Friday, April 10, 2009

Time after time...

Feeling kinda restless lately, not able to sleep as soundly as before... maybe jetlag is finally hitting me? ;)

Also, I'm really starting to notice that I'm not a very good manager of my time... I don't effectively use the time that I have and I'd end up not having enough time to do stuffs that I'm suppose to do... I still haven't file for taxes yet! And April 15th is approaching!!! I'm such a procrastinator!

What's worse is that I noticed this problem but I can't seem to fix it. Littlest things can sometimes distract me from doing what I'm suppose to do. Whether it's the internet... or the TV... or the PS3! ;) When I first got the TV back, I turned the PS3 on to try things out and then I'd lose track of time on the virtual race track!!! So I actually haven't turned my PS3 on ever since!!! ;)

I think perhaps I need to carry a to do list with me. List out all the things that must be done for the day. Anything that's not on the list and it's not an emergency... then I better just have the discipline to NOT do it! Will this work my Lord? Hmm... May God help me able to truly change... help me shake this thing off and be able to rise up and sit enthrone next to You!!!! :)

And a bit of good news... that is I'm slowly getting rid of the fat that I gained from Taiwan! Yipee!
(Isa 52-54, 175.4 lbs, $2.549)

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