Monday, November 26, 2007

Relaxing Thanksgiving weekend...

Thank God that we had a long Thanksgiving weekend so that I can catch up on some lost sleep!!! So that I can have the energy to deal with issues at work...

Didn't do much during the long weekend though, but it was still enjoyable nonetheless! Hope wife felt the same too! ;) We saw a movie called Dan in Real Life, it's not too bad. I liked it. It's a funny and heartwarming movie...

Other than relaxing, we also ate quite a lot too! With family and friends...

Interesting note was that mom emailed us a link of a limbless guy named Nick. I've heard of this guy before..., but his life is still very inspiring nonetheless. He talked about God won't always take away troubles, but for sure He'll be with us to help us thru our troubles! He's actually a pretty good preacher too! I found this on the Crystal Cathedral site: Nick Interestingly Pastor Jim also talked about a similar theme on Sunday. He talked about whenever we are going thru hell..., DON'T STOP!!! Keep going until you get thru it!!! God doesn't help us by eliminating our troubles, but God helps us to get thru our troubles. Nick also talked about the biggest disability isn't having no arms and legs..., but the biggest disability is guilt and fear. Whenever guilt and fear trips us..., we often won't feel like getting back up again. Figuring what's the point? We'd probably all feel like saying amen to what Job's wife said..., 'let's just curse God and die... and get it over with..."

But thanks be to our God for giving us continual strength to go on... so that we don't stop and die in hell! May God also give us the wisdom to know where to put the cross on our problems... to help us fix out problems... to transform us from bitter water into living water!

And I just found out that I screwed up on my scripture reading order... after reading Zechariah, I got him confused with Zacchaeus! So anyway, I'm going back from Andrew(day96) to Mary(day85)! ;) And Mary said,

Luke 1
46 我 心 尊 主 為 大 ;
47 我 靈 以 神 我 的 救 主 為 樂 ;
48 因 為 他 顧 念 他 使 女 的 卑 微 ; 從 今 以 後 , 萬 代 要 稱 我 有 福 。
49 那 有 權 能 的 , 為 我 成 就 了 大 事 ; 他 的 名 為 聖 。
50 他 憐 憫 敬 畏 他 的 人 , 直 到 世 世 代 代 。
51 他 用 膀 臂 施 展 大 能 ; 那 狂 傲 的 人 正 心 裡 妄 想 就 被 他 趕 散 了 。
52 他 叫 有 權 柄 的 失 位 , 叫 卑 賤 的 升 高 ;
53 叫 飢 餓 的 得 飽 美 食 , 叫 富 足 的 空 手 回 去 。
54 他 扶 助 了 他 的 僕 人 以 色 列 ,
55 為 要 記 念 亞 伯 拉 罕 和 他 的 後 裔 , 施 憐 憫 直 到 永 遠

(Luke 1:26-56,Luke 2:1-7)

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