Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Too much happiness a bad thing?

Harry Lewenstein broke his back on a bike ride and later on became paralyzed..., but he was still able to live contently. The article said while this executive had a small car, he was satisfied with what he has... when he upgraded to a convertible, he was satisfied too! He'd never actually covet other nicer cars his neighbors were driving... I think my personality actually matched his pretty well! We know how to be content! ;)

Anyway, although researchers have shown that that Americans are generally happier compared to Japanese, Americans are likely to be easily ticked off! You can flight 1st class, but get upset because you had to wait in line a little... or you can live in a mansion, but a little noise from your neighbors can totally piss you off... That's the price you pay for being "happy" I guess! ;) When you're used to it, the littlest negative experience can upset you..., and you tend to feel immune to all the positive things happening to you...

Lewenstein on the other had has the ability to accept who he is and what he has become after the accident and did not resent it. Making the best of what you have is an important first step. Psychologists also suggest that people or couples who attend to everyday accomplishments, celebrate the postives, and cultivate a sense of gratitude for what they have tend to be able to maintain their sensitivity to positive experiences... and consequently have the best odds at continuing to feel happy. Actually this is nothing new... this is why God wants us to praise and give thanks, right? Plus, the occasional negative experiences can really help us appreciate the positive ones much much better!

Anyway, today's scripture reading is about David. He sure went thru a lot of positive and negative experiences throughout his life. I wish my prayers can somedays be as psalm-like as David's in the future... this guy is good..., but then again he has also went thru a LOT!

Psalm 5
11 凡 投 靠 你 的 , 願 他 們 喜 樂 , 時 常 歡 呼 , 因 為 你 護 庇 他 們 ; 又 願 那 愛 你 名 的 人 都 靠 你 歡 欣 。

(Psalms 3-8,32,Romans 4:6-8)

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