Monday, May 14, 2007

Ring, ring...

Last Friday was probably my last driving lesson with Yuki, I've taught her weekly for about a month or so... and she has improved quite well! She couldn't even drive straight initially!!! ;) For a lady in her 40's... actually I'm not sure how old she is... all I know is that she was with Kam Kwong in HK for more than 20 yrs, she has done very good! Anyway, she has pretty much learned everything I can teach her about driving for now... I told her to get a real driving instructor just to make sure I didn't miss anything... since I got my driver's license a long time ago myself... anyway, hope she can get her driver's license soon... and we were praying for God to provide for her 2nd yr in the US to study drums... hopefully God answers..., otherwise, she'll probably have to return to HK after she got her license!

On Saturday, we went to yet ANOTHER wedding. This year is really popular with couples I guess! ;) I don't really know Tony and Patty that well, but they had a very beautiful wedding ceremony. We also went shopping for a new wedding ring because Glady's company couldn't really 'imitate' the Damiani rings very well..., real Damiani rings are more expensive than I thought, but I think they're worth it. We like it because they're simple and elegant, yet not very typical compare to other wedding rings!

We end the day partying at my Mexican friend Daniel's place. The whole party was actually a secret setup for my Palestinian friend Nader... and Daniel's wife's friend Lara, who's also a Palestinian! What's unusual about them is that they're both Palestinian Christians! Anyway, we had tacos for dinner... all freshly made from scratch by Daniel, but unfortunately the love of my life is really not into Mexican food, but she's still rather supportive by eating one taco!

Later on that evening we played a trivial pursuit game. It's funny how we had the united nations in the house!!! We paired up to form a team. We represent the Chinese(Protestants) against the Mexican/French(Daniel and Alta are Catholics), and the Armenians(Tigran/Nathalie are Eastern Orthodoxs), and the palestinians(Nader and Lara are also Protestants Arabs). Anyway, the game was a great way to show off Nader's amazing trivial knowledge. The Palestinians won both rounds of the game!!! We were all joking now we know how the Jews feel about them!!! ;)

Hmm..., I hope we can get to see Nader and Lara hit it off and then perhaps come to our wedding in July. O Lord, if they're good together, then help them be together like You've helped me! If not, then of course, forget about my prayer! I pray in Jesus' name! ;)

On mother's day, I got my mom flowers of course..., along with a new washer and dryer! ;) Mom came to church on Sunday, but hopefully she'll soon accept that gift from God... Anyway, we also all went to pick out the wedding photos we shot last week. It was difficult to pick out 40 pictures. 2 hours later, finally we were able to make a final decision... We've also incurred yet another bigger than expected expense..., so I think my tax refund is all gone now after the rings and the photos! ;)

Oh, I also took the love of my life to see Tigran's mom- Ana. Ana is super friendly and treated me like a son back when I was in high school with Tigran. I've always brought her flowers on mother's day too..., both my mom and And have their Birthdays on Mother's day... so it's really easy for me to kill 2 birds in one stone that way! ;) Ana was also very glad to finally meet the love of my life...

Anyway, we ended the weekend watching Music and Lyrics on DVD. Funny little film which gave us quite a bit of laughs! And may the Lord continue to use the love of my life to be able to write more music for Him too..., let the past be in the past... and let us work toward a brighter and more glorious future! Help us Lord! We pray in Jesus' name!

Proverbs 3
1 我 兒 , 不 要 忘 記 我 的 法 則 ( 或 譯 : 指 教 ) ; 你 心 要 謹 守 我 的 誡 命 ;
2 因 為 他 必 將 長 久 的 日 子 , 生 命 的 年 數 與 平 安 , 加 給 你 。
3 不 可 使 慈 愛 、 誠 實 離 開 你 , 要 繫 在 你 頸 項 上 , 刻 在 你 心 版 上 。
4 這 樣 , 你 必 在   神 和 世 人 眼 前 蒙 恩 寵 , 有 聰 明 。
5 你 要 專 心 仰 賴 耶 和 華 , 不 可 倚 靠 自 己 的 聰 明 ,
6 在 你 一 切 所 行 的 事 上 都 要 認 定 他 , 他 必 指 引 你 的 路 。
Proverbs 2
6 因 為 , 耶 和 華 賜 人 智 慧 ; 知 識 和 聰 明 都 由 他 口 而 出 。
7 他 給 正 直 人 存 留 真 智 慧 , 給 行 為 純 正 的 人 作 盾 牌 ,
8 為 要 保 守 公 平 人 的 路 , 護 庇 虔 敬 人 的 道 。
9 你 也 必 明 白 仁 義 、 公 平 、 正 直 、 一 切 的 善 道 。
10 智 慧 必 入 你 心 ; 你 的 靈 要 以 知 識 為 美 。
11 謀 略 必 護 衛 你 ; 聰 明 必 保 守 你 ,
20 智 慧 必 使 你 行 善 人 的 道 , 守 義 人 的 路 。
21 正 直 人 必 在 世 上 居 住 ; 完 全 人 必 在 地 上 存 留 。

(Proverbs 1-3)

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