Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hot Hot Hot!!!

It really doesn't feel that hot near the beach, I thought it was much hotter few weeks earlier..., but maybe it was just more humid earlier... Anyway, power consumption is up and California is facing some energy crisis again. Hope it won't come to rolling black outs... maybe I'll turn off my PC and just take a few hours of break during the after noon to easy power consumption! ;)

Anyway, today's scripture reading is about Abigail. I guess she is a wise woman... and knows what is the right thing to do..., but I thought David was rather unreasonable... he was going to kill some stupid guy and his family simply because the stupid guy didn't give him stuff to eat? Thanks God there's Abigail to intervene to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. And I don't know what's up with David... just kept on taking up wives.... I suppose women are his only weakness... no doubt Abigail is probably a pretty woman! :)

Sorry Lord, didn't mean to judge David, just wondering what's up with him that's all! ;) But whether if it's David or Abigail, I guess they both have this heart for things of God. May the Lord my God grant me and my family the same things... I know that we also may not be perfect, but I pray that our hearts become closer and closer to Perfection! I pray that our hearts can become HOT for You! :)

(1 Samuel 25)

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