Friday, February 27, 2009

God given chance for a breather...

Yes, work load has been quite heavy lately and amazing enough that all of a sudden, due to some political reasons, we've been asked to stop working for a while...

Yeah, it'll impact our schedule if they don't figure out what to do soon, but oh well. At least it's a good chance for me to take it easy for a while...

I've been meaning to spend some more time to figure out what the heck is wrong with my robo-project. I also want to make some more pillow cases... that are not just rectagular in shape! ;)

Anyway, hopefully weather will be good tomorrow for whale watching... fingers crossed.

We had a good bible study with parents last nite, but I have to confess that I've been slipping on my devotional time lately... just rushing thru the scripture passages and not really reflecting on it much. Reading songs of solomon only made me think of sex more. ;) Wife also doesn't like that book because she thinks Solomon isn't really qualified to talk about love because he has had some many wives...

Whatever, what's more important is that we learn how to really really love! :)

(Song of Solomon 1-8, 175.2 lbs, $2.379)

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