Friday, April 11, 2008

Be sure...

American Olympic medalists Amanda Beard, left, Natalie Coughlin, right, and Michael Phelps pose with in new, high technology Speedo 'LZR Racer' swimsuits they will wear during the Beijing Summer Olympics this summer, during a news conference introducing the suits in New York, in this Feb. 12, 2008 file photo. Speedo's new 'LZR Racer' already has taken a huge chunk out of the record book, less than two months since its coming out.

Back in high school, our 'speedos' used to be just like underware..., and during finals, we would simply shave all of our body hair off in order to try to be as slippery in water as possible... some even shaved heads!!! But that's unnecessary since we can also just wear swimming caps..., but anyway, it's hard to imagine that speedo has developed something better than silky smooth skin!!! This new body suit is for both boys and girls... and has be shattering world records!!! Amazing! But of course some are complaining because this 'technology' is not available for all... it costs a lot and there's just not enough for every one at the moment... so yeah, I suppose it's not fair... all future swimming competitions in the future ought to be completely in the suit God makes- naked. That for sure will increase interests in competition swimming too probably. ;)

Anyway, today's scripture reading, Peter talked about how to make one's calling and election sure.

2 Peter 1
3 神 的 神 能 已 將 一 切 關 乎 生 命 和 虔 敬 的 事 賜 給 我 們 , 皆 因 我 們 認 識 那 用 自 己 榮 耀 和 美 德 召 我 們 的 主 。
4 因 此 , 他 已 將 又 寶 貴 又 極 大 的 應 許 賜 給 我 們 , 叫 我 們 既 脫 離 世 上 從 情 慾 來 的 敗 壞 , 就 得 與 神 的 性 情 有 分 。
5 正 因 這 緣 故 , 你 們 要 分 外 地 殷 勤 ; 有 了 信 心 , 又 要 加 上 德 行 ; 有 了 德 行 , 又 要 加 上 知 識 ;
6 有 了 知 識 , 又 要 加 上 節 制 ; 有 了 節 制 , 又 要 加 上 忍 耐 ; 有 了 忍 耐 , 又 要 加 上 虔 敬 ;
7 有 了 虔 敬 , 又 要 加 上 愛 弟 兄 的 心 ; 有 了 愛 弟 兄 的 心 , 又 要 加 上 愛 眾 人 的 心 ;
8 你 們 若 充 充 足 足 的 有 這 幾 樣 , 就 必 使 你 們 在 認 識 我 們 的 主 耶 穌 基 督 上 不 至 於 閒 懶 不 結 果 子 了 。

Yes Lord! We want to bear more spiritual fruits... help us bear more of them... help us be sure!!!Yeah, in this world, only thing we can be sure of is that we can't be sure of anything! ;) May God help us.

Reading Obama's book too... in some instances, he's just not very convincing in some areas. For example, he said he wish that we have more engineers than lawyers..., but Obama himself is a lawyer. How did he reach that conclusions of his? How can he wish for one thing and do another? Or perhaps he came to that realization afterwards like Solomon? A society should have more problem solving engineers instead of money/fame hungry lawyers that places winning above all else?

He's a believer of God, but he also stated that he believes in evolution. Of course there are different kind of evolution... micro-evolution is clearly true. Bacteria can 'evolve' to eventually develope immunity to anti-body. However, macro-evolution... the kind that claims organisms can evolve to become different species... well, I have seen extinction of species, but I just don't believe humanity as ever witnessed birth of a brand new species because of evolution... so if I have to pick something to believe, I'd rather choose to believe the Bible. That all creatures on earth were created by God. So anyway, does Obama believe God created creatures? Based on his one sentence, I can't tell.

Obama also talked about a senior senator Byrd giving him advice to learn all that he needs to learn about being a senator. In a republic, the heart and soul of that nation is actually the senate..., unfortunately most senators of today are so fixated on the white house.... and Obama agreed with Byrd..., but here Obama is... a junior senator, haven't even finish his first 6 year term yet..., running for the president of the US. Was he ambitiously aiming for the white house all along? Or was it just circumstances happened to turn in his favor?

As a black man, he must be delusional to actually believe that he can become the first black president of the US, right? But perhaps he does have the audacity to hope that?

There are so many things that we cannot be absolutely sure, but until we know for sure, we can only give the benefit of the doubt I suppose. We won't ever have sufficient faith, hope or love without having some sort of benefit of the doubt. As little children, they often give people that benefit of the doubt... the longer we live in this dark world, the more doubtful we become...

May the armor of God help us slip thru this world's troubles as efficiently as speedo's new suit! ;)

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