Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lesbians fighting against Lesbians!

I know, the title sounds kinda kinky, but it's a slow news day... ;)

Yeah, people from Lesbos Island is suing the gay community so that they can get the name 'lesbian' back. I had no idea Greece has an island named Lesbos..., supposedly the home of anceint poet Sappho, who praised love between women... so I guess there's at least 'some' connection... ;)

Luckily Lesbos isn't an independent nation! Otherwise for sure that'll suck!

"Hi, I'm Lesbian!" ;)

Anyway, hope they can settle their issue..., no matter what happens... and whatever kind of Lesbians you are... at least one thing is for certain... that is God still loves you! ;)

Today's reading was about Abraham still... even if I could hear God's voice clearly..., would I sacrifice my son for God? It's an interesting question which I'm not sure if I want to answer..., I can only count on the fact that God never repeats things... so I don't really have to worry about having to make decisions like that for me! ;) Even if God were to repeat the same command to me... for sure I'll ask Him lots of questions to stall God... unless I'm sure that's what He really want me to do... I'm not sure if I can be like Abe to just go and do that...

Anyway, and later on, Abraham asked His servant to go find Isaac a wife... everytime I read that story, it reminds me of how I found my wife! ;) Yeah, that's the story which 'inspired' me to how to pray to God... and yeah, I asked a lot of questions for confirmations..., but of course I didn't ask a whole lot of questions... just three. I didn't want to impose too much on God... didn't want God to think that I'm a man of too little faith... ;)

In retrospect, it's really funny... I really didn't think things would work out from the very beginning..., but amazingly it worked out. We end up facing more problems down the road, and amazingly it's still working out.

Isn't God wonderful? He sure is...

Wife doesn't like to talk to herself, not sure what my problems is, although I'm not much of a talker, but I sure like to talk to myself a lot... is it because I love myself too much? Maybe you do. Be careful, okay? Okay. Now die to yourself so that you can really live for Christ! No, no! Don't kill me just yet!!!! Sorry, you have to die... otherwise I can't shut up and get back to work... so Die!

(Gen 22-24)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Got something to say?

Obama's pastor went defending himself publically recently... saying that all that had happened recently is not an attack against him or Obama, but an attack on black churches. He also went on saying that US government probably invented AIDS as a way to commit genocide against minorities...

While I also personally believe these conspiracies could be true, Americans had been pretty racist. America is also the only nation on earth that has actually used an atomic weapon against humanity. Yeah, US government can be pretty evil sometimes... and can certainly be capable of evil... but fact is, these are simply conspiracies. There's no proof to back any of those things up at this point... so why bother stirring these things up? Especially during Obama's campaigne?

Not sure what Pastor Jeremiah was thinking. Enough is enough. It's no wonder Obama has now seeking to further distance himself from the pastor.

In cases like these, we ought to just let God be our defense. Make sure we're right first..., if we're wrong, then repent and make things right! As for whether if others are right or wrong, just leave that up to God. Surely God will judge them! If somebody's really attacking black churches, don't you think Christ would protect his church? Would God also allow people to successfully commit genocide against His people?

Anyway, yeah, I'm a little disappointed with Pastor Jeremiah myself... if you don't have anything constructive to say, don't bother saying it... especially under public lime light.

May God show His mercy on all of us..., just as God showed mercy to Hagar as she was sent away with her son... God is a God who'd take care of us, no matter how hopeless the situation may seem. Of course Abraham and Sarah were foolish to use Hagar as a baby machine in the first place..., but then it's stupid of Hagar and later on Ishmeal to be so proud to mock Sarah and Isaac too! We all make mistakes, but if we all try to control ourselves to minimize these offensive mistakes, things could've worked out smoother. Of course sometimes we mess up inadvertantly..., but regardless how we mess up, the cool thing is that God can always remedy a situation for the better!

God is also a God who'll commit genocide against us if we're too out of control like people in Sodom and Gomorrah...

Anyway, point is, we all need to have more self control... so that we can avoid causing too much troubles for ourselves and for others... May God help us by giving us the wisdom and strength to control our flesh...

(Gen 19-21)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Got troubles?

Oh yes! ;)

One thing for sure about this life is that we can expect to have troubles.

Another thing for sure is that God will help see us thru our troubles!

Over the weekend wife and I had another fight... Typically we get into disagreement on money issues, but this time it's not.

Anyway, our personality is really very different. Our opinions and values can often differ quite a bit. I'm not sure why this is, but all I know is that if we can really learn to become 'one flesh', we can be really wonderful!

Why? Because there are qualities which I lack, I know my wife is full of those things... and I also know that there are qualities which I have full of..., she in a way kinda lack...

I'm more 'gracious'... and she's more disciplined with 'truth'. Of course as we join together, we're not really suppose to compromise each other to become 50% gracious and 50% truthiness as if we're Buddhists... Jesus Christ our Lord is FULL of both grace and truth. These 2 things may seem contradictory... just as Jesus is both fully God and fully man... But how can God be like mortal man? How can mortal man be like God?

Well, I don't have answers to all the questions, all I know is that Jesus is physically human and spiritually God. All I know is that he's the most gracious person ever... and he is also THE TRUTH! In Micah 6:8, God wants us to act justly(in the truth), to love mercy(be graceful), but most importantly, we ought to humble ourselves to follow God.

