Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Save the cheerleader, save the world...

Yes, last nite I learned that I need to learn to be a better cheerleader, so that I can save our world! Hiro saves the day again!!!! ;)

Nah, actually it was God. As the heated discussion with the love of my life continued to go nowhere(that the main problem wasn't the christmas gifts to the kids but my inability to comfort her...), just as when all hope seemed lost..., that our life is about to become just as prophecied by Pastor Su assuming that our existing personality traits were to continue on without changes... pastor Su predicted that I'm just going to be quiet, dumb as dirt as Adam, but at least I'll just continue on my husbandly duties... and wife would simply give up and close up forever...

Yeah, just as when wife accuses me of not knowing how to comfort..., not knowing how to communicate, not knowing how to solve problems... and the fact that I just continue on with my mistakes repeatedly... and she's tired of talking about the same problems over and over again... that she can actually be better off... with less problems... less burdens all by herself... just when Pastor Su's prediction is about to come true..., just when even I'm thinking of giving up and just forget it...

I think the Holy Spirit reminded me to go back to my devotional blog... and to point out to the wife that as horrible of a husband that I am, I have actually 'improved' at least compared to last time we fought!!!

Both of us are actually making constant adjustments and changes slowly ever since marriage. Pastor Su's prophecy was not a prophecy of God. We don't have to live our life in accordance to our past psychological profile. We can be different!!!

I'm not a perfect husband. I can't solve all of our problems..., but is love really all about being perfect? And capable to solve all problems for the other person? Sure, God is perfect, but did He promise that we'd be problem free? No. He only to promised to go thru our problems with us. It's not really His problem..., why should He burden Himself to go thru our problems with us?

Anyway, I think that's what love is really about. Divorce is the ultimate act of no love. "I'm tired of going thru problems with you. Good-bye." Same with 'closing up' I think. It's basically emotional divorce. If your lousy spouse is really horrible... and his problems are actually growing and getting worse..., then I suppose divorce may be justifiable.

But as long as I'm trying... and as long as I'm improving..., then there's still reason to be hopeful, right?

Anyway, so Hiro managed to extinguish that fire within Sylar for the time being and managed to keep hope alive!!! ;) The bad thing is that after I performed the exorcism for the wife, the evil fire spirit seemed to have jumped into our cat!!! Not sure why our cat is all of a sudden in a bad mood this morning..., hopefully he'll get better soon... otherwise I'll make him read my blog too! ;)

*************************note for possible future reference***************************
So, bottomline is that I have to learn to be a better cheerleader. I'm not a very good talker..., I'm not a good communicator in general, but I pray that God will continue to give me wisdom to know the right things to say... to do... so that wife's future fires won't continue to burn out of control. Another, thing to do is to take wife out to mall or park or somewhere with more opened space so that hopefully the fire can vent better!

Today's scripture reading was about Phillip and Simon the sorcerer. Sure hope someday God can use me to influence people in such powerful ways too as Phillip. I don't have the money to buy such power, but yes God, I do want to have such power... and may Your Spirit fill me up as You filled up Phillip! May You someday change me to become a better cheerleader... so that You can use me to change the world! :)

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