Thursday, October 4, 2007


Last night, Brother GD reminded us once again using James 1 that we born again christians really ought to be "born again"! Have we really been transformed by the Holy Spirit or are we still the same old selves like before?

16 我 親 愛 的 弟 兄 們 , 不 要 看 錯 了 。
17 各 樣 美 善 的 恩 賜 和 各 樣 全 備 的 賞 賜 都 是 從 上 頭 來 的 , 從 眾 光 之 父 那 裡 降 下 來 的 ; 在 他 並 沒 有 改 變 , 也 沒 有 轉 動 的 影 兒 。
18 他 按 自 己 的 旨 意 , 用 真 道 生 了 我 們 , 叫 我 們 在 他 所 造 的 萬 物 中 好 像 初 熟 的 果 子 。

Brother GD also prayed for all of us and asked the Holy Spirit to give each one of us revelations... and surprisingly he's predicting Katty's going get married and have a baby!!! I usually think brother GD's visions are simply too symbolic and too vague, but he sure has surprised me last night. For example he also has pretty clearly told me that God will somehow help me advance in my career! Which is kinda cool! I do have a cool job, but my career really isn't all that spectacular or anything... for example I don't have any cool titles nor do I make a whole lot of money... so it can be quite difficult to witness for some of my friends who are doing better than me... Anyway, may God help me become more passionate about my work and start getting better at it, whether it's the same line of work... or perhaps a totally new path? Whatever it is, may I be able to truly bring glory to my God!

And wife was given a kind of a vague vision last nite... saying that she's in an empty room... and then the room was filled with people... Perhaps we'll have a party going on at our house soon? ;) And the love of my life was hoping that perhaps she'll have her social life back? That can be cool too... I have told her that marriage doesn't mean we must absolutely cut off all other social ties with others! It is okay to occasionally have some of her 'own' time away from me sometimes... Anyway, may God help her keep a good balance regarding her social life... so that she won't be bored to death of only interacting with her boring husband and her annoying students everyday... ;)

And today's reading was about Asaph. Asaph means convener or collector... or it means God has gathered. Supposedly he's one of the leaders on David's choir... very skilled in music... He seems to have also experienced a lot of depressing events in his life...

28 但 我 親 近   神 是 與 我 有 益 ; 我 以 主 耶 和 華 為 我 的 避 難 所 , 好 叫 我 述 說 你 一 切 的 作 為 。(Psalm 73)

May all who are feeling spiritually depressed remembers this verse above...

23 然 而 , 我 常 與 你 同 在 ; 你 攙 著 我 的 右 手 。
24 你 要 以 你 的 訓 言 引 導 我 , 以 後 必 接 我 到 榮 耀 裡 。

(Psalms 73-77)

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