Friday, August 10, 2007

Thank God It's Friday! (TGIF!)

Was able to complete some major milestones at work... so I can relax a bit...
Wife's mood has also been pretty good lately... so I can further relax...
Given my relaxing personality, maybe I shouldn't be too relax... ;)

Today's lunchbox is also perfectly fine and tasty... wife was worried that it might be bad cause it's been sitting in the fridge for too long, but 'Gali' or curry is suppose to be able to be long lasting, right?

Space shuttle is also in orbit again and so far so good...

Things are pretty good... except for some trapped miners... also more death were found due to that bridge collapse... and I'm sure lots of invester are also worrying about the stock market... not to mention what's going on in Iraq... oh well, such is life I guess.

Today's scripture reading is about Aaron and how he screwed up while Moses was up in the mountain... Aaron and the rest of the gang still wish to worship God, but they just don't know what they're doing I guess. People were still giving up their valuables such as gold jewelries and stuff..., but in the end, they created the golden calf... Similary in today's churches, are we tithing to God or are we simply tithing to create our own golden calf? Pretending to be worshipping God, but in reality not? How are we to know?

By carefully studying the Bible I suppose.

Mom's email of Dad's sermon summary once again contained warnings from God... saying we must obey God, His convenant... so that we may be blessed and not get sick! ;) And that God often discipline or train us by allowing us hardships..., and we ought to endure it and get thru it by His grace... and we shouldn't grumble or complain... and only then will He deliver us to the promiseland.

Well, I suppose we're ready for God's training!!! Off to promiseland we'll go!!! May our lips never complain and may the Lord add on to us grace upon grace so that we may be able to get to our destination! Halleluja! :)

(Exodus 32)

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