Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Airbus A380 takes flight!

After a 18 month delay, A380 is finally being delivered to Singapore Airlines! Boeing doesn't believe there's a market for such a huge plane, so instead we developed a smaller and more efficient new plane... and it's been behind schedule also... today, it seems it's just getting harder and harder to keep promises! ;)

Anyway, I wonder how much is a ticket for a "bed" on the A380! If this double decker turns out to be a success, it'd for sure threaten Boeing..., but so far, I don't think Airbus has sold enough of them to break even just yet..., but in the long run, who knows. Boeing 747 was the make or break plane for Boeing... it's going to be interesting seeing Airbus and Boeing duking it out in the future!

I'm also still trying to finish the crazy biblical dino video..., according to the Bible, perhaps dinosaurs really did live with men... at least with Job in Ch 40!!!

15 “Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you; He eats grass like an ox.
16 See now, his strength is in his hips, And his power is in his stomach muscles.
17 He moves his tail like a cedar; The sinews of his thighs are tightly knit.
18 His bones are like beams of bronze, His ribs like bars of iron.
19 He is the first of the ways of God; Only He who made him can bring near His sword.

What is a behemoth? Some said elephant or hippo... in the chinese bible, it is directly translated as hippo!

15 你 且 觀 看 河 馬 ; 我 造 你 也 造 他 。 他 吃 草 與 牛 一 樣 ;
16 他 的 氣 力 在 腰 間 , 能 力 在 肚 腹 的 筋 上 。
17 他 搖 動 尾 巴 如 香 柏 樹 ; 他 大 腿 的 筋 互 相 聯 絡 。
18 他 的 骨 頭 好 像 銅 管 ; 他 的 肢 體 彷 彿 鐵 棍 。
19 他 在 神 所 造 的 物 中 為 首 ; 創 造 他 的 給 他 刀 劍 。

However, that doesn't make any sense! Hippo or elephant or whatever large plant eating animals that we know of... doesn't have tails as big as Cedar tree!!!

Anyway, this Dr. Kent Hovind (http://www.drdino.com/) sure sound crazy! But his video sure seemed interesting and biblical too! Anyway, whether we have old earth or young earth, I don't think it's that critical for our faith..., but it'd be nice to know the real truth!

Today's scripture reading was a weird one too! It's about Ezekiel, who in his visions saw some weird and crazy creature too! ;) Ezekiel was asked to eat God's Words... and it tasted delicious like honey! Ezekiel was also asked by God to boldly speak them out! We should all be more like him! That Dr. Hovind sure seem like a modern day Ezekiel! By boldly saying that dinos still exist today, surely most people think he must be nuts!!! ;)

(Ezekiel 1-3)

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