Monday, December 17, 2007

Hectic weekend...

Today's scripture reading was about Ananias and Sapphira..., they lied to Peter (And God) that they've given up all of their possessions, but in fact they kept some for themselves...

The whole incident, keeping some of the money, really isn't that big of a deal, but I guess their main 'sin' is lying about it as if they are giving up everything I guess.

Lying or not, to me, that really look so much like communism!!! I wonder if people later on gave out of love or fear... or both? I have no problem with communism actually... if everything is motivated by love..., but communism probably just won't work very well in the real world I guess. Churches of today also aren't operating like that anymore..., if churches of today still are the same as back then..., there'd probably be a lot of dead Christians... ;)

Anyway, speaking of communism, I just found out something last week that might disturb my new little brother-in-law a lot! That is I have a cousin who's a communist!!!!! Not only do I have family who are 'blue' KMT, but also 'red' Commies!!!! AAAAH!!!

We had a quick chat and dinner together on Sunday. I think he's also thinking of sending his daughter to the US to study..., that's probably why he wanted to hook up with us, his long lost relatives in America! ;)

Isn't that amazing? I have family members who are 'green', 'blue' and 'red' too!!! Wow!

Now, what color am I? Well, I aim to be "white" for I'm sure the glorious light of God is white... made up of all the colors of the rainbow! ;)

This weekend was also super busy at work too..., getting ready for the final presentation at NASA... my co-worker also worked throughout the weekend... and I mean througout the weekend to get it done. They're flying to NASA this afternoon... hope everything works out well. May God help us to do well on our presentation...

Love of my life was also really anxious about the recording on Sunday... and thank God that everything went well... and Handpicked Tangerine sang superbly well beyond all expectation last night...

Anyway, thank You! :)

1 comment:

Funky Thistle said...

If you think I am stingy like that so I would not let you buy a 30 dollars gift for whoever you think you need to...then no wonder you never get why I am upset. It's your money and you have the right to spend whatever way you want and I will just try to survive by myself.I do not believe I ever died without people treating me unfairly cuz they have other things to take care of. In fact you can spend all you earn to take care of whoever you feel obligated to cuz you love them so much. Please don't mind me when I am in a bad mood...I am only your wife and only one of those people you need to love anyway. There is absolutely no reason why your spouse should actually be your top responsibility cuz marriage is just something that people get into. My bad moods are always caused by that stupid fire you think it is cuz it gives you a target to kill but nothing else should be fixed. Go ahead and kill that fire just by thinking that fire is every problem there is.