Thursday, March 12, 2009


That God given chance for a breather during the end of February is still on... the stupid security issue is still left unresolved... so we're suppose to start testing a hardware soon but still can't do it until we are cleared to proceed... I hope they won't all of a sudden turn us back on just when we're ready to go back to Taiwan! Oh well...

Also found out that the program we're working on may be used by Obama as a bargining chip with the Russians. Perhaps this is the real reason for the hold up. Our program may get cancelled in the name of peace!

Well, hopefully we can win more big programs then... cancellation of this program could hurt us pretty bad.

Well, other good news is that I got a 5% raise recently and company rated me as 'highly effective!' So hopefully I won't be the first to go if there's a layoff, but then again, if the company has no money, then the company has no money... also, Daniel got a 7% raise... he must've been super duper amazingly effective! Anyway, he really needs the money to support his wife, kid and the stupid house that he bought at the peak of the market! ;)

Speaking of market, stock market seems to be steadily climbing back up. Have we hit the bottom? The stock market really rallied because Citi Bank posted profits. However, is it really all that impressive that you've shown that your paycheck can cover your grocery bills? What about the massive debts that you're carrying? The car, the student loan, the mortgage?

It remains to be seen I suppose..., and it seems mom's going to be in the market to buy another car... I guess she's doing her part at stimulating the economy! ;)

I wonder what God's planning for the world. Is this economic crisis just a warning to get us to not be so greedy... or is God perhaps really trying to drive us to the ground for being disobedient.

It sure would be nice to be Isaiah..., to be able to know things ahead of the time... so he can plan properly. Anyway, I don't think the Americans are really as bad as the Israelites at the time..., so my guess is that things won't go too badly... things are already bad enough... and may God deliver us soon. And may more and more folks repent soon so that God can begin His deliverance soon... instead of having to wait until we're totally devestated...

Anyway, whatever happens, whether God gives or takes, opens or close, we should just shout Halleluja anyways!!! :D

(Isa 22-27, 175.6 lbs, $2.319)

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