Sunday, December 23, 2007

Going to enjoy my year end break!!!

Wow, another year is pretty much done. My last 2 days of work were pretty busy that I didn't even have time to write up my devotional..., but busy is good I guess. I can charge some overtime pay! ;)

NASA is still not sure if they want to cancel our TPS contract, they're not sure about extending it too... We've made enough progress that they didn't want to just cut it, but it's still not enough that they want to continue on with their $10 million contract..., I'm not sure what else I can do to help at this point. I'm already working on somthing else now..., all I can do is pray I guess. Surely our department doesn't want to lose $10million dollars!

On the home front, Wife and I are doing pretty well these days. After I learned my lesson to 'not fall to sleep when wife is upset', after our long talk, it seemed to have made wife feel better.

Again, I have to thank God for helping me. I honestly just didn't know what to say. In the beginning, I was still very slow to speak... and wife got really impatient... and told me to just turn off the lights and sleep if you got nothing more to say..., but of course as the MAN of the house, I can't just do whatever she tells me to do. That's how Adam got into trouble!!! So as I continue to ask God to PLEASE HELP!!! I did continue to speak more and more..., and quite honestly, maybe I was sleepy or somthing..., plus it has been a few days... I honestly don't remember much of what I was talking about. Perhaps I was speaking in tongues or just sleep talking..., but anyway, all I know is that it helped! ;) It also help the love of my life felt more loved. That's the most important thing of all I guess.

I've always asked her to learn to love, that's the only way she can find enjoyment in the things that she do. But love is like money in some ways..., we cannot give what we don't have, right? We have to have money to give money. We have to be filled with love in order to love. May God continue to use me so that the love of my life can feel it more. This is one huge trouble area for me before. All of my past girlfriends complained about me not loving them, but I know it's not true, but too bad I can't show 'love' very well. This is one of my personality flaws I guess..., I'm just too inhibitive...

Anyway, for the past few days, I read about Ananias, Cornelius, Barnabas, John Mark, Priscilla and Aquila. It's really cool to see God reveal special new info to Ananias and Cornelius. Hopefully someday God can reveal so special new info to me too! ;) As for Barnabas, John Mark, Priscilla and Aquila..., they've all closely worked with Paul sometimes even with disagreements/splits, but in the end, they all contributed in building Christ's early church. If we ever invent the time machine, for sure that's one of the periods in history I'd like to see first hand..., well, first thing's first, may God use me as He used all those people..., first I really need to build myself up... and my family up of course...

Today's Pastor Jim gave an interesting sermon. He taught us to feed our faith and to doubt our doubts... just don't easily give up on hope and believe our doubts! He also reminded us that God has His own perfect timing on things. Don't be like Zacharius... to doubt the words of Angel Gabriel went he told him that God is going to give him John when he's already too old..., that we ought to be more like Mary... even when we don't think we're ready, just be ready to 'believe'. Even when we do not believe, pray to God to help us believe!

I'm sure wife probably think this is probably too much 'brain washing' again... ;) But how else are we going to 'clean up' our old acts? Or old habits?

So anyway, I'm going to enjoy my break, and I look forward to breaking more of my old bad habits starting not only next, but starting NOW!

May God help me! Thank You Jesus!!!! :)

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