Yes, even God knows that we can't act as justly as Jesus... nor can we be as gracious as Jesus..., but we can still try! God did promise us that we will eventually be holy just as our Father in Heaven is holy. Just because we can't acieve it now... just because we can't have it now, it doesn't mean we ought to just forget about it and give up.

We ought to keep at it... keep on trying... if we mess up, that's okay, we repent... and we try again! If we are truly humblying ourselves to follow God, there ought to be evidence of improvements! Even if the improvements are slow, so what? It's the improvements that counts. Turtles can still win races! And if we happen to be the rabbits, of course we shouldn't be so careless as to end up losing the race! ;)

We are all rabbits... AND turtles in various areas of our lives. It's important that we don't only "race" based on how the other racers are doing. If rabbit was only concerned with running the fastest race he can... trying to top his prior personal best... there's no way he could lose to that turtle! And as long as the turtle has tried his best, he also should be proud of himself even if he came in dead last relative to others...

When we're much better than everyone else, it's easy to be prideful... as long as we remain humble and just try to beat ourselves... and improve... How can we ever lose?

Pastor Jim continued on the series of worshipping God. There's no other way other than to just follow Him humbly... That means even when we don't feel like acting justly, we have to ignore that feeling. Even if we don't feel like being merciful..., we had to make sure if that's really what our Lord wants?

This is the only way we can get thru our troubles. This is how Job and Joseph and many other godly men got thru their troubles.

As humans, we inevitably screw up. Of course we should not use that as an excuse to continue to screw up..., but it's important to not lose hope for our future because God can always help us thru our troubles. Abraham has screwed up. Sarah has screwed up. Hagar has screwed up..., but by continue to obey God the best they know how, God was able to bless all of them eventually nonetheless. Things can only get better if we don't lose faith, hope and love for God and for each other.

My marriage won't be easy. I know that before I asked my wife out. I found out about more troubles as we dated... and as went thru marriage counceling with Pastor Su... Yeah, just like the song wife wrote for COG... except I can take out the word 'world' and change it to 'marriage'... ;)

I could clearly hear God telling me... in this "marriage", I'll have trouble. In Him, I'll have peace! God gave me clear sign to go for it... God was also pretty fair in warning me with all the potential problems ahead of time... so if I want to back down..., I could. Surely God doesn't want me to blame Him later on for forcing me into a marriage! ;) This is the choice I made... as long as I stay committed to Him and to my wife, I can overcome all odds! If God is with me, what can be against me?

Troubles are only temporary, God is forever. Plus, God can use troubles to help me become a better man... to become more like Him... In a way, we really need to learn from little pets. They do indeed end up becoming very similar to their owners! ;)

(Gen 13-15)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Got steaks?

Last night we're suppose to have steaks at home, but Jack didn't seem to trust my steaking cooking ability. So we decided to eat out... at some Taiwanese style steak place! I have to say that it's not bad. Haven't had steaks like that for the longest time. I saw them in the night markets earlier this year when I was at Taiwan, but wasn't really all that interested in eating steaks in Taiwan... I was more into genuine Taiwanese foods..., but anyway, I have to say the steaks weren't bad at all. I missed eating steaks like that! ;)

Anyway, today's reading was more of Abraham. I always thought he's not a very brave man because he's always afraid of people killing him over his beautiful wife! But then again, today, he'd gladly risk his life to go rescuse his nephew in captivity. He really didn't have to do that. They went on their seperate ways because he and Lot just couldn't live together peacefully anymore. Abe even went out of his way to let Lot choose where to go first... and then he'll go the opposite way. So I think for most folks today, when we split up..., we split up. Good luck with you! Bye! But Abraham is different. The split was for their own good..., and his heart is still with his nephew. Lot chosed a place that seemed better. If Abraham chose the opposite direction, then Abe went to a place that seemed worse. Will we choose like Abe? Only a true man of faith can do that. It doesn't matter what it looks like or what the situation might be, as long as God is with us, there's nothing to be afraid of... there's not going to be a problem. I can't have children? Hey, no problem! If God told me that I will conceive, then I believe! Hmm..., can we really do that?

Of course we're all human, including Abraham. Surely he can feel depressed or afraid at times..., that's why God had to comfort him to tell him to not be afraid..., but can we all trust in God as Abraham trusted in God? That kind of faith is what can get us out of our troubles. Without faith in God, by not following God, we'd for sure just die in that valley of death...

Jack is a man of little faith, this is why he couldn't get that big juicy ribeye steak... and had to settle for some cheap NY/Taiwanese steak! :p

Thursday, April 24, 2008

As a branch...

Last night's prayer meeting, Brother GD talked about how to stay connected to the true vine! I have to admit that I don't completely agree with Brother GD's insight on things..., but of course I'm not saying he's wrong either..., just that I don't completely agree. Anyway, to me, a sign for being connected to the true vine is of course bearing spiritual fruits. A more practical way is to simply remain in Christ's love... to love each other... to obey his commands! Of course I don't believe I'm that perfect yet, I do wish that I can glorify God more with my life... this is why some more 'pruning' is still necessary. Nobody likes being 'pruned'... cause it hurts.

I was jokingly using marriage as example of God's pruning process during the meeting..., and it is actually true. ;) Wife and I even "pruned" each other again last night so that we can learn to love each other more later on. What is not good for us, should be pruned away... so that we can bear more fruits. May God continue to be with us and help us!

