Thursday, April 10, 2008

Be Child-like and be born again...

Daniel was not in office for couple days, thought he went away on some business trip... it turned out, he had an bike accident!!! So he wasn't able to even to drive to work... he's okay now, but that's pretty scary... he say he almost got ran over by a car after he slipped!!! The new born baby could've been born without a father!!! OMG!!! How sad is that?!?!?

Okay, yeah, Dan can be a bit dramatic..., but still, today I end up having lunch with him... he's actually limping and having a hard time going up and down the stairs! Hope he recovers quickly. Alta surely doesn't want to have to end up taking care of the baby and then another big fat handicapped baby at home... ;)

Anyway, today, that song we sang during prayer meeting kept on getting stucked in my head... the very chinesey "Ye-he-hwa is love" song. Brother GD talked about how we should have a child-like heart... If we're truly born again, we're suppose to have a child-like heart... and looping... or doing things over and over again is one quality of being a child... so I suppose me hearing that song over and over again is good? ;)

Kids are honest, pure, forgiveful, compassionate, and passionate(that's probably why they like to do things over and over again!) Few things in this world can generate interests for me... only those few things I'm truly interested can give me to motivation to do it again and again... I wish I can be more like a child so that I may look at the whole world and can still be like a child and go WOW!!!

Of course God wanting us to be like children isn't the same as being childish. God also does want us to grow up and be mature too. Just that we should have the attitude of a child. It's just so easy to lose that attitude after the world continue to wear it down. After we have fallen off of a bike hard... will we ride bikes again? Or would we just give up on it completely?

May God help us continue on to try again with the child-like heart, but of course may our painful experiences give us wisdom to not to make the same mistake again...

1 Timothy 1 (NLV)
14 Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that come from Christ Jesus.

(1 Timothy 1-3; Titus 2)

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