Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I stand in awe of You...

Last nite we heard a song over the radio and thought it'd be a good song for our wedding's worship service... The love of my life has always loved "Amazing Love" and we happened to hear that over the radio... along with "Let My Words be Few". We thought Amazing Love's lyrics was probably a little too heavy for wedding... so maybe "Let My Words be Few" would be a good choice...

You are God in heaven, and here am I on earth,
So I'll let my words be few.

Je-sus, I_ am so in love with You.


The simplest of all love songs, I want to bring to You,
So I'll let my words be few.

Jesus, I am so in love with You.


And I'll stand in awe of You;
yes, I'll stand in awe of You.
And I'll let my words be few.
Je-sus, I_ am so in love with You.

Under the scorching sun, perhaps during our ceremony, our words better be few indeed..., otherwise the guests will be toasted!!! ;) And we were also discussing how can we translate 'stand in awe of You' and couldn't come up with a proper translation...

Well, luckily during today's scripture reading, God provided the answer! :)

Ecclesiastes 5
7 Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God. (NIV)
7 For in the multitude of dreams and many words there is also vanity. But fear God. (NKJV)
7 多 夢 和 多 言 , 其 中 多 有 虛 幻 , 你 只 要 敬 畏   神 。(CUV)

Turns out NIV translated fearing God as stand in awe of God... Hmm...

2 你 在   神 面 前 不 可 冒 失 開 口 , 也 不 可 心 急 發 言 ; 因 為   神 在 天 上 , 你 在 地 下 , 所 以 你 的 言 語 要 寡 少 。

And 'let my words be few' is actually let my 言 語 要 寡 少! My 言 語 is already pretty 寡 少 le ba? ;)

Also, during Tony and Patty's wedding, they selected their verses out of Ecclesiastes... I thought it was kinda weird initially, but then I really like this particular verse:

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Yeah, if the husband, the wife, along with God are together as one, surely they cannot be quickly broken no matter what's trying to break them!!! Yes, LORD, please guard and guide me and the love of my life so that we can always stick together as one... so that our marriage can really bring glory to Your name! We pray in Jesus' name!

Psalm 24
3 誰 能 登 耶 和 華 的 山 ? 誰 能 站 在 他 的 聖 所 ?
4 就 是 手 潔 心 清 、 不 向 虛 妄 、 起 誓 不 懷 詭 詐 的 人 。
5 他 必 蒙 耶 和 華 賜 福 , 又 蒙 救 他 的   神 使 他 成 義 。
10 榮 耀 的 王 是 誰 呢 ? 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 , 他 是 榮 耀 的 王 !

Also, lately, not sure why I'm so tired... or having trouble waking up still...

Proverbs 24
33 再 睡 片 時 , 打 盹 片 時 , 抱 著 手 躺 臥 片 時 ,
34 你 的 貧 窮 就 必 如 強 盜 速 來 , 你 的 缺 乏 彷 彿 拿 兵 器 的 人 來 到 。

Probably just need to sleep in earlier? I don't know..., can you also help me Lord? Thanks! :)

Psalm 124
8 我 們 得 幫 助 , 是 在 乎 倚 靠 造 天 地 之 耶 和 華 的 名 。

(Ecclesiastes 1-5,12,Songs 1-2; Psalm 24,74,124; Proverbs 24)

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