Today's reading was about Noah's descendants and then the beginning of Abram... Abram is a man with faults..., but at least he's super obedient to God. He remained in God and God remained in him... and blessed him from the very beginning. I hope God can bless me and bless other people thru me too... God knows I'm also a man with many faults, but may I be obedient to God as Abram was... may I never be too pround of myself as those who were trying to build that tower of Babel...

(Gen 10-12)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why You Make the Same Mistake Twice...

Just when I was wondering why I often repeat my mistakes on my last blog, God inspired somebody to write this article... ;)

At the end of the article, it says music teachers or coaches already know this. The brain has a tendency to practice whatever we do... even if it's a mistake. So the best way to learn isn't necessarily just to practice, practice, practice..., but to slow down to learn the right way... and then repeat that right way so that your brain can start learning this new 'right way' instead of repeating the same mistake over and over again!

I think in the recording studio, the tempo is set..., I was really practicing in the wrong way most of the time... so whenever we re-record..., I was basically repeating the same darn thing...

Anyway, I think our heart of stone or stiffed necks are really the result of our stubborn brain! Once we practice enough to form the neuro-networks in the brain... it'll be hard to re-wire our brains to do it differently...

May God help me re-wire my neuro-networks in my brain..., so that I can think and do the right things!!! :)

Today's reading was about Noah. Noah was a farmer, so it's not true that God only likes shepherds over farmers (Such as God prefers Abel over Cain...) And I guess the moral of the story with Ham(father of Canaan) was that love should cover up multitude of sins... instead of gossipping around... Still, I don't understand why Noah was so mad about that! He was the one who got drunk... maybe he was just mad about the gossip? Still, they're all family..., it's not like there were any strangers? Anyway, I guess the point is that we ought to just learn to love and respect our elders. We're only human, screw ups are inevitable because of the bad connections in our brain... ;)

(Gen 7:9)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Taking initiative...

Last night I was watching a TV show wife recorded earlier... it talked about whether if a degree from a famous university can really help or not... anyway, one thing I got out of it was that there's a quality that employers really want, which I kinda lack, is someone who's motivated and takes initiatives.

I think I have been lucky... or God has been pretty good to me... that I do have a pretty good job. However, for sure I can do better. Not to be coveteous or anything..., but if I were to compare myself with my good friend Tigran, I really don't think he's that much smarter than me... nor am I lazier than him... ;) However, the main difference between us probably would be our personalities. His personality for sure can convey the sense of motivated... taking initiatives..., where as my personality tend to convey the opposite. This is probably why he's now making more than twice as much as me!!!!

Will I ever change? I want to... I try to..., but often times, I just couldn't. Just as in the recording studio... I wanted to... and I tried to sing better..., but again and again I screw up! Why? I don't know. I guess I'm just not perfect yet... The important thing is that we ought to keep the faith... and keep at it. If I know I'm wrong at something, it doesn't matter how many times I try to make it right, it is more important that we don't settle down with being wrong.

May God have mercy and help me continue on... so that I can be holy just as my Father in heaven is holy! :)

In today's reading, I just found out how annoying and weird are the descendants of Cain! Lamech was probably the first dude to take 2 wives. He also has the nerve to tell his family that he has killed a man for wounding him... and if Cain is avenged 7 times, he himself would be 77 times. Anyway, I hope he killed in act of self defense..., cause if he murdered somebody as Cain did... and expect to get away with it just like Cain did..., that's just annoying. Plus, at least God promised Cain such protection... this guy is just saying it himself..., but then again, why is it recorded in the bible? Wonder what is the point... Perhaps this is a guy who takes 'initiatives'? ;)

Also, it's also very confusing that there was also an Enoch in Cain's family..., just as there's also a Lamech, in Seth's family. Guess it's just the case of common first names...

Anyway, may God help me understand these early chapters better...

(Gen 4-6)

Monday, April 21, 2008

A 'New' Day!!!

Yeah! I'm wearing a new shirt, new pair of jeans, new shoes... I probably need to new pair of glasses soon... I'm also starting a new reading plan... this will be the 2nd time I'm reading the whole bible within a year... hopefully I will pay more attention to detail this time and catch anything I might have missed before...

Anyway, the weekend was kinda fun... first time in my life I'm actually recording in a studio! ;) I sang for nearly 6 hours straight, I was pretty impressed with the endurance of my vocal chord..., but as to the sound we recorded... I told wife that I'm only 65% satisfied... 70% being acceptible...

Given the fact that the song is just technically difficult..., the fact that I didn't practice enough, the fact that it was my first time..., I suppose 65% is okay..., after all, I did give my 100% effort. I know where I need to improve more..., but I'm just not sure if I can do any better at the time... My God given talent help me reached that 65%..., if I practiced more... if I gain some more experience, if I had a simpler song, perhaps I can do better? ;) Anyway, I enjoyed the experience. I told wife that God has also used this experience to teach her how to love better too! Yeah, wife needed a LOT of patience and kindness in order to finish recording me! ;) She's going to tune me up today..., hopefully that'll go well. If so, then perhaps Jacob can work some of his magic? fingers crossed. ;)

Last Sunday, Pastor Jim also talked about 'worship'. He didn't really say anything that we didn't know already..., but the act of worship isn't really about what we know anyway. What are we "doing" that's causing us to decrease... and God to increase? Whether during good times or bad, are we focusing on ourselves or on God?

Often we just don't realize that only when He increases, we increase too! When we focus on Him, He'll focus on us too!!!

