Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Got something to say?

Obama's pastor went defending himself publically recently... saying that all that had happened recently is not an attack against him or Obama, but an attack on black churches. He also went on saying that US government probably invented AIDS as a way to commit genocide against minorities...

While I also personally believe these conspiracies could be true, Americans had been pretty racist. America is also the only nation on earth that has actually used an atomic weapon against humanity. Yeah, US government can be pretty evil sometimes... and can certainly be capable of evil... but fact is, these are simply conspiracies. There's no proof to back any of those things up at this point... so why bother stirring these things up? Especially during Obama's campaigne?

Not sure what Pastor Jeremiah was thinking. Enough is enough. It's no wonder Obama has now seeking to further distance himself from the pastor.

In cases like these, we ought to just let God be our defense. Make sure we're right first..., if we're wrong, then repent and make things right! As for whether if others are right or wrong, just leave that up to God. Surely God will judge them! If somebody's really attacking black churches, don't you think Christ would protect his church? Would God also allow people to successfully commit genocide against His people?

Anyway, yeah, I'm a little disappointed with Pastor Jeremiah myself... if you don't have anything constructive to say, don't bother saying it... especially under public lime light.

May God show His mercy on all of us..., just as God showed mercy to Hagar as she was sent away with her son... God is a God who'd take care of us, no matter how hopeless the situation may seem. Of course Abraham and Sarah were foolish to use Hagar as a baby machine in the first place..., but then it's stupid of Hagar and later on Ishmeal to be so proud to mock Sarah and Isaac too! We all make mistakes, but if we all try to control ourselves to minimize these offensive mistakes, things could've worked out smoother. Of course sometimes we mess up inadvertantly..., but regardless how we mess up, the cool thing is that God can always remedy a situation for the better!

God is also a God who'll commit genocide against us if we're too out of control like people in Sodom and Gomorrah...

Anyway, point is, we all need to have more self control... so that we can avoid causing too much troubles for ourselves and for others... May God help us by giving us the wisdom and strength to control our flesh...

(Gen 19-21)

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