Monday, July 21, 2008

Stupid collections...

Not sure why there are two hospitals claiming that I owe them money... and my credit report is screwed up thanks to them. To clean it up, it'll likely take a month of waiting for investigation. We've started the process already..., hopefully it won't take that long. But not sure if the bank selling house is willing to wait for us though... Anyway, maybe we'll just back out and clear everything up before we get back into the market again... so that we won't have to pay extra for our loan and pay for collections we don't owe! Perhaps this is God's way of stopping us from getting that particular condo?

Anyway, the credit bureau is really irresponsible to be so quick to place those 2 collections against me... when it's clear those people don't even have my name straight. Wife is say we should sue them! For making us lose out on buying a house!!! Can we do that, Lord? ;) Why do we need 3 credit bureaus anyway? God should just shut Transunion and Equifax down!!!

Today's reading was about Joshua and Rahab! Rahab reminded me of how sometimes it is okay to 'lie'! Pastor Jim also talked about how some people lied to the Nazis about hiding Jews... of course we shouldn't try to find excuses whenever we lie, but where is that fine line between lying for God(good) and compromising our integrity? How can we know for sure that God is cool with us lying? How can we know for sure that sometimes God allowed bad things to happen to us so that we won't get our condo for a good reason?

At the time, I suppose it's always very difficult to know for sure, heck, we might even never know for sure..., but we'll just have to believe it I guess! ;)

Another thing kinda hard to believe is that I'm gaining weight again!!! Oh Lord, help me lose weight!!!

(Josh 1-3, 176.3 lbs, $4.579)

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