Today's scripture reading, it is clear that God wants to bless us. Gen 1:28 talked about how God blessed A&E and wanted them to be fruitful and multiply... both spiritually and physically. That was God's very first commandment! Of course when the serpent tricked Eve to focus on herself... and to increase in her own way without God..., that's when she ran into troubles...

Oh, show us how to do it Your way, Lord God! Indeed we want to increase in numbers physically, financially, but we also want to increase spiritually as well! But of course before we can increase, we also need to learn to decrease ourselves first. Help us to learn to just depend and trust in You Lord God!

(Gen 1-3)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Be crafty!!!

Continue on with Obama's book, in one of the chapters, he talked about politics. About the rules of the game... about how the system tend to drive politicians further and further away from those people who they claim to represent...

In the news, folks talked about new comers can sometimes have some advantages... while oldtimers may think they already know the game, but if they're unaware of how the rules might have changed... new comer just might end up winning the game! Hillary Clinton is an example..., she probably thought for sure she'd be the democratic candidate... and never saw Obama coming...

Anyway, I think throughout my life, I have never been very crafty. I lagged behind with the dating game. I'm also not very good at playing the career game. God has been very gracious towards me of course... I have a decent job and a wonderful wife! ;) I'm not complaining or coveting or anything..., but I just feel that I should be able to do better. (Regarding marriage, I'm not talking about having a better wife, but being a better husband! )

Socially, I think I'm really retarded in this area. After reading Obama's description of what it takes to be politician..., for sure that's a job I can't possibly do very well. Sometimes I may even know what to do in a given situation, but I still may not end up doing it... or doing it well...

Anyway, of course I don't want to be crafty as "serpent", but I do wish that I could be craftier for God somehow. In the mean time, I think I'm only good at socializing with little children or little animals I guess... ;)

Today's reading was parts of book of Revelation. May I be 'hot' for God... and for the things that I do... instead of being 'lukewarm'. This is one fatal flaw of my personality... I know I can't possibly be passionate about everything..., but may God help inject me with passion/enthusiasm in things that He wants me to do while on earth... because passion will help me become craftier... I think... even if I'm not naturally 'crafty', but passion can at least make me want to practice more and more... and help me become more perfect!

As for that future place described by John..., a place with no night... and no sun too! Anyway, I can't even imagine what that place would be like..., how blinding is the glory of God?!?!? But let's not worry too much about tomorrow for now. ;)

For now, I just need to be crafty and passionate while singing a song!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Be on tempo!!!

Last night we were practicing that new song again..., I'm still having trouble with syncopation... just not very good at muting when there should be a beat... and beating when there should be a mute... Hopefully practice makes perfect. ;)

Today's scripture reading was John's couple of short 'postcard' letters. It's once again about loving each other... so I suppose practicing that is super important too... ;)

Hopefully we can be spirituall in sync with God better as we practice more and more...

Hopefully I can sing with the proper syncopation and tempo later on...

Hopefully tonite's bible study with parents will be a good one...

I hope in Christ! :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Be loving!!!

I thought some more about the fuzzy logic from yesterday... and I think it's sort of like God's grace(fuzzy) and truth(logic). We can't be all fuzzy all the time. If we're always logical all the time, things can get a bit too mechanical and boring... and possibly even get scary at times...

For sure love involves both grace and truth. Grace alone isn't love. Truth alone can't be love. Today's scripture reading, Peter talked about loving each other. He also talked about it as a sign that we actually are children of God.

1 John 3:
10 從 此 就 顯 出 誰 是 神 的 兒 女 , 。 誰 是 魔 鬼 的 兒 女 。 凡 不 行 義 的 就 不 屬 神 , 不 愛 弟 兄 的 也 是 如 此 。
11 我 們 應 當 彼 此 相 愛 。 這 就 是 你 們 從 起 初 所 聽 見 的 命 令 。

Peter also talked about we shouldn't love the world..., but John said God so love the world that He's willing to sacrifice His Son...

Logically, they are contradicting..., but of course we know they're talking about different kind of "love". God's love for the world is the kind Pastor Jim talked about... willingness to cooperate as much as possible, yet without having to compromise Oneself. However, most folks' love for worldly things tend to end up causing them to compromise themselves. This is what Peter is warning us against.

So for sure we can love the world... or should love the world the same way Christ loves the world. We also need to love our brothers the same way. If our brothers are godly, then it'd be much easier to love them, but of course, we are still humans... there can be brothers in churches that can be rather difficult to love..., but we're commanded to do so anyway! Obey this command, then we're for sure children of God!!!

But of course love isn't just lip service, it has to be backed up with action! Christ's love for us was most certainly backed up with action! This is where the sheep and the goats come in...

May we all be God's children... and God's sheeps.

On a more down to earth note, a friend emailed me some special offer from for anti-virus software. Including the rebates, they're actually 'paying' me to get that software!!! It also comes with a 2gigabyte memory stick. Not that I need anymore memory sticks, but since they want to give me the software and some money..., hey, why not? ;)

God is good. Thank You Lord!!! We love ya!:)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Be faithful!

