Friday, September 28, 2007

Praying for revival...

Lately, there has been lots of messages thru church, Brother GD, and even on the radio regarding how we should live passionately for God... how we should build up His church..., how we should just pray and draw close to God...

And even our cat in the morning would always just walk up to me and wanting me to pet him every morning and enjoy me running my fingers thru him... and just purrrr....

So why shouldn't I learn from my cat and start to ask God to pet me every morning... starting from today?

So, I've decided to start to get into a habit of praying to my Lord. Sister Hui-ling claimed that if we can keep something up for a month..., then it'll be very likely that we'll be able to keep the habit up forever!!! We'll see!

This morning I just pray the Lord's prayer and then expanded a bit more on that... basically I do want God to continue to equip me with more of His Word... and to basically be with me. I need to be built up more... to be more passionate for Him. I also ask to be able to build up all those who're around me more... build up each other in love... revival starts with me first.... and may the Lord our God move others in our city to want to live for Him as well.

Today's reading was about Job. I'm always a little conflicted with the story of Job. In a way, I don't want to be like him to suffer thru so much..., but then again, if I'm not like him, I probably won't be blessed as much as him too!!! Anyway, I want to be faithful like Job..., but of course, I don't really want to lose loved ones... my wealth or my health like that if possible... and if I do end up suffering from similar things as Job, may God guard my heart and my faith so that Satan cannot successfully acuse me of anything! No pain no gain I guess... not my will, but Your will be done!

(Job 1~2)

Oh, and Tigran emailed us this interesting game that's pretty cool... I can do about 21 seconds so far... ;)

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