Monday, October 1, 2007

Resting in His peace...

On saturday we buried my grand-aunt..., who's basically my grand-ma because my real grandma passed away long ago when my mom was very young... and it was grand aunt who took care of my mother... anyway, she's probably the last one of the people in her generation who I consider to be close with... Gee, we're getting old... It was a very nice service and wife played the violin beautifully. It was also the first time my very own violin got to see the light of day when wife played it. Wife's own violin was just too old to be able to see direct sunlight so as a precaution, she used mine...

Anyway, also got into some interesting theological discussion with the wife afterwards. What's the purpose of life. What's the purpose for marriage. What is the purpose for having free will... bunch of why, why and more whys... Luckily God gave me wisdom... so I think I was able to answer some questions! However, may God continue to give me more wisdom so that I can show my wife what is truly an interesting life, a loving marriage and how we can choose wisely to live a godly, purposeful and loving life! I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I'll just latch on to God and hope for the best I guess! ;)

Pastor Jim also preached an interesting sermon on Sunday. Main topic was just a warning... or challenge for all of us that... what got us here, will NOT get you there! To press toward that goal, we've got to forget about the past. Of course, we don't have to forget about the lessons learned from the past and repeat our mistakes..., but we certainly shouldn't hold on to past hurts... or even past successes.... point is that we shouldn't live in the past. We live in the present and looking toward a hopeful future. In a world where most people are faithless, hopeless and loveless, how can we stop wasting time and to live out our faith, hope and love at every moment?

Anyway, this is quite a challenge... for I've wasted plenty of time myself! How can I re-invent myself? How can my life be revived and also be of good influence those around me? I don't know..., but may God lead my way. As I draw closer to God, surely He will show me how? Right, Lord? ;) Recently I've at least been able to wake up better... so I have been wasting a little bit less time dragging myself out of bed... so hopefully this trend can continue... may His Spirit continue to enable me so that I can soar higher and higher... day by day...

Today's continuing reading of Job is kinda fitting I thought. Job is experiencing lots of problem... and his friends nor Job himself knows why... sometimes God simply doesn't tell us why. But for sure whatever happens, God allowed it to happen for a good reason. God allowed it to happen in order for us to be benefitted in the end. God is my eternal hope. May God help us all to see things from an eternal perspective. May my life and my marriage life be transformed continuously transformed to truly reflex His glory! Teach us how to live for you... and teach us how to rest in You! Thank You Lord! :)

(Job 4-7)

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