Last night I was practicing singing that song wife wrote... Gee it was hard!!! It's like I have 2 different kind of brain... one can count precisely, but not so fast... the other can act faster, but things tend to be a little fuzzy... I think human brain sometimes act like that... with fuzzy logic. Anyway, may God help me... all things are possible with God, right? ;)

It's just so important to keep our faith in God... in today's scripture reading in Hebrews

Heb 10:
23 也 要 堅 守 我 們 所 承 認 的 指 望 , 不 至 搖 動 , 因 為 那 應 許 我 們 的 是 信 實 的 。
24 又 要 彼 此 相 顧 , 激 發 愛 心 , 勉 勵 行 善 。

May my faith be able to allow me to have good, encouraging fellowships with those around me... so that we may all stand firm!

Heb 12
26 當 時 他 的 聲 音 震 動 了 地 , 但 如 今 他 應 許 說 : 再 一 次 我 不 單 要 震 動 地 , 還 要 震 動 天 。
27 這 再 一 次 的 話 , 是 指 明 被 震 動 的 , 就 是 受 造 之 物 都 要 挪 去 , 使 那 不 被 震 動 的 常 存 。
28 所 以 我 們 既 得 了 不 能 震 動 的 國 , 就 當 感 恩 , 照 神 所 喜 悅 的 , 用 虔 誠 、 敬 畏 的 心 事 奉 神 。

News has been warning us Californians of impending earthquake. There's a 99% chance that within the next 20~30 years, we'll have a big earthquake. But of course that's going to be nothing compared to God'squake!!! ;)

Still, if that's the case, my earthly dwelling probably will be destroyed..., but we're not suppose to worry too much about tomorrow, right? Since I now have a pre-approved loan, I ought to just try to get a house anyway..., just make sure we get it insured with earthquake insurance! ;)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Be in the right attitude!!!

Pastor Jim has finished his sermon series on the beattitudes... Christ's teaching for sure was/is/and always will be radical to folks.

1)Are you poor in spirit? Good for you! For kingdom of heaven is YOURS!!!
2)Are you sad? Good for you! For God will comfort you!!!
3)Are you meek(humble)? Good, the new earth will be yours!
4)Are you hungry/thirsty for God? Good, God will fill you!
5)Are you merciful to others? Good, then you will be treated with mercy!
6)Are you pure in heart? Do you have the right motives? Then you will be able to see God!
7)Are you a peace maker? "Maker" making it verb with action..., not just talk the talk, but also walk the walk! Willing to do the work of reconciliation... If so, then great! God will call you His kid!!!
8)Are you persecuted because you're doing the right thing? Resulting you feeling poor in spirit?
No problem! Once again, kingdom of heaven is YOURS!!! ;)

Such radical teaching is the reason why the gate to heaven is narrow. It's not because God has super high requirements... and most of us just cannot make it. It's because we just don't get this paradoxical teaching. How can I save my life by giving up my life?!?!? How can we be 'born again'?

These spiritual things cannot be shown or seen by our eyes..., attitude of heart cannot be seen directly. However, those who've truly been spiritually born again, we will be able to see such transformation thru that person's life.

Do we see it in our own lives? If not, repent and pray again!!! ;)

Today's scriptural reading in Timothy 3 talked about:

1 你 該 知 道 , 末 世 必 有 危 險 的 日 子 來 到 。
2 因 為 那 時 人 要 專 顧 自 己 、 貪 愛 錢 財 、 自 誇 、 狂 傲 、 謗 讟 、 違 背 父 母 、 忘 恩 負 義 、 心 不 聖 潔 、
3 無 親 情 、 不 解 怨 、 好 說 讒 言 、 不 能 自 約 、 性 情 兇 暴 、 不 愛 良 善 、
4 賣 主 賣 友 、 任 意 妄 為 、 自 高 自 大 、 愛 宴 樂 、 不 愛 神 ,
5 有 敬 虔 的 外 貌 , 卻 背 了 敬 虔 的 實 意 ; 這 等 人 你 要 躲 開 。

So am I like that? If I am, I better 躲 開 by repenting!!!! ;)

Anyway, this weekend, we saw some more houses, seems like prices are slowly coming down, wonder if it'll go down further... fingers crossed!!!

Also, please God, help us finish the english lyrics of the song... help us refine it better... give me more inspiration please!!!! I pray in Jesus' name...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Be sure...

American Olympic medalists Amanda Beard, left, Natalie Coughlin, right, and Michael Phelps pose with in new, high technology Speedo 'LZR Racer' swimsuits they will wear during the Beijing Summer Olympics this summer, during a news conference introducing the suits in New York, in this Feb. 12, 2008 file photo. Speedo's new 'LZR Racer' already has taken a huge chunk out of the record book, less than two months since its coming out.

Back in high school, our 'speedos' used to be just like underware..., and during finals, we would simply shave all of our body hair off in order to try to be as slippery in water as possible... some even shaved heads!!! But that's unnecessary since we can also just wear swimming caps..., but anyway, it's hard to imagine that speedo has developed something better than silky smooth skin!!! This new body suit is for both boys and girls... and has be shattering world records!!! Amazing! But of course some are complaining because this 'technology' is not available for all... it costs a lot and there's just not enough for every one at the moment... so yeah, I suppose it's not fair... all future swimming competitions in the future ought to be completely in the suit God makes- naked. That for sure will increase interests in competition swimming too probably. ;)

Anyway, today's scripture reading, Peter talked about how to make one's calling and election sure.

