Thursday, March 31, 2011

Regenerate (day 16)

Today is suppose to be hungering for God day. Didn't really do a complete fast today, but did managed to eat a much smaller portion of dinner... so I actually AM kinda hungry today! ;) But yeah, we shouldn't live by bread alone... may the Word of God fill my spirit up more today!!!

My coworker Barrett told me about the time he went to Mexico to help the locals build some small houses. People were really poor there. There was also a little girl there wanting to give her little sister to Barrett to take her back to America because life was so very hard there. But the amazing thing was that Barrett said he has never seen churches worshipping God more joyfully in such a poor neighborhood. They really do let the joy of the Lord becoming their strengths. We Americans really have a lot to learn from them Mexicans when it comes to dependence on God...

Lord, like the psalmist I thirst and hunger for you! Only you can fill me. I have tried other things but they have left me wanting more. You are the one who gives meaning to my life. You have created me and given my life purpose. You are my protector ad the source of my security. I hunger for more of you in my life. In Christ's name. Amen.

(Psalm 63, 172.0 lbs, $4.239)

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