Friday, May 2, 2008

May God help us!

Yeah! We're finally done mixing the 4 songs with Jacob. Feel bad for Jacob having to endure that little garage for much longer than us... that computer was very annoying too... kept on running out of computing power at times..., but at last, God's grace was sufficient! As difficult and tiring as it was, we're done! Of course there's more work to be done..., but it's probably good for wife to get well rested since she's now sick with somekind of cold... hopefully she'll get better soon. I better be careful to boost up my immunity with vitamin C and plenty of rest in order to avoid whatever she's having. May God help me on that... ;)

We also need God's help on the house hunting thing too! We've made an offer on a cheap bank owned house, but so far, bank is taking their sweet time since none of the offers are what they hoped for... we also attempted to offer another cool house, but apparently lots of other folks thought that house was cool too... so the agent is already flooded with offers and didn't even want to talk to us. So I guess there are still plenty of potential buyers out there..., they're all just waiting and seeing how low will the prices go... of course when a 'cool' house goes on the market, it can still be sold pretty quickly. Anyway, we'll just have to learn to wait in the Lord during house hunting I suppose! May God help us!

Today's reading was more about Jacob. He dreamed about a ladder and realized that Bethel is a blessed place and he didn't even realized it before! Is our City of the Angels also a blessed place? I think so. There are places in America that has recently experienced earthquakes, tornados, and flood... of course we sometimes still get fires... and we're pretty sure that we'll be getting an earthquake too, but so far so good. No fireballs from heaven just yet! ;) May we be righteous with our lives so that God will show mercy on us and on Los Angeles..., but other than that, I hope that God will help bring forth another revival!!!

And the thing I found funny about today's reading was Leah and Rachel's child bearing competition! They were surely very obedient to God and being very fruitful and multiplying very quickly! ;) Jacob was also very scheming at breeding the sheeps so that he can get all the best sheeps and leave the weak ones for his uncle... as payback!

Anyway, may God also help us becoming more fruitful and multiplying too, but may we do so with the correct motivations... with proper attitude. To do things out of love, instead of doing things just as some sort of competition or doing things to get even. May God help us do things right!

(Gen 28-30)

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