2 Peter 1
3 神 的 神 能 已 將 一 切 關 乎 生 命 和 虔 敬 的 事 賜 給 我 們 , 皆 因 我 們 認 識 那 用 自 己 榮 耀 和 美 德 召 我 們 的 主 。
4 因 此 , 他 已 將 又 寶 貴 又 極 大 的 應 許 賜 給 我 們 , 叫 我 們 既 脫 離 世 上 從 情 慾 來 的 敗 壞 , 就 得 與 神 的 性 情 有 分 。
5 正 因 這 緣 故 , 你 們 要 分 外 地 殷 勤 ; 有 了 信 心 , 又 要 加 上 德 行 ; 有 了 德 行 , 又 要 加 上 知 識 ;
6 有 了 知 識 , 又 要 加 上 節 制 ; 有 了 節 制 , 又 要 加 上 忍 耐 ; 有 了 忍 耐 , 又 要 加 上 虔 敬 ;
7 有 了 虔 敬 , 又 要 加 上 愛 弟 兄 的 心 ; 有 了 愛 弟 兄 的 心 , 又 要 加 上 愛 眾 人 的 心 ;
8 你 們 若 充 充 足 足 的 有 這 幾 樣 , 就 必 使 你 們 在 認 識 我 們 的 主 耶 穌 基 督 上 不 至 於 閒 懶 不 結 果 子 了 。

Yes Lord! We want to bear more spiritual fruits... help us bear more of them... help us be sure!!!Yeah, in this world, only thing we can be sure of is that we can't be sure of anything! ;) May God help us.

Reading Obama's book too... in some instances, he's just not very convincing in some areas. For example, he said he wish that we have more engineers than lawyers..., but Obama himself is a lawyer. How did he reach that conclusions of his? How can he wish for one thing and do another? Or perhaps he came to that realization afterwards like Solomon? A society should have more problem solving engineers instead of money/fame hungry lawyers that places winning above all else?

He's a believer of God, but he also stated that he believes in evolution. Of course there are different kind of evolution... micro-evolution is clearly true. Bacteria can 'evolve' to eventually develope immunity to anti-body. However, macro-evolution... the kind that claims organisms can evolve to become different species... well, I have seen extinction of species, but I just don't believe humanity as ever witnessed birth of a brand new species because of evolution... so if I have to pick something to believe, I'd rather choose to believe the Bible. That all creatures on earth were created by God. So anyway, does Obama believe God created creatures? Based on his one sentence, I can't tell.

Obama also talked about a senior senator Byrd giving him advice to learn all that he needs to learn about being a senator. In a republic, the heart and soul of that nation is actually the senate..., unfortunately most senators of today are so fixated on the white house.... and Obama agreed with Byrd..., but here Obama is... a junior senator, haven't even finish his first 6 year term yet..., running for the president of the US. Was he ambitiously aiming for the white house all along? Or was it just circumstances happened to turn in his favor?

As a black man, he must be delusional to actually believe that he can become the first black president of the US, right? But perhaps he does have the audacity to hope that?

There are so many things that we cannot be absolutely sure, but until we know for sure, we can only give the benefit of the doubt I suppose. We won't ever have sufficient faith, hope or love without having some sort of benefit of the doubt. As little children, they often give people that benefit of the doubt... the longer we live in this dark world, the more doubtful we become...

May the armor of God help us slip thru this world's troubles as efficiently as speedo's new suit! ;)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Be Child-like and be born again...

Daniel was not in office for couple days, thought he went away on some business trip... it turned out, he had an bike accident!!! So he wasn't able to even to drive to work... he's okay now, but that's pretty scary... he say he almost got ran over by a car after he slipped!!! The new born baby could've been born without a father!!! OMG!!! How sad is that?!?!?

Okay, yeah, Dan can be a bit dramatic..., but still, today I end up having lunch with him... he's actually limping and having a hard time going up and down the stairs! Hope he recovers quickly. Alta surely doesn't want to have to end up taking care of the baby and then another big fat handicapped baby at home... ;)

Anyway, today, that song we sang during prayer meeting kept on getting stucked in my head... the very chinesey "Ye-he-hwa is love" song. Brother GD talked about how we should have a child-like heart... If we're truly born again, we're suppose to have a child-like heart... and looping... or doing things over and over again is one quality of being a child... so I suppose me hearing that song over and over again is good? ;)

Kids are honest, pure, forgiveful, compassionate, and passionate(that's probably why they like to do things over and over again!) Few things in this world can generate interests for me... only those few things I'm truly interested can give me to motivation to do it again and again... I wish I can be more like a child so that I may look at the whole world and can still be like a child and go WOW!!!

Of course God wanting us to be like children isn't the same as being childish. God also does want us to grow up and be mature too. Just that we should have the attitude of a child. It's just so easy to lose that attitude after the world continue to wear it down. After we have fallen off of a bike hard... will we ride bikes again? Or would we just give up on it completely?

May God help us continue on to try again with the child-like heart, but of course may our painful experiences give us wisdom to not to make the same mistake again...

1 Timothy 1 (NLV)
14 Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that come from Christ Jesus.

(1 Timothy 1-3; Titus 2)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Jason Upton - Into The Sky

Haven't visited Facebook for a while... partly due to my work browser acting weird at times... another part is my lack of 'friends'... so I can't unlock a bunch of stuffs in it... >:( Of course the main reason is my lack of time...

Anyway, there's this Dr Phil quiz that needs only 10 friends to unlock results... and I just happen to have 10 friends now... so I got all excited, but then the stupid quiz doesn't seem all that accurate... Lame!!! :p

However, this video George posted is just so cool. Thanks George! For helping me worship and pray and listen to an interesting story!

