Monday, June 25, 2007

Productive weekend!

I sort of got the wedding slideshow done..., it's just that I can't burn a readible DVD for some reason..., not sure if it's my cheap DVDs or something wrong with the drive...

Our wedding programs were also pretty much all printed out... just need Annie to tie her special knots on all of them...

Everything seems to be going fairly smoothly and according to plan... except that Almansor Court threw us a curve ball by telling us now we'll be sitting 12 people/table... so we'll be redoing that again...

I also took my nephew Daniel to church for the very first time, well, it wasn't the first time for him... he went to church once with his friend a while back..., but last weekend, he heard 'preaching' for the first time. May the Word Pastor Jim planted be able to take root in his heart. Daniel is entering his teenage years..., may the LORD guard and guide him and his whole house!

May the LORD also have mercy for my grand-aunt too. She is nearing death, LORD would You please take her peacefully... or perhaps heal her to allow her to come to my wedding? Her condition varies quite a bit, why not just heal her... or take her with You? How long will you leave your beloved daughter like that? Show us Your glory by healing her to come to our wedding? I sincerely pray that in Christ's name..., but may Your will be done..., not mine.

Psalm 99
1 耶 和 華 作 王 ; 萬 民 當 戰 抖 ! 他 坐 在 二 基 路 伯 上 , 地 當 動 搖 。
2 耶 和 華 在 錫 安 為 大 ; 他 超 乎 萬 民 之 上 。
3 他 們 當 稱 讚 他 大 而 可 畏 的 名 ; 他 本 為 聖 !
4 王 有 能 力 , 喜 愛 公 平 , 堅 立 公 正 , 在 雅 各 中 施 行 公 平 和 公 義 。
5 你 們 當 尊 崇 耶 和 華 ─ 我 們 的   神 , 在 他 腳 凳 前 下 拜 。 他 本 為 聖 !

Finally LORD, please help the love of my life to be able to release some of her pissed-off-ness due to various human reasons. Please feel free to use me to help her out too... Help us to be able to forgive others and help us not to be too focused on 專 顧 自 己 、 貪 愛 錢 財 、 自 誇 、 狂 傲 、 謗 讟 、 違 背 父 母 、 忘 恩 負 義 、 心 不 聖 潔 、 無 親 情 、 不 解 怨 、 好 說 讒 言 、 不 能 自 約 、 性 情 兇 暴 、 不 愛 良 善 、 賣 主 賣 友 、 任 意 妄 為 、 自 高 自 大 、 愛 宴 樂 、 不 愛 神 , 有 敬 虔 的 外 貌 , 卻 背 了 敬 虔 的 實 意 ... Yes Lord, the last days are near. Help us to be more like You and less like the world... which is fading away...

(2 Timothy 3-4, Psalm 99)

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