Thursday, May 22, 2008

Luck favors the prepared mind...

That's a quote I saw in a book I'm reading now... it's called Symmetry: A Journey in the Patterns of Nature. I'm not sure if the author is a Christian or even a theist, but interestingly he started his book at Sinai... at the age of 40. Mathematicians also weren't so popular few hundred years back too... St. Augustine also saw mathematicians as folks who made convenant with the devil..., but later on, some seem to think St. Augustine was referring to astrologers..., but anyway, fact is that mathematicians back then had it difficult... plus, sometimes the secrecy of their work and people's inability to understand what the heck they're doing also didn't help them too much.

Anyway, after reading a bunch of stuff about symmetry, I began to try to create symmetrical shapes out of little hearts myself... basically to come up with some designs for the next EP... I was thinking of using heart shape objects to form a star of David. So far, it doesn't look all that cool yet, but just keep on trying... ;) I also accidentally found some info on the web regarding how one can disect scripture mathematically and form a bunch of symmetrical shapes... including the star of David... Pretty weird. I think mathematics is probably the only field of science abstract enough to perhaps eventually find God! ;)

And if there is a God, certainly there wouldn't be anymore 'luck'! ;) So I think God favors the prepared mind. As in today's scripture reading, God prepares stuffs on His side, but we also need to make preparations too! Only when everyone's prepared, then God's favor/blessings can come thru. The Law is only part of the preparation... and then building up to a climatic end to Jesus dying on the cross. At this point is time, it's basically all up to us to get ready and get things done!

Of course often we mortal humans lack the patience. Who can endure these thousands of years of preparations? It's easy for us to say the Jews can't stand the heat in the desert..., how can they be so unfaithful after witnessing so many miracles? But if we were in their shoes, how would we like it if we were the one's wandering around in nowhere for 40 years?

But then again, did God pre-planed their 40 years of wandering around? Of course not. God only did so because the Jews were unprepared.

Often times we may be wandering around in our lives too. Is it because we are also caught 'unprepared'? God has put me in this particular situation, what is He preparing me for? If I prepare and get ready, then we enter into the promiseland. If I refuse to obey, then I perish and die like the Jews did during those 40 years. Of course there could also be cases such as Jobs, he didn't do anything wrong... nor does he know what to prepare for..., but luckily he loves God... since God makes all things work together to benefit those who love Him! So Job benefitted in the end. If Job didn't love God, then surely he'd probably take his wife's suggestion to just curse God and die...

Anyway, may God continue to guide me and help me get properly prepared. Nowadays, the only time of day I feel most at peace and relaxing is during our lying on the bed-time. I think God is with us during those times... even the little cat can feel so peaceful and relaxed..., but of course it's also very easy to get satan to join us too... this has happened numerous times... and when he comes to join us... conversation with the wife tend to go south... and nobody end up getting any sleep! But thank God that this hasn't happen for a while now! ;) As long as we stick close to God and stick close to each other, there'll be no room left for satan to hang around! :p

(Gen 22~24)

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