Wife probably doesn't like the part that goes 'round and around and around...', I personally can appreciate the opportunity to do over again and again to get better. Every lap around the track is an unique experience. How can we make it slightly better each time around?

Jason also sang about asking Jesus to come down to the ground to play with us! ;) Theology is indeed boring..., how can we make it interesting and come alive?

Only by the power of His Spirit. Only then can we fly up into the sky to meet our Lord! Yes Lord, help us receive your love, joy, peace... and all the goodies you have from up above even while we're down on the ground!

1 Peter 1 (NLT)
5 And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see.
6 So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. 7 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
8 You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. 9 The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.

(1 Peter 1, 4-5)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Audacity of Hope

I'm beginning to try to change my 'reading' habit, other than the Bible or the stuffs I'm real interested in, I rarely read. So as encouraged by the wife, I picked up a few books. I'm starting out with Obama's 'Audacity of Hope'.

Obama has lost focus in his life once. His wife thought he has lost his sense of priority so she didn't really want him in public office anymore. He has even been crushed badly by losing an election. After regrouping refocusing on what's important, he's still hopeful with his message of hope in the cynical world of politics. He asked his wife for one last chance to give his politcal career a shot...and afterwards, he'll just resume a 'normal' life.

His campaigne wasn't easy. He had numerous oppositions... and with popular incumbents and millionaire candidates with loads of money. Not sure where he found the 'hope'. Perhaps it was his last chance as promised to his wife? In the end, he won the US Senate office. Some see it as fluke, because lots of scandals caused many of the popular candidates to drop out. Obama thought it was his message of hope... and the fact that he's running for president now perhaps confirmed that he's right! How lucky can a person be? To be elected senator in 2004 and then to run for president in 2008?!?!? ;)

Mathematicians or anyone with some sort of a brain can figure out the risks involved in doing something. Low risk means high chance of success, but success is still not guaranteed. High risk means low chance of success, and again failure is not guaranteed. Should we live our lives by calculating risks... or should we live our lives by hoping?

It's difficult to conclude for certain which is right. We can't really blame people for not wanting to do high risk things. If it has a good chance to fail, why bother? We most definitely shouldn't just deny that reality and 'hope' for the best. But we can certainly slowly and hopefully move in that direction.

When I was young, I hoped to achieve 4.0 GPA. I hoped to win drawing competitions. I hoped to win swimming competitions. I hoped to win scholarship to Art Center! I hoped to be the first Chinese world champion F-1 driver!!! ;)

Well, I did win some swimming competitions against high schools that don't have very good swimmers. ;) Other than that, all of my hopes above were crushed.

However, some of my hopes came true. I remembered that I hoped I could come and live in America so I can goto Disneyland and stuffs... that was back in elementry... and some of my classmates were planning to immigrate there... and the process takes years. I knew chances of me ever moving to America is slim, but I hoped for it nonetheless.

After I'm in America, when I'm in high school, getting ready for a license, I hoped to be able to have a brown VW Rabbit convertible. Of course it's not affordable for my parents, we only owned a Corolla back then..., but then eventually I did get a gold Civic... in all honesty, I think it's much better and reliable than VW. And who thought I'd actually end up getting an S2000? For sure that's a much better convertible than the Rabbit! ;)

Seeing that most of my relatives and friends live in their own home. I also hoped I could live in a nice house with mom and dad... instead of just renting at lame pathetic places or just apartments..., but knowing my parent's income level, I know that's an impossibility. But I hoped for that nonetheless. And amazingly, we were able to afford a home when the market is rock bottom!!!

I didn't even know God back then. But to me, it's so absolutely true that God prepares for me things that's better than I've seen, heard or thought of. In instances where God say 'no' to my hopes, I can see that it's probably good for me. If I had good grades all the time, I'd probably end up too proud. If I actually end up as an design artist, how will that alter my lifestyle? If I actually became an F-1 driver, I'd probably be dead by now! ;)

If God is willing to even give His Son for us, why else would He hold things back from us that's good for us?

Today's scripture reading is about Paul's talk of spiritual growth. In it, Paul talked about rejoicing always... about putting away non-holy living practices... about shining as stars in this dark world:

Philippians 2
14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.(NIV)

Unfortunately, the chinese translation doesn't have 'stars', otherwise it'd be a good fit with Howards new song! ;)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Early trick or treat... ;)

Over the past few days, wife and I talked a lot about various things... from the differences between virus and bacteria... to our day to day life... and even about how certain can we be regarding Bible's truthfulness!

Friday's scripture reading was Paul talking about Christian doctrines and its practices, today's reading was about further practical Christian living. Paul sure answered a lot of questions... and what Paul has done for Christ in his life certainly still has a lot of influence around the world too!

Yeah, there's no way to know for certain, we can only take these things by faith. Of course our faith can only grow with experience. If we've never experienced the amazing grace of God, singing the song amazing grace a zillion times still won't help people understand what God's grace is about... How can we experience it? When we have no more faith, hope and love... what are we to do? Just sit there and wait for death?

Anyway, the conversation we had about bacteria and virus is kinda interesting in retrospect. Virus, in latin is basically just poison or toxin. It cannot grow... and it cannot reproduce itself. Kinda like Satan. It cannot create anything like God. When it enters a host, it only causes damage. Causing the living host to get sick. When the host dies, virus won't really 'die' because it's not really 'living' to begin with. It'll simply remain that way... until someday another host somehow get a hold of this virus...

