Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year... new hope?

Nope. It'd still be the same hope! ;)

Psalm 62:5
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;

my hope comes from him.

Yes, I had a pretty restful and relaxing Christmas break, especially after the Sedona trip. Of course rest and relaxation weren't around at the start of our winter break! Actually had probably one of the most serious fights with the wife during the break. Honestly felt like giving up because I don't know what else to do... and I don't know what is wrong with HER!!!

But thank God that in the end, God also used the wife to shine the light upon me to show me what is wrong with ME instead! I really need to learn to be more relational with those around me. One of the main problem with wife and my family is ME! I'm just not a very good 'bridge' between the two. As wife has pointed out, this is probably why mom never like my previous church also. It's because I haven't done a good job representing either sides very well...

Good thing I'm not Jesus, otherwise I'd probably end up causing more problems between God and men!!! ;) But anyway, thank God for Christ... and for wife... so that I'm on the road to become more Christ-like! Yippie! :)

Pastor Dawn preached about us letting go of our 'Benjamins'... (Had Jacob let Ben goto Egypt sooner, he could've turned the bad situation for his family around sooner... and realized that Joseph is still alive sooner...) I'm not really sure what's the 'Ben' in my life... probably just my spoken words... Pastor Jim also preached about the main thing being keeping the main thing the main thing! The main thing being loving God and loving one another of course... and the fruit of doing that is obviously growth. I've also finally managed to finish reading the 'how people grow' book during our Sedona trip.

So I'm looking forward to more growth in 2009. :)

(Psalm 56-70, 174.6 lbs, $1.959)

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