Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How should we fight?

Wow, that cyclone sure was deadly... as much as 100,000 could be dead!!! But of course, hopefully there'll still be some sort of silverlining out of it... Same with the tsunamis and 9-11... although tragic, they did bring out the best in people. Forcing folks to forget about their petty differences and begin to see what is really important... Burmese government has be super authoritarian and isolationists... perhaps this cyclone can bring about some change... May God be with them by helping them to overcome their hardships.

Back in the U.S., Mrs Clinton just refuse to give up, even lent herself $6 million in order to keep her campaign going. I suppose she's just hoping and praying that some sort of disaster happens to Obama that makes him no longer electable. Why waste money like that? If Obama does indeed screw up or unable to run for some reason, surely she will automatically be the next in line! She's a fighter I suppose.

Today's reading was about Joseph. I think my personality is more like Joseph than any of the earlier bible characters! Yeah, we just go with the flow... roll with the punches. Yeah, of course we don't like it when bad things happens to us... and although we don't really directly fight back, but I think in our heart, we're pretty strong fighters. Even before I knew God, I know that in this world, we can lose everything, but it's super important to not to lose heart. And even when I didn't know God, I believe God still had been gracious to me. I was never raised in a perfect environment... and I also have to admit, often times I had been lazy too..., but so far, I turned out okay, right? ;) Of course I can be better, but I'm thankful for what I have now. Surely, lots of folks are worse off than me in lots of ways...

Anyway, I just hope that people will eventually notice me as if they notice Joseph... knowing that he is blessed and God is with Him. Yeah, I'm doing alright, but I want to be better. I want to be more like Joseph... and I want to be fight for Christ!

(Gen 37-39)

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