Friday, June 22, 2007

Reversing my day...

Hmm... due to a special interview with the lawyers at noon, I actually stayed home in the morning and then came to work in the afternoon..., right now I'm on my dinner break... hopefully I'll get home by around 10pm-ish! ;)

Everybody's home now... it's nice and quiet around the office. Good devotional time! :) I do have to say that I'm not that impressed with the lawyers considering how much we're paying them. Anyway, may God pay attention to our case, I'm sure everything will be fine!

And speaking of God, He helped us get my wedding band in time!!! There was a chance that Damiani might take up to 6 weeks to make my ring... if that happens, I might not even have a ring for our interview with the immigrations people!!! But thanks be to our God, it's now ready in time!

Also wish to thank God that Shuttle mission was completed safely and International Space Station was successfuly upgraded with new solar panels!!! Aren't they beautiful?

Things are going fairly smoothly so far..., thank God!!! But...

Psalm 49
1 萬 民 哪 , 你 們 都 當 聽 這 話 ! 世 上 一 切 的 居 民 ,
2 無 論 上 流 下 流 , 富 足 貧 窮 , 都 當 留 心 聽 !
20 人 在 尊 貴 中 而 不 醒 悟 , 就 如 死 亡 的 畜 類 一 樣 。

1 Tim 3
16 大 哉 , 敬 虔 的 奧 祕 ! 無 人 不 以 為 然 : 就 是 神 在 肉 身 顯 現 , 被 聖 靈 稱 義 ( 或 作 : 在 靈 性 稱 義 ) , 被 天 使 看 見 , 被 傳 於 外 邦 , 被 世 人 信 服 , 被 接 在 榮 耀 裡 。

Lord God, I thank You in advance for helping us having a wonderful wedding. Whatever we ran out, surely you'll help us provide just like you did when you turn water into wine during the beginning of your new gospel ministry! Glory to the highest! May Your gospel continue to be spread thru us!

(1 Timothy 1,3; Psalm 49)

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