Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Saw grand-aunt with the love of my life last nite..., it seems she's having a hard time breathing now... even with ample oxygen... supposedly she was doing really well yesterday... anyway, for an old lady with cancer, she is doing as good as she can be doing. Lord God, she is also Your beloved daughter..., if You are willing, let her come to my wedding? Or let her go to You in peace soon? Into Your loving hand I put my grand-aunt in...

Regarding the topic about choosing to be happy in the love of my life's blog..., I think it simply means when something bad happens, we can choose to let it get you down..., or we can choose to not let it get you down. For sure we can try to control things that are within our control and not do the same stupid mistakes again and again..., but for things that's beyond our control, what would be the point of allowing those things to bring you down? Whether Lincoln suffered from depression or not is irrelavent. If he seriously had given up due to lots of set backs in his life, then nobody would ever have heard of him. United States would've also been broken up into various new countries.

Sure, there can be cool things that automatically makes us 'happy', but regarding 'choosing to be happy' probably requires some 'work' on our part. Of course it's not real 'work'..., kinda like choosing to believe in this invisible man Who claims to be God.

Just like Pastor Jim said, regarding "me and my house", we choose to serve the LORD... similarly, we can choose to be happy!!! :) Choosing to serve God doesn't mean having trouble free lives... likewise, choosing to be happy doesn't mean one would never experience sadness again...

It's all about getting back up on our feet and standing firm. Without God and without happiness, it just makes it a lot easier for us to just lay down and die. Only the joy of the Lord can be our real source of strength.

Psalm 138
我 要 一 心 稱 謝 你 , 在 諸   神 面 前 歌 頌 你 。
2 我 要 向 你 的 聖 殿 下 拜 , 為 你 的 慈 愛 和 誠 實 稱 讚 你 的 名 ; 因 你 使 你 的 話 顯 為 大 , 過 於 你 所 應 許 的 ( 或 譯 : 超 乎 你 的 名 聲 ) 。
3 我 呼 求 的 日 子 , 你 就 應 允 我 , 鼓 勵 我 , 使 我 心 裡 有 能 力 。
4 耶 和 華 啊 , 地 上 的 君 王 都 要 稱 謝 你 , 因 他 們 聽 見 了 你 口 中 的 言 語 。
5 他 們 要 歌 頌 耶 和 華 的 作 為 , 因 耶 和 華 大 有 榮 耀 。
6 耶 和 華 雖 高 , 仍 看 顧 低 微 的 人 ; 他 卻 從 遠 處 看 出 驕 傲 的 人 。
7 我 雖 行 在 患 難 中 , 你 必 將 我 救 活 ; 我 的 仇 敵 發 怒 , 你 必 伸 手 抵 擋 他 們 ; 你 的 右 手 也 必 救 我 。
8 耶 和 華 必 成 全 關 乎 我 的 事 ; 耶 和 華 啊 , 你 的 慈 愛 永 遠 長 存 ! 求 你 不 要 離 棄 你 手 所 造 的 。

(Luke 8-10,22-24, Psalm 38, 88, 138)

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