Monday, April 14, 2008

Be in the right attitude!!!

Pastor Jim has finished his sermon series on the beattitudes... Christ's teaching for sure was/is/and always will be radical to folks.

1)Are you poor in spirit? Good for you! For kingdom of heaven is YOURS!!!
2)Are you sad? Good for you! For God will comfort you!!!
3)Are you meek(humble)? Good, the new earth will be yours!
4)Are you hungry/thirsty for God? Good, God will fill you!
5)Are you merciful to others? Good, then you will be treated with mercy!
6)Are you pure in heart? Do you have the right motives? Then you will be able to see God!
7)Are you a peace maker? "Maker" making it verb with action..., not just talk the talk, but also walk the walk! Willing to do the work of reconciliation... If so, then great! God will call you His kid!!!
8)Are you persecuted because you're doing the right thing? Resulting you feeling poor in spirit?
No problem! Once again, kingdom of heaven is YOURS!!! ;)

Such radical teaching is the reason why the gate to heaven is narrow. It's not because God has super high requirements... and most of us just cannot make it. It's because we just don't get this paradoxical teaching. How can I save my life by giving up my life?!?!? How can we be 'born again'?

These spiritual things cannot be shown or seen by our eyes..., attitude of heart cannot be seen directly. However, those who've truly been spiritually born again, we will be able to see such transformation thru that person's life.

Do we see it in our own lives? If not, repent and pray again!!! ;)

Today's scriptural reading in Timothy 3 talked about:

1 你 該 知 道 , 末 世 必 有 危 險 的 日 子 來 到 。
2 因 為 那 時 人 要 專 顧 自 己 、 貪 愛 錢 財 、 自 誇 、 狂 傲 、 謗 讟 、 違 背 父 母 、 忘 恩 負 義 、 心 不 聖 潔 、
3 無 親 情 、 不 解 怨 、 好 說 讒 言 、 不 能 自 約 、 性 情 兇 暴 、 不 愛 良 善 、
4 賣 主 賣 友 、 任 意 妄 為 、 自 高 自 大 、 愛 宴 樂 、 不 愛 神 ,
5 有 敬 虔 的 外 貌 , 卻 背 了 敬 虔 的 實 意 ; 這 等 人 你 要 躲 開 。

So am I like that? If I am, I better 躲 開 by repenting!!!! ;)

Anyway, this weekend, we saw some more houses, seems like prices are slowly coming down, wonder if it'll go down further... fingers crossed!!!

Also, please God, help us finish the english lyrics of the song... help us refine it better... give me more inspiration please!!!! I pray in Jesus' name...

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