Viral attack is very much like what Bible describes as spiritual attack. We cannot really 'see' the virus. Nor can we really 'see' spiritual attacks. What we know for sure is when we get sick... can no longer stand firm...

God gave all of us immune systems to defend against viral attacks. God also gave us armor of God to defend against spiritual attacks. There are just so many real life principles that matches biblical principles... God helped me see this truth, and this is why I have faith. I don't just have blind faith.

Pastor Jim over the weekend also talked more about the beattitudes. Blessed are those who mourn. Why? Because God will draw close to those who mourn, those with broken heart... to comfort them. Average folks will be more humble and be more willing to accept help from God when they've lost all or when they just can't get things to work out..., but of course some folks will remain stubborn. Some of the weird kings of Israel did this... they were so godly earlier on, but for whatever reasons, ended up so anti-god in the end. Even when he's sick and he still refused to seek God for help...

This is most likely some sort of spiritual sickness.

Pastor Jim also talked about being meek... which means we should cooperate as much as we can without compromising. Means we have self-controlling strength... we could've done it this way, but we choose not to do that and do things God's way! If I can beat you up but chose not to, that's being meek. If I can't beat you up anyway and choose not to fight, that's just weak. So there's a difference between meek and weak. As long as God is with us, it's okay to be weak I guess. But point is God also want us to be meek. We ought to just do what's right.

Which leads us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Are we really hungry and thirsty for God? If not, is it because we're filled with the junk food of this world... or perhaps we're 'sick', that's why we lost our appetite?

What in this world can really fill us up? What can really satisfy?

When things are good, for sure we need to thank and praise God. When times are bad, all the more reason why we need to seek God and His help! God can certainly prescribe a treatment that instantly heals us, but God also could prescribe some sort of longer term treatment.

Only thing I do know is that God will give all of us the best possible treatment.

For example, God gave me my wife and gave me to my wife so that we can 'treat' each other right! Satan's task... or the purpose of the virus is to 'trick' us.

Trick or treat? The choice is ours! ;)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jars of clay...

Last night, wife and I talked a lot during the wee hours of the night again. Yes, it's tiring, my body wants to sleep, but of course it was well worth every moment of it. Surprisingly, I'm not as sleepy as I thought I would while at work! ;)

Perhaps this is what Paul was talking about... the 'treasure' in the jars of clay. Treasure meaning His Spirit... this all-surpassing power from God... and jars of clay being us. It is because of that that our little jar of clay can be pressed but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; perssecuted, but not abandoned; strucked down, but not destroyed!!! I know that this jar of clay is weak, but the treasure that is in me is STRONG!!! :) Wife has often accuse me of be lacking confidence at times, but seriously, I have very little confidence in my little jar... I can only find confidence in God. Prior to my conversion, yeah, for sure I'm not a man who's super confident about myself... and I'm not that confident at faking confidence either! ;)

Just as I was typing this, a gal from Bible League called me up... asking me how I'm doing... can she pray for me... she didn't ask for money actually. Pretty cool. I promised them money earlier, but still haven't send it in... Money's real tight lately. Not a very good steward of money I guess..., if I can't be trusted with little, how can God trust me with a LOT?

Sometimes, this jar of clay screws up..., then what?

Repent and try again and do better next time!

Paul also talked about being a generous giver, we ought to sow generously and cheerfully.

Lord, you know I'm capable of giving generously and cheerfully, but certainly not at the expense of my own wife's happiness!!! Help me do better at loving my wife and loving my neighbors Lord! Help me become a better husband... and help us become generous and cheerful sowers of Your kingdom! I pray in Christ's name!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Last nite wife and I talked further about strategies to help mom save more money! Besides renting out a room to increase income, we also discoverred that dad's income last year should've been able to cover most of their expenses... unless there are any expenses that I don't know about... Anyway, we'll take some more time to talk about this and finish their tax returns tomorrow..., hopefully we can find ways to reduce most of our financial burden... so that we can afford our own home!

Yes, these financial burdens can cause strains on our marriage relationship. May God help me by giving me wisdom and ability to reduce these burdens so that it won't cause irreversible damage to my own marriage! Mom also need to learn how to manage money better too. May God also help my parents to become more mature with money... and spiritually over time too...

Today's reading of Corinthians talked about how God prepares for those who love Him in ways that no eyes have seen, no ears have heard, and no mind has conceived... I wonder what God has prepared for me in the future! Whatever it is, I just ought to keep faith, hope and love until God show it to me that day! ;)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Slow day...

Yesterday was kind of a slow day... wife told me that she didn't have to teach any students yesterday. Traffic was also amazingly smooth on the freeways for me compared to other typical days!

We also had dinner with Howard trying to further brainstorm on the chinese lyrics..., yes, even that was slow in coming! ;)

But whether if we live our lives in the fast lane, or living as if we're driving Miss Daisy, we ought to live our lives pleasing to God as Paul taught the Thessalonians to. We also should continue to be faithful and hopeful... coming of the Lord may seem slow (2000+ years already), but rest assure God will never be late and it is an inevitability that we'll be with him someday! :)

In the meantime, we gotta do what we gotta do while we patiently wait... the eagles had to wait and seek the thermals so that they can soar to great heights just riding along that rising hot air! We, too, ought to learn to wait and seek God if we want to soar...