Monday, June 18, 2007

Congraduations to Nina!

Can't believe cousin Nina has graduated from college! I'm must be really old now! ;) I pray that she'll be the best pediatrician possible and make her family proud! Her sister Julia will probably be the last of the cousins graduating from college... that'll probably be another 2 yrs... There could've been cousin Matthew's graduation, but too bad Lord wasn't willing... oh well, I'm sure he's happy for his sisters' achievements!

Connie from church had her PhD graduation ceremony at UCLA on the same day too, but too bad the campus is just too big and each department had their own ceremonies... so didn't get to see her. I also went to the 10th anniversary celebration for LAKKC and didn't see her there too! Oh well, maybe I'll just mail her the card I got her. Connie's special fingers and her testimonies was for sure one the things that made a major impact on me during the beginning phase of my faith. May God continue to use her to bring more souls to Christ! :)

Anyway, it's interesting that both Faith and at LAKKC had a message of family. Pastor Jim has be talking about 'me and my house' for a while now... and this new speaker... Pastor Yeh or something... was also talking about family. Our natural family, spiritual family, and heavenly family of course! May the Lord continue to guide me on how to properly raise and build up both my natural house and spiritual house on earth! And I look forward to going to my heavenly house someday!!! :)

Psalm 147
1 你 們 要 讚 美 耶 和 華 ! 因 歌 頌 我 們 的   神 為 善 為 美 ; 讚 美 的 話 是 合 宜 的 。
2 耶 和 華 建 造 耶 路 撒 冷 , 聚 集 以 色 列 中 被 趕 散 的 人 。
3 他 醫 好 傷 心 的 人 , 裹 好 他 們 的 傷 處 。
4 他 數 點 星 宿 的 數 目 , 一 一 稱 他 的 名 。
5 我 們 的 主 為 大 , 最 有 能 力 ; 他 的 智 慧 無 法 測 度 。
6 耶 和 華 扶 持 謙 卑 人 , 將 惡 人 傾 覆 於 地 。
7 你 們 要 以 感 謝 向 耶 和 華 歌 唱 , 用 琴 向 我 們 的   神 歌 頌 。
8 他 用 雲 遮 天 , 為 地 降 雨 , 使 草 生 長 在 山 上 。
9 他 賜 食 給 走 獸 和 啼 叫 的 小 烏 鴉 。
10 他 不 喜 悅 馬 的 力 大 , 不 喜 愛 人 的 腿 快 。
11 耶 和 華 喜 愛 敬 畏 他 和 盼 望 他 慈 愛 的 人 。

Lastly, Lewis Hamilton won another race and is leading the championship. This rookie sure is one amazing racer! At the end of the race, he actually thanked God..., but when I search the net, I couldn't really find any info regarding his faith... is he really a Christian? Hmm..., anyway, whatever, may God protect him from harm... both physically and spiritually. Don't let him get too cocky and begin to lose himself. Help us wear that armor of God... so that we can continue to stand firm!

Oh, and our wedding is coming soon... please help us get everything in order... in time. Thanks! We pray in Jesus' name!

(Ephesians 4-6; psalm 47, 97, 147)

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