossed on how that's gonna go... Boeing is banking a lot of the new 787. If this guy's claim is true, for sure it'll hurt Boeing... or at least Boeing's stocks quite a bit...

Today's scrpture reading was about Jehoshaphat, this guy is a good guy in the eyes of the Lord, but he sometimes can get into trouble by allying himself with the wrong persons..., namely people who disrespects and hates God... consequently getting himself stucked in losing battles or failed business deals. So I guess the moral of the story is that we have to be careful who we associate ourselves with. If a person hates God or disrespects God, then we simply shouldn't joined up with them in doing whatever. May there be a lot of God fearing people within Boeing..., but of course if 787 is indeed unsafe..., then let it be grounded forever.

What is more important is that God is with us..., and we are walking with our God. :)

BTW, the smiley face has now turned 25 yrs old. How can that be? ;-)

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