Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Today as I went home to get my 'lunchbox', I witnessed yet another car accident! ;) As I parked myself across the street, I saw mom backing out of the garage... and another person pulled into our driveway to make a u-turn or turnabout. I honestly have no clue why mom would keep on backing up without seeing the other driver. I also don't understand why the other driver would choose to do a turn about at a driveway when you see a car backing out of the garage... and instead of just finish her turn, she just parked nose-in on the edge of driveway, honking at my mom to stop... Anyway, obviously mom's not looking a the rear-view mirror... and as traffic on the street stops, mom assumed they were yielding for her... that's probably why she kept on slowly backing out... and to eventually hit that other person.

So who's fault is it? Cop later on said it's probably mom's fault. Even if another person illegally parked on your driveway to block your exit, you can have it towed, but you shouldn't hit it. I'm sure mom looked initially as she was backing out... and saw nobody... the other driver just happened to later on pull up our driveway... Anyway, if I were mom, of course I'd probably see the car... if I were the other car, for sure I wouldn't pull in that drive way in the first place... 2nd, instead of just parked there honking the horn, I'd quickly finish my u-turn and get out of there!

So nobody's is 100% at fault here, but I'm afraid legally, mom is probably more at fault... We'll just let the insurance company deal with it I guess. Damage is pretty minor on these cars, we have a deductible of $1000, I doubt we'll go over that with a scratched bumper... not sure how much the other person's damage will cost because her corner light and fender got damaged...

Oh well, accidents do happen, hope mom will learn to be MORE careful now that she had recently been involved in 2 accidents now. I think mom needs to learn to try to calm down more... she was excited about the wedding of course... and with lots of people around the house, she enjoys it in one respect, but it also can be bothersome because they are 'intrusions' to her normal life. She also hasn't been going to church with us lately due to whatever various reasons... Anyway, may God prepares her heart to become more receptive to eating more spiritual food instead of eating with bunch of relatives all the time... wedding banquet is over... help her calm down O God.

Today's scriptural reading is actually about Moses' parents. We don't even know their name... I'm not sure why Biblegateway.com chose them... all we know is that they were oppressed and they were Levites... they let Moses drift away and then end up having Moses back... not only Moses didn't have to die, but they end up getting PAID to raise him! How cool is that!!! People need to learn from them... regarding how to let go and let God does His magic! ;) May my own mother be able to learn to let go too... and allow God into her life!

(Exodus 1:1-2:10)

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