Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Daniel's car tanking...

Yep, poor Daniel's car broke down again... so I picked him up from the shop in order get to work. In return, of course I got a free lunch! I guess I'll save the burrito I made for myself later... ;)

A-kiang arrived last nite to sort out the stuffs her ex-husband brought over at our house... and we all had dinner along with Jacob. As wife said, things were a bit depressing over dinner because both Akiang and Jacob felt kinda lost and stucked in life... even felt that perhaps they are cursed somehow...

Today's reading was acutally Job, I thought the plan skipped Job because at first glance, I didn't see it..., I wonder if this is really chronologically correct... Job being around the time of Abraham and Isaac?

Anyway, when trouble came, Job, too, thought that he was perhaps cursed... that perhaps it would've been better to not be born at all! But as complainy as he was, Job remained faithful to God. A-kiang too, she continued to remained faithful too. I just wish I can be of more help to her..., but I'm not really sure if I have the gift of comfort. Plus, I just don't want to be like the stupid friends in Job! ;)

However, LORD God, I pray that You will comfort them somehow... if You want to do it thru us, that's fine too! Just show us how. Also, please prepare them a way and show them where to go... what to do... You called them to the US for a purpose, may that purpose be revealed soon... most importantly, please just be with us... and help us to stay close to You too. I know that as children of God, we are not cursed, but blessed! Though we may be pressed but not crushed, strucked down, but never destroyed! Thank You for Your sufficient grace, please also grant us that peace which is beyond understanding... so that we can stay afloat in this falling, tanking world. Thank You... and we praise you. In Jesus' name.

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