Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Grumpy old Jews...

Last night at the super market parking lot, we saw a couple of grumpy old men... with one of them almost ran over the other one with the truck...

Anyway, I wonder why people get grumpy. How can we get less grumpy?

During today's reading, the Jews were grumpy too. Although God just saved them from the Egyptians..., they continue to complain about lack of food... after there's food to eat... they continue to complain about lack of water... After they've been thru all the miracles, it's like they can't remember the works of God... and continue to believe that they're all going to die instead of believing that God can really save them.

As a follower of Christ, may God help me to never end up that way... may God continue to strengthen my faith... and may I never forget about all the cool things He has done for me! :)

Of course this is what must be done in order for me to become a good leader/husband too. Moses lifting up his staff during a battle is probably indicative of leaders praying... dependence on God too. Leaders can't possibly do everything, but at the very minimum, he ought to organize things... and then delegate to appropriate people to get it done. Such as asking Joshua to lead the battle... and Jethro's suggestion of finding qualified people to help share the load instead of working himself to death..., but of course most importantly, the leader has to have a good relationship with God. It's not just delegate and then do nothing... Moses is a friend of God probably because he talks to God a lot!

Hopefully God considers me a friend too! That's probably the most important ingrediant I must have in order to be a great leader/husband. As for the rest of the missing ingredients, surely God will provide them in due time! Of course I will have to lift my hand up to receive it, no matter how tiring things get! ;)

(Gen 16-18)

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