Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mintie the cat, formerly known as Sabrina!

Yes, we've settled on a new name for our new cat. Mintie's green eyes is a good match for her name I suppose. Will Mintie be able to truly refresh her husband Hades? Or will she continue to agitate poor Hades with her 'scent'? Only time will tell I suppose..., and according to the Humane Society later, in the end, it'll always work out...

We just won't know exactly when! ;)

Tensions with the kitties at home... along with some of the attitudes wife has to face with her students... and along with my inability to communicate well ended up causing us to fight again!!!

Yes, it can be pretty frustrating to basically fight about the same things all the time. It can especially be frustrating when I try to talk and open up more..., often times I end up talking about things that wife's not very interested in... or disagree with. Reading thru the Proverbs also made me feel quite 'unwise' sometimes...

When will I be able to gain more wisdom?

Don't know. All I know is God's promise that fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I know I'm going to get it eventually..., just don't know exactly when. ;)

Plus, often times wisdom is gained thru past failures of our own... or perhaps we can learn from others' mistakes if we are really that wise! Pastor Jim also commented that often times rebound..., revival..., born again... can be hard... because those things denotes bad things must've happened! One can't rebound back up if one's never down. You also can't have a revival if you were never dead! We also wouldn't want to be born again if our lives are just perfectly awesome! No pain..., no gain, right?

Hopefully I am getting wiser by the day... Am I getting wiser everyday, my Lord? ;)
(Pro 13-18, 175.6 lbs, $2.339)

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