Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just do it!

This weekend we took a break from looking at houses, but I think we really should've continued on anyway... because there's no guarantee that the bank's going to sell us the short-selled home we offered anyway! But anyway, I suppose it was a good break from house hunting too. We've been looking for a house for nearly every weekend...

So on Saturday, we visited the newly opened 'mall/apartment combo thing' called Americana as suggested by Howard. It's actually very nice. Look like downtown Disney with lots of expensive stores. It has a cool fountain designed by Howard's company. Everything was just fine and dandy except after we visited the bookstore. To make long story short, we went our sperate ways in the store... and as I finished reading the website related stuffs and went to where wife suppose to be... I couldn't find her. So I just proceeded to the magazine section at the front door and thought for sure she'll be able to see me there... and then I was reading a special article dedicated for Lincoln... talked about how he used biblical phrases to write his famous speech... talked about how human he really is... about how he came from a poor family background, sometimes even used dirty politics to win elections... about how he suffer from depression...

Anyway, so I lost track of time and for whatever reason couldn't hear or feel my phone when wife was calling me... so naturally wife got real worried and real upset at me for being such an airhead...

So the otherwise nice weekend was marred by this ugly incidence. But what's really cool is that I think wife's temper is really improving now. For sure she doesn't hold on to her anger as long as she used to. It is now my turn to become less of an airhead than I used to! ;)

Pastor Jim's sermon was also talking about how 'brain dead' of a society we've become. We don't know a lot of thing. For sure I suffer from that sometimes..., but other times, I think I suffer from too much thinking too. But bottomline is that we ought to be 'doing' stuffs for God. As long as we know we're not doing illegal, immoral stuffs, just don't be afraid and just do things... and as long as our motives are pure, that's how God will bless us.

Anyway, so even after whatever dumb things I've done, may God continue to bless my marriage! May God also help me and teach me to become less dumb too! ;)

BTW, this weekend's attempt at making a steak like Ruth's Chris' failed. But it was still pretty good tasting..., we'll keep try try again! The bad part was that we seemed to gain weight eating steak this weekend whereas we used to lose weight eating steaks... not sure what happened... hmm...

(Deut 19-21, 174.6 lbs, $4.639)

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